Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 381 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 381 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (7)

"Baby, here I come."

The wind and the deep voice made Li Qingbao's ears turn red instantly, and the magnetism and depth in it made one almost feel pregnant.

Li Qingbao hummed softly. No matter how many times she got married, she was still full of excitement and anticipation. She wanted to marry this person, and wanted to be a part of this person's life.

Feng He took Li Qingbao in his arms with great strides, and then put Li Qingbao on the back of the bicycle and pushed them to the new house of the two of them. They walked around the whole village, and countless applause erupted in the village. The truth of the outsider field is correct.

It's so close to home, everyone is very envious of Li Qingbao, it's okay to be spoiled by her mother's family since she was a child, but she married such a good husband, rich and handsome, now many people think that I am really blind, I have never seen before, such a handsome guy like Feng He is still an invisible rich man dangling in front of my eyes.

But there are also quite a few people who talk bitterly, and when they get together, they say: "Li Qingbao is just a broken shoe guy. He was talking to Xu Yu and that educated youth before. Who doesn't know?" Ah, right? If you are actively marrying Fenghe now, don’t let there be any scandals. You want to cover up some facts. Otherwise, how could Fenghe, a poor boy, suddenly have the money to buy a bicycle? The money said Maybe it was funded by Lao Li's family."

You can see how dirty people are now. When you imagine how dirty it is, it will be so dirty.

But today is my big day, Li Qingbao heard all the words, but he didn't hear them, don't care about these people, Feng He is not so good-tempered, he just glanced over, the bottomless book The eyes suddenly seemed to be mixed with a sharp sword, piercing one's heart achingly.

Those who spoke bad words did not dare to say anything again, Feng He turned around and left. Those Western-style weddings have not yet formed in the countryside, they are all Chinese-style.

Feng He took Li Qingbao by the hand and listened to the master of ceremonies yelling: "New couples in love, let's worship the heavens and the earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."

"Send it to the bridal chamber..."

Then Li Qingbao entered the room, and when Fenghe went out to toast, he quietly stuffed two pieces of pastry for Li Qingbao in her wide sleeves.

"If you're hungry, take a cushion first."

The hijab on Li Qingbao's head shook his head slightly, and then Feng He went out.

He is not allowed to go out to toast, if possible, he actually wants to be with the baby every second, but this is obviously unrealistic, there are still a large number of guests waiting for him to socialize outside.

Although he doesn't have many guests, the old Li's family has a lot of people. Seven aunts and eight aunts, plus some helpers from the village, this battle is not a small one, and there are twenty or thirty Zhuo.

As the head of the family, Feng He had to support this occasion, so even though he still wanted to stay by Li Qingbao's side and guard his new wife, he had to physically do what he didn't want to do.

Li Qingbao ate the pastry silently, and then waited in the new house bored alone.

Li Qingbao and Xiao Jiu talked together: "Jiu, how many times do you think I've been married?"

Xiao Jiu raised her fingers and toes and counted, but found that she couldn't count, so she shook her head and said to Li Qingbao, "Master, I don't know, but it must have been many, many times."

Xiao Jiu came out of the system space, wrapped it lightly on Li Qingbao's wrist, and relieved her from boredom: "Master, are human beings so complicated? Why do we have to get married so many times? Don't you think it's important to get married every time?" Bored?"

Li Qingbao laughed out loud, and patted Xiao Jiu's little head: "Unless you have a spouse one day, you won't understand."

Xiao Jiu snorted and turned her little head to the side. The master despised her as a single dog again. Is it easy for me to be a single dog?

spouse! !Spouse again! !I will have a spouse sooner or later!
At that time, we don't need to eat dog food anymore? !

But even though he said so on the lips, he didn't think so at all in his heart, because his breed was rare, so it was destined to be difficult for him to have a spouse.

Xiao Jiu just had a relationship with his master, chatting and chatting, and then Feng He came back slowly when the moon was in the middle of the sky. Slightly confused, obviously drank a lot of wine.

It was the elder brother who sent him back, Li Qingbao quickly supported Fenghe, thanked the elder brother and the others, and watched the elder brother and the others leave.

After everyone else had left, the whole room was silent, only the sound of Li Qingbao and Feng He's breathing remained.

Li Qingbao slapped Feng He's hand, and said teasingly in his voice, "Stop pretending, brother, they are all gone."

Only then did Feng He quickly open his eyes, his eyes were so clear that he was still in the state of drunkenness just now.

It turned out that they were all pretended.

After Li Qingbao pointed it out, Feng He didn't feel embarrassed at all, he just smiled slightly: "I can't help it, these people are too powerful, if I don't pretend to be drunk, then I won't be able to bridal chamber tonight."

What Feng He said was very funny, but it made Li Xingbao blush.

Feng He looked at his wife who was right in front of him, and felt his chest was burning hot. He slowly approached Li Qingbao, and whispered in Li Qingbao's ear, "Baby, from now on you will be my only one!" human."

Feng He picked up the glass of wine and handed it to Li Qingbao. They quickly drank the glass of wine and started to get down to business.

Li Qingbao glared at Fenghe, but he didn't expect that this glance made Fenghe's heart almost jump out of his chest.

Li Qingbao's tears flowed out of his eyes almost uncontrollably due to the pungent taste, but Feng He couldn't take it anymore, he roared angrily, and lifted Li Qingbao up.

The mosquito net was lowered gently, blocking those disturbing mosquitoes, only the slight creaking sound of the bed could be heard.

I don’t know when a pair of birds landed on the window sill. The two birds cuddled together and walked slightly on the window sill under the charming moonlight.

The breath of the two birds clinging to each other is the true meaning of life of the two birds.

The noise over there was getting louder and louder. The bird seemed to be a little curious, and moved slightly closer. Suddenly, two hands stretched out from the mosquito net. The two hands were tightly intertwined, and the fingers were interlocked tightly without a trace. The gaps between them fit together, and the two colors of white and bronze collide, making people feel that these two interlocking hands have a harmonious beauty.

Suddenly the bird moved closer, it didn't seem to understand what the owner of this hand was doing, but the snow-white palm suddenly turned down, and it grabbed the snow-white mosquito net fiercely, and the mosquito net was churned into a mess in his hand. group.

The bird was disturbed, so it quickly vibrated its wings and flew a little farther with his wife.

The two birds are walking slowly under the moonlight, very intimate. From time to time, the male bird combs the female bird's feathers with his beak, and his wings tremble from time to time to cuddle up to each other. Faced with such a scene, the moon seems to be ashamed. up the clouds.

The night is still long.

When he woke up the next morning, Li Qingbao coughed a couple of times, his throat was so uncomfortable, it seemed like something was mixed in.

As soon as Feng He heard the noise, he hurried in with a water basin, poured water for Li Qingbao, served Li Qingbao to drink, then wiped Li Qingbao's face and washed, and helped Li Qingbao sit up straight , bring it over here early.

It feels like taking care of someone who is seriously ill. It seems that the other party is dying, so I help the other party organize every moment of basic necessities of life.

Li Qingbao glared at Feng He, as if he was very dissatisfied with last night, but Feng He said in a low voice, "Baby, if you look at me like this again, I'm not sure I won't contradict you."

Li Qingbao wanted to ask me but didn't say anything, why are you contradicting me.

But the next moment she stopped talking suddenly, the blush on her face spread directly from the tips of her ears to her entire face, Li Qingbao didn't say anything anymore, just ate her breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, Li Qingbao fell asleep again. He had no choice but to be too tired. He didn't wake up until mid-afternoon.

I had lunch again and went out for a stroll with Fenghe, and soon it was night again, the moon was sparse, and there were many insects screaming around, but Li Qingbao was unwilling to step into that house anyway, their new home.

Feng He saw Li Qingbao's fear, and smiled very gently: "Don't worry, I'm still restrained, I won't do anything this time, your body needs to recover."

Li Qingbao still unconditionally trusts what the patron said, since most of the patrons said so, then Li Qingbao nodded: "I believe you once."

But the benefactor is really the benefactor, and what he said will never be invalidated. Although he endured it, he didn't move.

A night of peace and sleepless nights, and soon it was time to return home for three days. These three days, Li Qingbao and Feng He seemed to have spent a honeymoon period. The two were very happy, sticking together every day, not at all Feel tired.

And Li Qingbao really lived the life of a pig, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, basically no other recreational activities.

Feng He took care of her like taking care of a crippled person, never letting her reach out her hand if she could.

As for the etiquette for going back today, Fenghe has already prepared it. In addition to the four-color ceremony according to the custom, Fenghe also prepared the hares and pheasants he killed on the mountain, and then cut some pork. , took a bunch of them eloquently, and finally Fenghe had to push a cart to take all these things to Li Qingbao's house.

When the two of them walked back to the village, they naturally met many passers-by on the road. They all looked at Li Qingbao and Fenghe and knew that today was the day for them to return home.

As a result, many people looked at Feng He taking the big and small bags home, and couldn't help but envy Li Qingbao even more. It seemed that all the good luck had come to this person. She had nothing to do since she was young. No matter what hardships she has suffered, she still has to be pampered all the time. The other girls are doing laundry and cooking, but Li Qingbao is studying which one to wear tomorrow's new clothes.

Everyone said enviously, "Qingbao is going home."

Li Qingbao nodded and called out very politely.

The other party exaggeratedly said: "Oh, your parents are really blessed to take so many things."

Li Qingbao smiled and exchanged pleasantries with others. Hearing this kind of words along the way, there are 100 if not dozens, so it is not surprising.

As for Li Qingbao's parents, they brought a few daughters-in-law with them early in the morning, cleaned up the house, and waited for the son-in-law to come back.

They also arranged for some skinny boys to wait at the door. When he saw Li Qingbao's figure from a distance, Qingbao saw his little nephew, rushed back into the house, and shouted in his loud voice. : "My aunt is back, my aunt is back, and my uncle is back too!!"

Li Qingbao took a few quick steps, and saw the next step. The old mother who was walking towards the door hurried up and held her up: "Mom, I told you, I'll be back soon, and it's so close. Bulu, why did you come out to pick me up, sit back quickly."

Brother Li Qingbao and the others helped Fenghe carry things together. Seeing Fenghe take the big and small bags home, he knew that the married life of the two must be very happy.

So the brothers were a little relieved.

When the men went out to chat about men, Li Qingbao chatted with Wang Dahua in the house, and the sisters-in-law went to the kitchen to prepare meals. The meals for the day when they returned home should not be sloppy at all, so at least a large table should be set up and cooked. There are a lot of meals, and some dishes are more complicated, so it is natural to prepare them earlier, otherwise, it will not be delicious at noon.

Wang Dahua was looking at Li Qingbao in the room, her complexion was ruddy. She didn't know what happened these two days, as if she had seen Li Qingbao gain a lot of weight, she knew that she must not have been treated at the uncle's house. Wronged.

When Wang Dahua looked at her daughter, she finally felt relieved.

"Feng He is good to this uncle, and Feng He is good to this person. If it weren't for Feng He, Mom is really worried about you marrying Xu Yu."

Seeing that scumbag, Li Qingbao was a little bit disappointed: "Mom, why are you mentioning her? Isn't this a disappointment?"

In Wang Dahua's heart, the daughter said what she wanted to give away, and when the daughter said that she couldn't mention this person, Wang Dahua stopped mentioning it and changed the subject: "Qing Bao, you have lived with my uncle for two or three days now, how is Feng He?" , are you diligent or not, do you usually help you with things? Are you tired of working alone? Will you know how to do some things? You cook, and you still have to cook a meal for her when the man comes back. Otherwise, wouldn’t it hurt her heart? As a wife, you should also take on the obligations of a wife, you know? Mom and Dad used to spoil you, That's treating you like a daughter, now you, as a wife, understand your own obligations, and you can't just ask for it, so that the marriage can last..."

Li Qingbao also listened carefully to Wang Dahua Balabala teaching her daughter how to survive, whether it was suitable or not, it was all the motherly love of her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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