Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 375 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 375 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (1)

Li Qingbao closed his eyes shyly, and Mu Bai gently lifted Li Qingbao's chin.

The crowd around burst into bursts of cheers.

A little bit of time, the past year after year.

The annual rings are getting deeper and deeper.

Li Qingbao is old, and Mu Bai is also old. The two have gray hair and wrinkled faces, but they have been in love for a long time.

Seeing that Mu Bai was lying on the bed and could no longer move, Li Qingbao stood by the bed tremblingly, took Mu Bai's hand and said softly: "Master Jin, don't worry, I will still find you in the next life." Yes. I will definitely find you. I will be with you later."

Mu Bai's eyes were a little dim, Li Qingbao and Mu Bai lay on the bed together, and the two of them closed their eyes together.

When Li Qingbao opened her eyes again, she could only feel the noise around her, which gave her a headache.

And there was a tingling pain in the back of the head, obviously the original owner was injured.

The stimulation of pain, coupled with the fact that Li Qingbao had just left Mubai and was in a bad mood, coupled with the sensitivity of some body pain, made Li Qingbao feel a little irritable in an instant.

The noise was still intensifying, Li Qingbao directly picked up an unknown object beside him, and smashed it on the ground with a loud crackling sound.

It seemed to be the sound of broken porcelain, and the surroundings became quiet.

Then the sound slowly disappeared.

Only then did Li Qingbao begin to accept the memory of the original owner.

The original owner, Li Qingbao, is really a treasure.

Although she was born in the countryside, she has 4 older brothers, and she is the only daughter in the family, and she is the old daughter of her parents, so she was doted on since she was a child.

Whatever she wants, what she wants to eat, what she wants to drink, her family has never wronged her.

Even if it's a few little nephews or nieces who don't want to eat, let him eat.

She is obviously a girl doll from the countryside, she was raised forcibly, physically weak, fair and beautiful.

In the eyes of others, in the eyes of Li Qingbao, the original owner seemed to be a perfect aunt.

It's the kind of person who relies on the love of his parents, day in and day out, to instruct his little niece to do this and that.

He is an adult, 18 years old, but he is still the kind who is lazy and doesn't even help the soy sauce bottle fall down.

It can be regarded as lazy to a certain extent, but unfortunately, it is about to reach the age of talking about marriage, but she is not satisfied with even talking about a few families. Either she looks down on others, or they look down on her.

Serious people don't want to marry an ancestor back, so those who can fall in love with her are not very good, and they are about to become an old girl if they drag on. At this time, a person who went to the countryside happened to know her, Li Yu.

The long ones are oily noodles, and they can write sour poems, which directly captured the original owner's heart.

Li Yu came here because of suffering, and had nothing to eat and live in. If he didn't see that the original owner liked it, and relying on the original owner's family, he might starve to death.

Seeing that Li Yu was about to return to the city, the original owner went to find Li Yu, wanting Li Yu to bring him back to the city, but he didn't know that this villain suddenly revealed his true colors. His body was bruised, and he also said that the original owner, the toad, wanted to eat swan meat.

The original owner was furious and fought hard, but the result was still tragic. Li Yu, that big scumbag, fought back directly. Naturally, the original owner couldn't beat him.

Later, he was still a hunter in the village, and he brought it back to Li Qingbao, which saved Li Qingbao's life.

In Li Qingbao's heart, whether it is the original owner who committed suicide or Li Yu's big scumbag, they are all very irresponsible people.

The original owner is naturally pampered and ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, but to be honest, he is also devoted to Li Yu. Even in this era of lack of food, food, food, and drink, what the family suffers together is for Li Yu to eat. As a result, Li Yu enshrined the original owner when the family was needed to help him maintain his appearance in the village.

It’s so obedient, it’s the same as not needing money, it’s just writing love poems, it’s pursuing, of course he can recover, he can go to work in the town, but he abandons the original owner, and even beats people, Li Qingbao I think this kind of scumbag should never be let go.

It should have been the original owner's four older brothers who were arguing just now, and they felt that they should bring Li Yu back and give him a beating. To be honest, no matter what, the original owner's four older brothers are still good to the original owner. .

The family loves the original owner very much.

Li Qingbao put on his clothes, opened the door and went out. The voices outside stopped abruptly. Li Qingbao glanced at the four men with similar appearance in front of him. They were mighty and majestic, and they were the original owner's four older brothers.

Their 4 names are Guotai Min'an boss Li Guo, second child Li Tai, third child Li Min, and fourth child Li An, but there is a mighty and majestic man standing opposite the four of them, taller than the original owner's four brothers .

The original owner's 4 older brothers are actually already very tall. They all have tall genes in their family. All 4 older brothers are about 1 meters tall. Li Qingbao himself is about 8 meters tall, but the one standing opposite them As for the man, it was Xia Tian who rolled up his sleeves, and he could clearly see the bronze-colored muscles arched above.

Obviously mighty and majestic, and very powerful.

On a serious face, with a long sword eyebrow, a high nose bridge, dark eyes, thick lips, these facial features look ordinary individually, but they are combined.But it makes people look very attractive.

The first time Li Qingbao saw this person, he felt a kind of familiarity from the soul. Not only did the corners of his mouth curl into a smile, it turned out that he was his benefactor.

And very coincidentally, this is the Orion who came back from the savior before, and my four brothers have been thanking each other just now.

Li Qingbao hooked the corners of his mouth, and jumped straight to him with an innocent and lively look. The brows and eyes of Orion Fenghe were curved, and the girl's eyes were full of warmth, and the braids that jumped and jumped were also shaking. Very energetic.

Not only did it attract Fenghe's attention, but the girl's voice was like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, beautiful and pleasant, Li Qingbao said slightly: "Thank you, brother Fenghe, thank you for sending me back, if it weren't for you, I might not have heard of you." dying."

"You're saving my life. You should promise me the grace of saving my life."

Li Qingbao's four older brothers really thought that their sister had finally become sensible this time, and even knew to thank her, but they didn't expect that Li Qingbao's next words almost scared them out of their wits.

Li Guo hurriedly grabbed Li Qingbao and dragged him into the room, then said to Feng He, who was also a little confused beside him: "Little brother, I'm sorry, my sister hit her head, she might be stupid, you don't have to No matter what he says, it's just gossip, don't take it to heart, don't take it to heart, my sister is really thankful to you. Thank you."

Then Li Min took out a bunch of bacon from the kitchen and handed it directly to Fenghe: "We marinated the bacon ourselves, take it back and try it out."

"I'm really thankful for today's incident. There is nothing good at home. This..."

Feng He naturally understands the meaning of this person's doing this, but because he saved the other party's sister, Feng He is not polite at all, and accepts it. If he doesn't accept it, the other party may still feel a little worried, and I really think He had plotted against his sister.

But this little lady is indeed pretty, but she is a bit stupid.

After Feng He took the meat, he said again: "Brother Li Min, I'm at home alone, and I can't serve the food well. I see that the vegetables in your backyard are growing quite well. Shall I pick the food?"

It turned out that I hadn't dealt with Fenghe before, but I didn't expect this person to be really thick-skinned, but he was not fake or twitchy. Naturally, Li Min would not be reluctant to order this dish, so he followed the trend and put on a show. He waved his hand and said, "Go and pick them. There are so many vegetables in the back, you can pick whatever you want, and as much as you want."

Who doesn't grow a la carte in the countryside, how much can you eat in the wind.

Fenghe really went there by himself, but he didn't pick much, because he couldn't eat much by himself. In the past, he used to exchange food with others because he didn't have any land. I also eat less and eat less, because after all, I am alone.

After Feng He left with a handful of vegetables, Li Guo looked at his sister, but said with a headache, "Qing Bao, how long are you going to be ignorant? Do you think the whole village is laughing at you? Isn’t it enough? Our family has become a disease of laughter. How long are you going to be ignorant? You are already 18 years old this year. What should you say? Shouldn’t you say that you don’t have any points in your heart? ?”

It was the first time that Li Guo spoke to Li Qingbao so seriously. He used to speak in a soft voice, but through this incident, he may also understand that if his sister doesn't learn to mature, outsiders may not He will not spoil him like the family members do.

However, Li Qingbao imitated the willful tone of the original book and said: "I just want to marry Fenghe, I just want to marry Fenghe, if you don't let me marry him, I will go on a hunger strike!"

Li Guoqi was so angry that he almost gave Li Qingbao a slap, but he couldn't bear to spoil his sister so much.

"Brother, I'm not joking with you. What I said is true. Li Yu, that little boy, relied on us when he was in our village. He tried to curry favor with me and us. Now as soon as he recovers, he will kill you immediately." I kicked him away and belittled me to nothing, just like this kind of scumbag I gave up on him, even if he wants to be with me again, I will not put my life in the hands of this kind of man!"

"On the contrary, it's Fenghe, sister, I've thought about it carefully, you see Fenghe has no father and no mother, he's a famous orphan, after I pass by, I don't have to serve my parents-in-law, and I don't have to serve my sister-in-law, how beautiful is this little life?" , and you can see that he is still tall, if he is righteous and responsible, he will definitely protect me in the future, if there are those who dare to provoke me, he can slap both of them."

Li Guo nodded, Feng He is indeed more powerful, although he has not had much contact with him, but every year he kills a lot of prey from the mountains, he alone heard that he even killed a tiger.

Such a person really has a sense of security, and Li Guo has to admit it when he sees Feng He's muscles just now, but he himself is envious.

But Li Guo, who realized what his sister was talking about, left suddenly and shook his head: "No, he doesn't even have any land. When you go over, you can eat and drink, and your parents will hold you in their hands. Years are not for you to treat others as a cow and a horse, to suffer."

Li Qingbao shook his head and said, "Brother, you really want to miss it. You said that if you have no land, you will have no money. No land and no money are two different concepts, okay? He hunts every day, and he eats alone, so he can't eat much. I can’t drink much, do you think where all the money he saves is in his own hands? You all think that he is poor, but I don’t think so, and you see it’s a village, so close, If I want to come back in the future, can I come back without taking two steps? No one dares to bully me, right brother? Besides, he has no father or mother. In the future, he will not treat our parents as our own parents. , It doesn’t mean that it can be done just by talking about it, brother, why don’t you go and inquire about it, you should see what he means, maybe it will be done.”

Because this era is relatively conservative, Li Qingbao can't do anything about it, so we rushed to talk to the donor about how to develop a relationship, because if he said so, he might be regarded as a prostitute.

But the simple fact is that because Fenghe lost his parents and only had a handful of strength to go hunting, he had no fields or land, so many daughters of other families were reluctant to marry him and remained single.

Now as for Li Qingbao, if he insists on marrying him, the family has nothing to do. If two people get married first and then fall in love, that is a very normal thing.

Li Guo looked at his younger sister and felt that he still had a headache. The little girl thought that she had fought to the death for another man before she came out, why she suddenly changed her mind and wanted to marry Feng He.

Li Guowo gritted her teeth: "You dead girl, I really can't control you anymore. When your parents come back, you can tell them yourself."

Seeing that Li Guo was about to leave, Li Qingbao stopped shouting again: "Brother, there is one more thing."

The little girl dragged her cute voice, making people feel a little soft-hearted, but the next moment, Li Guo still had a headache, and said in a helpless tone: "What else?"

Li Qingbao pointed to the wound on his head: "This matter, this can't be just let it go, do you see how much crime your sister has suffered this time? It's just that it can pass so plainly, and Li Yuza Men and women, how much we eat, how much we drink, these things have to be spit back, is it easy to pass? Is it for nothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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