Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 369 Bamboo Horse Gold Master Second Form

Chapter 369 Bamboo Horse Gold Master No.12 Form (8)

"" Your principal uncle called me to tell me about you just now, you already know, right? "

After Mu Shen asked this question, Mu Bai quickly nodded.

"I already know Dad, but don't worry, I can handle everything."

"Of course I know that you can handle all of this. What I want to tell you is not about your relationship. You just need to be careful. You can't bully other girls casually. What I want to tell you is, Do you know who put your picture on the bulletin board?"

Mu Bai's father is really not worried about his son's love affairs, his main concern is that there are enemies behind his son's back, and his son doesn't know about it, or he doesn't know how to solve it.

Mu Shen felt that he should teach his son how to deal with the enemy.

Mu Bai pondered for a moment and understood what his father meant, and immediately replied: "I know what to do with my father."

What Mu Shen wanted to say next was choked up in his throat. He felt that his son was still too arrogant. Do you know how to deal with it?Don't you need to intervene yourself?

Alright, then he will take a look at his son's methods.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first and come back early."

Mu Bai nodded and said, "Okay, goodbye, Dad."

After hanging up the phone, Li Qingbao looked at the benefactor and smiled. The benefactor who was so powerful in the past will also be worried that he will be immature one day.

The gold master of the little cub is Da Da.

Mu Bai and Li Qingbao came to the school. , Uncle the principal hasn't left yet.

Li Qingbao and Mu Bai went in, and the principal looked at them for a while: "Are you willing to come back?"

Mu Bai smiled obediently, and said a few words to the principal, mainly about the punishment of the two of them. Mu Bai held Li Qingbao's hand tightly, and Li Qingbao smiled softly: "What should I do? , the headmaster can deal with it as he pleases. Don’t be selfish because of us.”

After all, the whole school knows about this matter, if it is not dealt with, or if there is even a little partiality, it will stain the principal's reputation.

No matter what the punishment is, they all admit it, but it is absolutely impossible for them to separate.

The principal also had some understanding of the two people's daring to love and hate, but the principal still explained one sentence with concern: "It can't affect the study."

Mu Bai nodded solemnly, which was also a kind reminder from the elders.

Then Mu Bai made another request to the principal, asking, "Can I take two days off?"

Li Qingbao and him.

The principal said if.If Mu Bai's father agrees, he will give them a holiday.

After finishing Mubai, I decided to go back tonight and discuss it with my father. Even if it is such a big deal to buy a house today, I need to talk to my father, but it must be sacrificed to achieve it. purpose.

It's a big thing after all.

Mu Bai sent Li Qingbao back to the hotel, but Li Qingbao tugged at Mu Bai's sleeve, unwilling to let Mu Bai leave her.

Li Qingbao's eyes were full of reluctance and nostalgia, at this moment silence speaks louder than words, even though Li Qingbao didn't say anything, Mu Bai still understood.

Mu Bai was even more reluctant.

But it seems that there is no way to change it. He can't bring Li Qingbao home.

This is not very realistic. If two people sleep together, if their parents find out, the result will be even worse.

Mu Bai was fine, but I was afraid that Li Qingbao would not be able to bear it.

Li Qingbao whimpered and said to the gold master: "I'm afraid of sleeping alone, can you let me sleep with you?"

Mu Bai immediately replied: Good.

The bottom line that was agreed upon would be defeated in front of Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao shook Mu Bai's arm happily and said, "Then you go back first, I'll climb in through your window later."

Mu Bai nodded, looking at Li Qing Bao Lisuo's movements, he knew that this person's wall-climbing skills were full, so there must be no problem.

The two walked to the gate of the community together, and then Li Qingbao followed Mu Bai and entered the gate. It was already completely dark.

Then the two broke up at the door of the house, Mu Bai went in directly from the gate, Li Qingbao climbed the wall and went directly into Mu Bai's bedroom.

Thinking that Mu Bai might have to wait a while before coming in, Li Qingbao wanted to take a bath first.

But I was too self-forgetful after washing, and today is really tiring.

Li Qingbao unexpectedly fell asleep quietly in the bathtub, and waited until Mu Bai finished talking with his parents about the situation.After handling everything smoothly, when I returned to the room, I saw my room, the window was wide open, the bathroom light was on, and there was no one on the bed.

Mu Bai knew that Li Qingbao might be taking a bath inside.

Mu Bai knocked lightly on the door, but found that there was no reply from inside. Mu Bai suddenly became anxious. Could it be that something happened to Li Qingbao inside?

Knocked on the door again, but there was still no answer, Mu Bai called softly: Baby, baby?are you in there
But Li Qingbao still didn't answer inside.

Mu Bai became anxious all of a sudden, so he could only take out the spare key, and directly opened the bathroom door, but the door clicked, waking Li Qingbao up from his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Mu Bai's figure standing in front of him, as if he was also stunned.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you.

Li Qingbao's face was immediately covered with a thin layer of red, feeling very shy and ashamed, Li Qingbao scolded Mu Bai: "Aren't you turning around?? Still watching??"

Mu Bai just woke up like a dream, and quickly turned around, but he said without admitting defeat: "Anyway, sooner or later, I want to watch it, and there is no difference between watching it now and watching it later."

Li Qing angrily stirred up some water and splashed it on Mu Bai's back.

The corners of Mu Bai's mouth curled up slightly, obviously satisfied with the current situation, then he turned around and walked out of the bathroom door: "Then I'll go out first, you hurry up and get dressed and come out."

Li Qingbao snorted coldly.Irregular stuff.

When Li Qingbao came out of the bathroom, he was only wearing Mubai's white shirt because he didn't change clothes.

Looking at Mu Bai with a slightly funny and frivolous look, he immediately stood up to the not-so-obvious airport.

Anyway, I’ve been watching it for tens of thousands of years, what’s so scary, just watch it if you want.

Li Qingbao felt that women could not lose in driving.

So he slowly approached Mu Bai: Does it look good?
The wooden board was neatly adjusted, and he looked it up and down: it looks good.

It seems that I have aged carefully, and the answer is crisp and clear, and it is from the heart.

Li Qingbao continued to play with fire, and asked again: Do you want to continue watching?

Mu Bai shook his head.

Tuck Li Qingbao into the quilt and cover it up quickly: "The weather is not very hot yet, be careful to catch a cold. I'll take a shower first."

Mu Bai stiffly ran away from the main room and walked to the bathroom.

His own baby is a goblin, which is a kind of poison to him, and he simply cannot accept the onset of this poison, even if it is a little bit deceptive.

In the end, when Mu Bai came out of the bathroom, he was still thinking about what to talk to Li Qingbao about, but he saw Li Qingbao sleeping on the bed, as sweet as a little pig.

Mu Bai really stopped thinking about everything, and soon fell into a sweet dream with Li Qingbao in his arms.

This led to a tragic consequence, that is, on the second morning, he forgot to set the alarm clock to get up earlier, and Mu Bai's biological clock failed again, and he overslept all of a sudden.

As a result, when Mu Bai opened his eyes, he saw the enlarged face of his mother.

It turned out that his mother called him to get up, only to see that there was an extra woman on his bed.

Mu Bai's mother's face was so dark that she couldn't see it.

How did my son guarantee it to them last night? ? ?

He also said that he had sense of proportion and would never bully other girls, and he also said that he would definitely not do anything, and he would definitely not do anything.

They all believed that their child was an excellent child, so Mu Bai's parents didn't interfere with this matter, but they didn't expect to see a woman on their son's bed after just one night! !

Let alone the young age of the two, these things are not conducive to health.

Just say this situation, how can I accept it as a mother? ?

Mu Bai's mother grabbed Mu Bai's ear and whispered, "Get out of here quickly. Give me an explanation!"

Mu Bai's face was only awkward for a moment, after all, his mother was very embarrassed to see this kind of thing.

But the ugly daughter-in-law will have to face her parents-in-law sooner or later. Anyway, her wife and baby will be her own family sooner or later.

You can come early or late.

Then, taking advantage of Li Qingbao's still sleepiness, it's up to him to explain to his parents, so as to avoid having a bad attitude towards Li Qingbao and causing the baby to be wronged.

Mu Bai gestured OK to his mother, then pointed to himself to change clothes, and got out of bed right away.

Mu Bai's mother went out angrily, and waited for me to explain to them when she came out.

Mu Bai's father outside the door didn't look good, he couldn't believe that his son had turned into an idiot at such a young age, a waste, a waste who only knows how to play with women.

The two sat at the dining table and waited for Mu Bai, but Mu Bai's first sentence was to tell his nanny: "Make some sweeter breakfast, prepare it first."

They were all discovered by their parents, wouldn't they have passed the bright road, so they should be aboveboard.

Mu Bai's mother suddenly became angry.

"Little bastard, do you really think you are married??? Do you know that you are still students now? Or junior high school students? What do you look like? Mom always thought you were an excellent child. Can you Master all the measures, so your mother has never interfered too much in your affairs. No matter what you do, as long as you can give a legitimate reason, your mother will agree with you, even though sometimes some things are wrong. Wrong, mom doesn't interfere, I hope you can learn from it, but now my son has become a man who will marry other girls' lives at a young age, mom thinks you have done too much, Even parents are still disappointed."

Mu Bai's mother said the last time. , and even her tone was very severe, she looked at her son and expressed her real disapproval of this matter.

Mubai's father also nodded together on the other side, he was really disappointed by his child's current performance.

He has always adopted the free-range mode of educating children. He can allow the children to waste a lot of money by themselves, or take a lot of detours to do things that he thinks are important. These words of Mu Shen never stop him, because he thinks only Let the child really go through some roads by himself, so that he can truly appreciate something.

But, at Mu Bai's young age, it doesn't matter if he falls in love, and puberty will sprout, but it shouldn't be that he doesn't care about the girl's innocence, or the girl's next life, and just put the girl to bed at will. up.

In an instant, Mu Bai's father felt that his child was really irresponsible, and he felt that his own education had really failed.

Mu Bai felt that he was really wronged, since when he did this, he was well prepared mentally.

He feels that the relationship between her and the baby is not simple, just for fun, or to fall in love. After a few days, the novelty will pass, or he feels that puberty has passed, and he may fall in love with others again. .

Tell Li Qingbao to break up, or abandon the baby.

In fact, Mu Bai has considered it.

But he doesn’t think that’s the case. He wants to really spend his whole life with the baby, and he wants to really say good night, good night, and good morning to the baby every day before going to bed, and take care of her eating and sleeping, and even all the food and daily life. , he wanted to pamper her in the palm of his hand so that she could rely on him for the rest of her life.

This is Mu Bai's truest thought, that's why he let Li Qingbao come to rest with him, if not, then Mu Bai would never let Li Qingbao come to rest.

Because he knows how important it is for a girl to be innocent, if he acts recklessly, then he will ruin a girl's life.

Mu Bai still looked seriously at his parents in front of him: "Mom and Dad, listen to my explanation, maybe you think I am still young, but I am really serious about that girl, I have never liked someone so much, Dad Mom, everyone knows that my emotions have been relatively introverted since I was a child, but the moment I saw this girl, I decided to spend the rest of my life with her. See, what you saw this morning, your son is an upright man, and he will never bully a girl."

"I have made enough preparations, and I have made enough responsible preparations. I will never empathize with him. I will even treat him wholeheartedly. I will never let her down in this life. I have made these preparations before I put it into action."

(End of this chapter)

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