Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 383 The third formula of the Orion gold master

Chapter 383 Orion Gold Master No.13 Formula (9)

If there is, Wang Dahua will not hide the crime for her daughter, so I am sorry for this person.

She can't harm others just because she loves her daughter. If Li Qingbao really has one, then she still has to follow suit and make it clear.

After thinking about it, Wang Dahua nodded and said, "Qing Bao is still feeling a little uncomfortable, now Feng He will come with me and take Qing Bao to the hospital to have a look."

Li Qingbao looked helpless at Wang Dahua. If she was not allowed to check it once, she seemed really unwilling to give up.

Seeing Wang Dahua's determined look, Li Qingbao herself became suspicious. Li Qingbao peeped around her body with her spiritual sense. She was a little afraid that it was the evil spirit of heaven, so Li Qingbao carefully looked around again and again. lock up.

There was nothing in her own womb, and there were no embryos or signs of life.

Li Qingbao repeatedly confirmed that her uterus really did not have any embryos, and there were no signs of life.

So Li Qingbao agreed to take Wang Dahua and Fenghe to the hospital, but after the hospital examination, the examination results shocked Li Qingbao's teeth.

The hospital showed that Li Qingbao was pregnant, and she was two months pregnant.

Li Qingbao's expression at that time was like this.


Wang Dahua slapped Li Qingbao on the face.

But fortunately, it was blocked by Feng He.

He stood in front of Li Qingbao and looked at Wang Dahua with a protective attitude.

Wang Dahua was trembling with anger, and pointed at Li Qingbao with a distressed look: "You have disappointed me so much, Qingbao, how could you do such a thing? You go home with me immediately, no matter what All the previous betrothal gifts or something, return them all to Fenghe. You go home!!"

Wang Dahua is obviously a messenger of justice. She does not allow her daughter to harm Fenghe. She was not clean when she married Fenghe. stepfather.

Li Qingbao is completely confused by this matter now, she is not pregnant at all, but.

The hospital actually said that she was pregnant. Li Qingbao glanced at the sky. Needless to say, this must be a ghost of heaven. It must be the reason why a person can become pregnant from not pregnant. He wants to tear himself apart to follow suit. and.

At least now, no matter what others think, no matter what others think, what Li Qingbao is most worried about now is Feng He's reaction. Li Qingbao glanced at Feng He, and his usually expressionless face turned out to be serious.

Some storms even gathered in the bottomless eyes, which made Li Qingbao's heart skip a beat.

So the benefactor believed it, believed that he was pregnant, so he might also guess that he and Xu Yu might have an ambiguous relationship, and then he couldn't wait to marry him?
But there is no way to explain this matter. Fenghe is now a native of this world. He lives in this world and has all the thoughts of this world.

Moreover, there was no problem at first when Li Qingbao was blunt and wanted to marry Fenghe soon, but now after this kind of thing happened, thinking about it, it was almost too problematic.

This is a kind of reasoning, which is most in line with the reasoning that everyone would think about now. Li Qingbao wanted to explain in detail, but Zhang Zhangkou didn't know where to start.

And now there is Wang Dahua standing beside him, if he wants to say something mysterious, Wang Dahua will definitely not believe it, and it will definitely reveal that he is not Wang Dahua's daughter.

Li Qingbao has two big heads.

What to do now?
Li Qingbao looked at Feng He and said dryly, "Do you believe me? I'm not pregnant."

Feng He didn't say a word, Li Qingbao could almost hear his own heartbroken voice.

She knew who would put this matter on her, and no one would believe it, but he still had some extravagant hopes, thinking in his heart that his benefactor was very different, and he would give 100% without reservation or condition. % Trust every word you say with all your heart.

If it is the patron master, it will definitely be possible, but when it is the patron master who has no memory and is affected by this world, Li Qingbao really hesitates, even uncertain.

Moreover, all these confidence and courage were gradually weakened in Feng He's silence, and Li Qingbao couldn't express his current inner thoughts.

On the one hand, she feels that it is normal for Fenghe not to believe it now, but on the other hand, she feels that this seems to have drawn a huge gap in her heart. Every time she gets along with Fenghe in the future, she will think of this gap, and it will be difficult to overcome.

He had a way to prove his innocence, but Feng He's disbelief at this moment made her feel that her whole heart was broken into two pieces, dripping with blood, and excruciatingly painful.

Feng He's voice was slightly hoarse, he looked like a nurse at the side, and said softly: "Can you help us check again?"

He made his request.

The nurse nodded: "Of course."

You can do anything with money.

But Li Qingbao didn't want to do it again, she didn't know the meaning of doing it again, she felt as if she was insulted here, Li Qingbao threw away Feng He's hand.

The voice was a little cold, the expression on the face was even colder, the eyes were full of desolation, and the only starlight seemed to be dimmed: "I don't want to do it, I want to go home."

Feng He suddenly grabbed Li Qingbao's shoulders and pulled him into his arms. When he smelled the familiar Leng Xiang's embrace again, Li Qingbao's nose was sour and he almost couldn't shed tears. down.

Countless emotions were intertwined in her heart, and he felt that he was in unspeakable suffering now.

Li Qingbao felt that this embrace used to make him feel very warm, but now this embrace makes him feel nothing but pain.

Li Qingbao didn't know what he was suffering from, but suddenly the tears seemed out of his control, but he didn't expect that Feng He didn't comfort him, he patted her head and said, "Don't make trouble. "

Li Qingbao twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling endless irony, what do you mean by making trouble.

What happened to him?He did nothing.

Li Qingbao feels that his heart is like being fried in a frying pan. The scalding hot oil explodes in his heart, allowing his heart to gradually decompose in the hot oil, causing the moisture to slowly disappear. , and then became dry, and even started to bubbling violently because of the high temperature.

He couldn't help fantasizing, if he changed places with Feng He, if such a thing happened to Feng He, would he believe it or not? ?
Li Qingbao only got one answer, that is, she would stand in front of Fenghe without hesitation, and retort for him: All of this is impossible, and then going to maintain Fenghe is nothing in his eyes. , something more important than the donor, no matter what Da Da said or not, he believes in things that this person will not do, and he firmly believes in and stands in front of the other party unswervingly.

But now Fenghe's attitude felt like a fatal blow to him, he didn't expect Fenghe not to believe in himself.

It doesn't matter if Wang Dahua wants to hit herself, all this can't hurt herself at all, because there is only Fenghe in her world.

Others are people he built outside the city wall, those people want to hurt themselves, so what, because they can't touch themselves at all, they are sealed outside the city wall, but Fenghe, he is inside the city wall , standing next to Li Qingbao, possessing the sharpest weapon in the world, and what he stabbed into Li Qingbao's body was dripping with blood.

Painful feelings were shouting in her head, he could hear no sound.

Only Feng He's calm, calm tone came to his mind, what did Feng He say?

Li Qingbao was stunned for a second before he could hear clearly. He said, "Try again, so we can find out what the murderer wants to do."

Li Qingbao's blank mind suddenly flashed a white light, as if a thunderbolt had struck her mind, creating a way out deep in her mind.

All the pain just now, all the emotions that Li Qingbao wanted to vent, disappeared in an instant. Those pains were all imprisoned in his mind. Li Qingbao felt that it was the love and endless warmth behind him.

What did Feng He say?

These two sentences kept flashing in Li Qingbao's mind, wanting to analyze what they mean?
But the meaning is obvious. The reason why Feng He wants her to explore again is to find out who is dealing with them behind the scenes.

This shows one thing, he never believed in the fact that he was pregnant from beginning to end, he didn't believe it, and you are already secretly planning how to find the murderer.

There was no reminder just now, and he explained to himself, probably because he might feel that the student was nearby, and this person believed everything he said from beginning to end.

After comprehending the meaning contained in this sentence, all the disappointment and pain in Li Qingbao's mind before disappeared, replaced by joy and joy, those happy emotions accompanied by the body temperature behind him, flowed continuously Pass it to your heart, pour it into fireworks that explode with countless thoughts.

The bright and gorgeous explosion sounded in my mind, and it was full of wind and feelings for me.

For the first time, Li Qingbao felt guilty. He felt that when he thought about Fenghe, he might doubt him. It was a kind of distrust for Fenghe.

Feng He is far from being as unbearable as he imagined, but he is the one who is unbearable.

It's because I didn't believe in Fenghe, so I felt that Fenghe would not trust me, so compared with Fenghe's trust, I was simply...

Li Qingbao quickly answered Feng He's question, and then held Feng He's hand tightly, but Feng He returned a smile to Li Qingbao, and there was nothing but deep affection in those eyes.

Almost nothing else can be seen, all are Li Qingbao's shadows, in Fenghe's world there is only Li Qingbao.

Li Qingbao understood now, she held Feng He's hand tightly, approached Feng He gently, and whispered a word in his ear, after which Feng He's eyes brightened slightly.

Then she looked at Wang Dahua, turned around and said softly to Wang Dahua: "Mom, no matter what's going on, let's go back first. I believe Qing Bao is not such a person, she won't lie to me."

When he said this, the guilty expression on Wang Dahua's face became more and more serious. He felt that the hospital's research results would never be wrong, so Li Qingbao must have done something ugly, even though he didn't want to believe it. For such a thing, he wanted to believe his daughter, but the iron-like evidence was in front of him.

The hospital's examination report is in her hand. Although she is illiterate, she still recognizes a few words occasionally. If the doctor said something like pregnancy, then she is really...

She also thought of countless testimonies, trying to defend her daughter, but none of them stood up.

This feeling is simply terrible.

In an instant, Wang Dahua seemed to have aged several years, and her pale face seemed to have lost any previous blood.

She said to Fenghe guiltily: "You don't have to cover it up for her anymore. I know she has done some things and just did it. It is our family who is sorry for you. You gave her all the gifts and expenses at our house, I It will be returned to you, Qing Bao, and we will take it back too, and you two will act as if nothing happened in the future."

Wang Dahua would never allow her daughter to impose this kind of thing on an innocent person, but she couldn't blame her daughter. She decided to bring her daughter back and return the things that were used by others. Give it to others, she will raise her daughter no matter how hard or tired she is, anyway, she has raised her daughter for more than ten years, and he can raise her for decades until he dies.

Hidden behind Wang Dahua's reprimand was Wang Dahua's, how could Li Qingbao not feel the sincerity of Wang Dahua's towards his daughter, but these things are strange to say the least.

He couldn't explain it to Wang Dahua, because when he explained it to Wang Dahua by any non-scientific means, it represented a piece of evidence, that is, it was not the original owner, so this secret must not be revealed.

But all the scientific methods were taken over by the Dao of Heaven. No matter if Li Qingbao went to any smart doctor or advanced hospital for examination, the only result she got was this one, that was, she was two months pregnant.

So in this situation, Li Qingbao was helpless, he could give, he could follow suit and explain, but he couldn't explain to Wang Dahua.

The three of them left the hospital first, Li Qingbao could only keep telling Wang Dahua that she really hadn't done anything insulting to the family, and she was not pregnant, but Wang Dawang waved his hand, not wanting to listen to any sophistry. .

Because of the report card in his hand, he couldn't feel suspicious at all. The hospital they were looking for didn't know them. No one would frame someone for someone they didn't know, let alone Wang Dahua. Think about this aspect.

All he could think of was the mistakes his daughter had made to hide himself.

Wang Dahua looked at Fenghe again with apologetic eyes, and then followed Fenghe and said: "I am very sorry, we will bear all the responsibilities for what we did this time."

(End of this chapter)

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