Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 385 Orion Gold Master's Third Form

Chapter 385 Orion Gold Master No.13 Form (End)

The second thing is that even if Feng He doesn't believe it, the news about the two of them will cause a lot of trouble for the two of them after it gets out.

Gossip is not something everyone can stand.

External pressure, internal destruction, Li Qingbao looked up at the sky, the other party really took great pains.

Li Qingbao turned cold, stepped forward and kicked him to the ground, then dragged Xu Yu by the collar and dragged him directly into his yard.

In order to prevent this person from appearing in front of him once and for all, a tyrannical light flashed in Li Qingbao's eyes. Seeing Feng He's heart skip a beat, he quickly grabbed Li Qingbao's extended hand and moved Li Qingbao ahead of time. Qing Bao held her arms in her arms, and said in a comforting voice, "...Don't!...Don't stain it like this, it will stain your own hands, and it will be more troublesome to solve it."

For a moment, Feng He almost thought that Li Qingbao was going to kill Xu Yu, but he didn't expect that Li Qingbao just shook his head, then pushed Feng He away and stood by Xu Yu's side.

Feng He quickly went to close the courtyard door, and was even ready to take the blame for Li Qingbao, or was thinking about how to get Li Qingbao off, how the two of them could leave.

But he never thought that Li Qingbao just held his hand slightly above Xu Yu's head for about tens of seconds.

When Li Qingbao pulled her hand away again, a trace of CDs seemed to flash in her hand, but now was not the time to entangle these, Li Qingbao kicked Xu Yu who was like a dead fish, and let Feng He Take people out and throw them farther away.

When Fenghe came back, Li Qingbao gave an explanation before he could ask, "I smoked his memory, and he will never think of me again, and he will never come again." Make trouble."

After being surprised for a moment, Feng He silently accepted it. Since last night, he knew that his wife was unusual.

But there was no sign of fear, just calm.

He gently held Li Qingbao's hand, and told Li Qingbao softly about his future plans.

I feel that he has to think about his wife in the future, and he has to work hard to make progress.

"I want to contract a piece of land and build a greenhouse. Many people haven't discovered it yet, but I have a friend who came back from the south. They said that the greenhouse technology has been perfected, and now it is used to grow vegetables and fruits out of season. It's the best. You can also go to be a bad guy, but if you go back and forth, you may have to leave your side. Although the money is quicker this way, I don't want it. If you go with me, you will have to suffer again., I I can't bear to..."

Feng He took Li Qingbao's hand and walked slowly forward, like a flat road.

Especially on this road, he will hold Li Qingbao's hand and keep walking.

The cool voice like the wind blew past his ears, and let Li Qingbao know that he must have a place in the future described by Jin Zhuda.

"Okay, no matter what you do, I'll be with you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if all the thousands of colors in the world had lost their original colors and turned into black and white, only the brightest one remained in place.

When Li Qingbao opened her eyes again, she felt as if she had come to a slightly different place.

There is a soft cushion under the body, and the tip of the nose is full of longyan fragrance. The body is tired and heavy, which is a sign of overwork.

Open your eyes, you can see the thick beams and a pair of white jade porcelain vases with colorful plum blossoms in front of you.

I was lying on a soft couch, and there was an invisible person behind me. A pair of slender hands were rubbing my temples, gently massaging, and the massage points and strength were very accurate and very comfortable. .

That's why the original owner fell asleep unknowingly.

The environment seemed to be safe, Li Qingbao thought for a while and continued to close his eyes and accept the memory of the original owner, but the person behind him suddenly froze, and then returned to his previous appearance again.

Continue rubbing and massaging Li Qingbao's acupuncture points, as if she didn't feel the slightest bit.

He didn't know that Li Qingbao was asleep, and he didn't know that Li Qingbao had woken up and fell asleep again. When the breath of his subordinates became long again.

When the person behind him slowly let go, the red dress looked like blood.

It also seems to have the hottest color in the world.

And when Li Qingbao went there at this time, he was spying on the memory of the original owner.

This turned out to be a dynasty of women.

The original owner Li Qingbao is really the emperor of this world, but he is a puppet emperor.

When the first emperor was alive, he had two favorite princesses, and the original owner was the most useless and mediocre one among them.

But it may be because of mediocrity that he survived, and that was when the two princes fought to the death for the throne and were on their way to a dead end.

The original owner didn't intervene, and never had a desire for this position, but never thought that the two of them would end up hurt and both fell.

And the supporters of the two imperial daughters, in order to prevent the throne from falling into the hands of others, actually united and surrendered all the imperial daughters.

But because the two of them couldn't agree on who should own the throne, and they didn't want to hurt both sides to take advantage of others, and they didn't want to be stigmatized, they actually chose Li Qingbao, the most moderate person, and pushed her to the throne, hoping to get a chance to breathe.

The first emperor died, and his biggest opponent died, but Li Qingbao was pushed to the throne as a puppet. If he wanted to continue to live, he had to live between the two forces.

And these two powerful figures are the left and the right.

The two could be said to be evenly matched, and in the end both sides suffered losses. The two princes died, but the power of the two survived. Even the former emperor died. The original owner does not know what secrets are hidden in this, but the coincidence is definitely not accidental.

As an imperial daughter, the original owner didn't think about it when she was not in this position, but once she was in this position, what she was thinking about was protecting her country and the people of Liming.

He also had aspirations for the throne, but his passion could not meet the reality after all. His mother clan was weak and there was no one around him to support him.

So he was firmly in the hands of the two big bosses. For so many years, even if it was a day of careful planning, he carefully wanted to kill the two of them, but the method was too mediocre, but he still failed.

On the contrary, the mother clan was also tossed in by him.

There is only one old lady left, and the others are basically dead.

As a lonely puppet emperor.

His greatest dissatisfaction is that he failed to escape from the hands of the two people, and failed to give stability to the country, because the ambitions of the two people were exposed more and more, and they might want to overthrow the country. This is still a trivial matter. Fighting among the people, and even colluding with foreign enemies in the end, killing and injuring thousands of people, this is intolerable to the original owner.

And why did the original owner die tonight?

Li Qingbao opened his eyes and looked at the person behind him who was rubbing his temples.

This is his husband, queen, named Baishu.

In fact, Bai Shu's identity is quite special, he is the son of a mighty general.

A family of mighty generals, full of loyalty.But he became a victim of the struggle.

When the original owner was fighting with the two prime ministers, they even implicated the mighty general, and even handed him over with trumped-up charges. The original owner killed the nine clans of the mighty general, and the only one left was the queen, Bai Shu.

Even though his eyes are closed, Li Qingbao can still feel the resentment and murderous intent leaked from the queen behind him towards him. How could he like a king who has wiped out his whole family? If he didn't kill him Just fine.

So Li Qingbao's eyes drifted leisurely into the front of the censer, which was lit with thick ambergris, but if she smelled it herself, she could smell a little dark floating smell inside.

If there is no accident, the original owner should have died in this furnace.

Li Qingbao had a thought in an instant, and behind it was his benefactor.

With just a momentary touch, it can feel the soul breath from the other party.

The difficulty is getting more and more difficult, and the gold master has become his eternal enemy. Li Qingbao must find a way to break this stalemate.

Li Qingbao stood upright abruptly, walked up to the censer in a few strides, and knocked over the censer with a wave of his sleeve.

The bang sound fell on the dull carpet, and there was only a bang.

There were only Li Qingbao and Bai Shu in the room, and the queen outside the door heard the noise, knocked on the door quickly and asked, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Li Qingbao had a slightly magnetic voice.With a bit of majesty and domineering: "It's okay, it's just that I accidentally knocked over the incense burner."

Seeing Bai Shu's pale face for a moment, Li Qingbao couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Bai Shu's eyes were fixed on the censer. He didn't tell anyone about it. He planned it all by himself from the beginning to the end. If Li Qingbao died, the incense like the censer would disappear. The fragrance will be dissipated along the wind.

The spices were also burned out, and the imperial doctor couldn't find out the waste under the ruins. Moreover, Li Qingbao died very peacefully. The poison in his body would stimulate his heart, making it appear that he died from overwork. There is no other reaction at all.

Such a simple and bold strategy, but there are no omissions, but what he didn't expect was that Li Qingbao saw through it! !

Where is the problem, what now?
To kill, to beg for mercy, or to escape?
Maybe there is still the mood of breaking the boat, Bai Shu thought, if you give yourself a chance now, pick up the sword and send it into the chest of this stupid king, maybe everything is over.

But Li Qingbao walked aside, opened the windows, and then waved lightly to Bai Shu who was on the side. Bai Shu hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards Li Qingbao. He didn't want to until the last moment. Giving up the position of empress was not because of greed for vanity, but because of his enemies. Besides Li Qingbao, there were two other most important left and right prime ministers.

It took only a moment for Bai Shu to sort out his thoughts clearly, and gave a strong emotional reaction. He knelt on the ground with trembling knees.His face was pale, and his eyes were filled with tears from fear.He looked at the person in front of him pitifully.The whole person seemed pure and innocent: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with the incense burner?"

Bai Shu actually went to ask this question in person, so it can be seen that his wrists must be very clean, even if Li Qingbao went to check, he would definitely not find anything, not to mention that Li Qingbao himself has a small number of people.

Li Qingbao just lay on the soft couch, pulled Bai Shu's hand, and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the back of Bai Shu's hand, his voice was steady, without any waves, but with some domineering affirmation: " You want to kill me?"

When Bai Shu was asked this question, his heart sank, but he didn't know how to answer him. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed in fear: "What's wrong with the emperor's incense burner? If there is any problem, you trust my concubine, and my concubine has never done anything. No matter how stupid the concubine is, she will never poison her own palace. The concubine dare not murder the emperor, so I beg your Majesty to find out the truth and declare my innocence in vain."

However, Li Qingbao blocked Bai Shu's head from continuing to knock down, pinched Bai Shu's chin, looked up at Bai Shu with his whole head and said, "You hate me."

This time it is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

Bai Shu suddenly didn't know what to say, no matter what, the person in front of him was an emperor.

The majesty of the emperor made Baishu unable to refuse, and Li Qingbao said softly: "I am the one who issued the imperial edict, but you must know that in this whole incident, I only issued an order, and this is still in the There is no purpose under the condition of autonomy. It is really forced. There is no other choice except this. Whether it is the evidence of your Bai family or the framing, it has nothing to do with me, but if there is something to do with it, it is me. Too incompetent to keep his subjects."

"It is true that I have also found countless people, trying to save the old general Bai and all the people in your Bai family, but they are all in vain. You know, it is far from possible that the manpower in my hands is as good as the two prime ministers. Resist. But all this is not in vain, I saved your two little sisters. They are staying in a safe place now, if you need, you can bring them over to show you .”

Bai Shu just wanted to say that Li Qingbao was hypocritical, but then he couldn't believe it, seeing what Li Qingbao said, he knew what Li Qingbao said.

Li Qingbao is an emperor, but his skills as an emperor are mediocre, how could he be the opponent of two old foxes?
In any case, this is a battle of great disparity in strength, even if the emperor wants to save the Bai family, he is powerless.

But no matter what, this cannot deny the fact that the emperor ordered to kill so many people in their Bai family. Although this excuse is very reluctant, and the emperor is just a puppet, the revenge of Baishu should start from the weak, he had better approach It was the emperor, he was going to kill the emperor first, and then kill the two prime ministers.

But he never put all of this in front of him like the emperor, and even brought him a big surprise.own two sisters.

Bai Shu's whole body shook twice, then he looked at Li Qingbao in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "What the emperor said is true??"

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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