Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 484 Gold Master 2 Types

Chapter 484: Golden Lord’s Twenty Forms (20)

"Hey, we know."

After Li Qingbao's parents' knots were resolved, the family happily prepared to decorate the new house.

It was actually the first decoration.The kitchen was the biggest problem. First, they had to knock down a wall and found a worker to come over, but when the worker knocked on the wall, Li Qingbao suddenly walked over.

The main reason is that Guanchengxing was standing here before, helping the master to pass the tools.

Then Li Qingbao just heard Guanchengxing's cell phone ringing again, because it is not suitable for working on these phones, otherwise the screen will be broken.

So Guanchengxing put the phone aside, when Li Qingbao went out, he saw the phone ringing and sent it to Guanchengxing.

Because he is still a big president after all, what if something important happens, right?
Li Qingbao didn't care about the surrounding situation at all, he just ran forward so stupidly, and then shook his mobile phone at Guanchengxing while running.

"President. Your phone is ringing."

"President, someone is calling you."

Li Qingbao wanted to hand over the phone, but he didn't see Guancheng Xing.Terrified eyes.

The master here was knocking on the corner of the wall to make a hole.Just when Li Qingbao came over, the whole wall started to fall down.

Just looking at this wall helplessly, it was about to hit him, but Li Qingbao only felt that his brain was blank, and he didn't know how to react at all.

The master inside the wall also seemed to notice something unusual.

He quickly stretched out his head to look at it. When he saw this scene, he wanted to stretch out his hands to bring the wall back, but it was impossible. He couldn't move such a large cement slab by himself.

then.The master could only watch helplessly as such a big wall faced Li Qing and smashed the little girl down. Many people present had gone too far, expressing that they couldn't bear to watch this scene, including Li Qingbao's Mom and Dad screamed excitedly for a moment.


Guanchengxing was the only one with a serious look on his face, and then everyone could only see a quick afterimage remaining in the air, and then Guanchengxing directly carried Li Qingbao out, followed by a loud crash.

The front wall fell to the ground with a clatter, and broke into pieces one by one. Some construction waste was just scattered on the ground, and a puff of white smoke floated in the air, which was dust.

Li Qingbao was lying in the coffin in shock, Guan Chengxing's hand was still holding Li Qingbao tightly to prevent him from falling.

Li Qingbao only felt that his heart was beating very fast, but he didn't understand why Guanchengxing could run to his side so quickly in a flash just now, and rescued himself.

My body, including my thoughts, didn't even react to what happened.

"You,, how do you run so fast??"

The mobile phone was still ringing harshly, and it was beating happily in Li Qingbao's hands, but now no one had time to control the mobile phone. Guan Chengxing hugged Li Qingbao into his arms, his expression It stinks, with residual panic and fear on his face.

Guanchengxin felt that when he thought about what happened just now, if he hadn't had time to bring Li Qingbao back.

What is waiting for Li Qingbao?
Li Qingbaosheng might be crushed to pieces by these stones.

When Guan Chengxing thought of this scene, he felt that he was really going crazy. She looked at Li Qingbao seriously.

"Do you know what you were doing just now?"

Li Qingbao was very touched at first, because Guanchengxing felt like saving his life after a catastrophe. He felt scared, and then his eyes turned slightly red, but when Guanchengxing was so fierce all of a sudden, Li Qingbao The tears in Qing Bao's eyes couldn't help but flow down.

Li Qingbao felt that besides being afraid, there were many grievances.

Li Qingbao said very aggrieved.

"Your phone is ringing, I'll come and give you the phone."

When Li Qingbao said these words, her own voice was very small, and there was deep grievance in it, which made people feel distressed.

And after Li Qingbao finished saying this, Li Qingbao turned around and stopped looking at Guancheng Xingfei, as if he was a bit petty, and put the phone directly in Guanchengxing's hand.

"I gave you the phone, I'm leaving."

Li Qingbao felt that an employee of a small company shouldn't be angry with the president, but now she seemed to be unable to bear it. For some reason, it was as if there was a ball of anger in her chest.

But he was a little sour, but he couldn't help but lose his temper.

Who is he in such a hurry for?Wasn't it because of his broken cell phone that he was almost injured, and even lost his life, and he should have done it, but now he turned out to be fierce again.

Li Qingbao thinks this is a dog man.

When Guan Chengxing saw that you, Li Qingbao, were about to leave, he also became angry.

As soon as he grabbed Li Qingbao's hand, his face was even more ugly and gloomy, and water was about to drip, his eyes were full of endless anger.

Guanchengxing threw the phone directly on the ground, and with a bang, the phone broke into two halves.

"How many times do you want me to tell you? When you walk and do things, can you take a look at the surrounding environment, can you pay attention to your own safety, can you not get hurt, in case I was not there just now, Have you ever thought about what kind of consequence you will end up with yourself?"

"Do you think this is scolding you? This is feeling sorry for you. Is the mobile phone important? The mobile phone is not important at all, you are important!!"

Guan Chengxing was furious, he looked at the little woman in front of him, she wished she could step forward and tear her apart.

what is going on?Why don't you listen to what you say?Why can't I understand what I want to say?

The masters around also rushed up to take a look. This situation is getting more and more chaotic. It is the master who is stretching out, and people are getting angry, and even have conflicts because of it. Qing Bao apologized.

The main reason is that Qing Bao is pitiful here, there are some grievances and some pity, such a little girl can't always be fierce, right?
So the master also stepped forward to apologize sincerely to Guan Cheng, and then wanted to say something nice to Guan Chengxing.

"Ah, this matter is also partly our responsibility. We didn't check it properly during the construction, and we forgot to put up the danger signs. We were thinking about our own home, so we didn't think about it. We will definitely do it next time. It will be better and more complete, we will first put up a danger sign next to it, um, so that people can see clearly when they come over.”

"In addition, next time we will find someone to look outside to confirm that it is safe and correct, and then we will start everything. It is indeed part of our responsibility. This little girl is also young, so she is a bit reckless. This It’s not really his fault, let’s take responsibility for this matter, that is, we can deduct some wages from our wages, okay?”

It can be said that the master tried his best to say this. .

To be honest, there are actually very few masters who are so dedicated now. They think that they can shirk their responsibilities and shirk their responsibilities. How can someone take the responsibility on their own initiative?
More and more people gathered here, and Li Qingbao's parents also came over.

There are more and more people, Li Qingbao feels more and more embarrassed, and he himself is wronged, he already knows that he is wrong, but in fact, he was already very scared just now, at this time he should comfort himself instead of yelling at himself. Yelling.

If Guan Chengxing could comfort him, then he would be responsible for the mistakes in his life, but now he is yelling at himself, but in the case of so many people, Li Qingbao feels that there will be no resurgence.

Li Qingbao felt that Guancheng Xing was extremely annoying.

So when Li Qingbao lost face, Li Qingbao didn't want to talk to Guanchengxing, and turned around. He didn't want to talk to teasing Guanchengxing at all, he wanted to turn around and leave, and here Li Xinbao The faces of my parents are also very ugly.

"President, we know that you may have a little relationship with my daughter, but my daughter has never accepted anyone's face since she was a child, and she has never seen anyone's face, nor has she been scolded by anyone. The petite little girl who grew up in the palm of my hand is not for you to scold!"

This is what Li Qingbao's father said.

"Qing Bao is just a little coquette. If you can accept him, you can accept him. If you can't, then forget it. Don't scold him casually. None of us parents ever scolded him. Why do you have it?"

"You are a big CEO, we are our Qing Bao is a small employee, if you say you want him to do it, let him do it, if you don't want him to do it, just let him go, it's not like we can't afford it she."

"Why do you show your face to anyone like this? Our Qibao didn't follow you to be angry!"

What Li Qingbao's mother said about this matter, I didn't expect such a gentle and gentle mother to say it. Such blunt words are mainly for Li Qingbao's injustice. Her daughter has never been hurt in the palm of her hand since she was a child. The grievances, why Guanguanchengxing can yell and scold when he wants to here.

Whether it's for Li Qingbao's good or not, that's not acceptable.

In fact, at this time, his observation ability became a little bit sober. He looked at so many people around him, including Li Qingbao, with a flushed face and red eye sockets, tears dripping down from his eyes. . .

To be honest, Guancheng Xing regretted it in her heart. She felt that she seemed to be a little reckless. Whether it was educating Li Qingbao or anything else, she really should do it in private, not in To treat Li Qingbao like this in such a large crowd.

but.This matter has already happened, in fact, it is mainly because Guan Chengxin was too anxious.But seeing that his father-in-law and mother-in-law have become impatient with him, Guancheng felt that if he did not handle this matter well, it would definitely have a great impact on him in the future, and the road to marrying a wife would be even more difficult.

Guan Chengxing immediately let go of his face, he didn't say anything about face or shame, now the main reason is to coax his daughter-in-law and father-in-law back.

So Guanchengxing began to give in, he quickly lowered his head and pulled Li Qingbao's sleeve, and apologized softly to Li Qingbao, with regret in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Qingbao, I'm sorry uncle and aunt just said that I was too nervous, and I was too nervous, and such a thing happened to Qinbao. You didn't know just now, but I saw the place where Qingbao was about to be hit by the wall. For a moment, my heart almost jumped out of my throat, I was really afraid of panic, so I made it louder."

"But I have realized that my behavior is wrong, and I will never behave like this again in the future. Give me another chance, please forgive me, okay?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, this is all my mistake."

Guancheng first started to apologize over and over again, her apology was very sincere, she even lowered her head and bent to face Li Qingbao's parents.

This bow made Li Qingbao's parents feel extremely embarrassed in an instant. In fact, it is just a trivial matter to put it bluntly. It's not right, but now the other party has apologized, and Li Qingbao's parents feel that they should not intervene in such a situation where two young lovers are having an argument.

So Li Qingbao's parents smiled in embarrassment, and then thought that Guanchengxing, as the CEO of a company, was able to apologize for his daughter in front of so many people, because he actually took her daughter to heart.

So Li Qingbao's father, his father hummed Guancheng Xingyiye, and then dragged his wife away.

As he walked away, he called the palace servants behind him.

"The wall here has been finished, let's go to the other side first, and take a look at the place to be constructed on the other side. You can take a look and measure the size first, and see how long it will take to complete. Then I will go to buy it." Material."

As soon as these master craftsmen heard these words, the masters immediately understood that this was a small conflict between two young people, and they shouldn't add trouble here.

So everyone hurriedly left, and before leaving, the master gave Guan Chengxing a cheering gesture.

In an instant, the whole air came in, and only Guan Chengxing and Li Qingbao were left in place.

Li Qingbao's eyes were still red, and he stood still, but he didn't want to look up at Guancheng Xing, he kept his head down.

Guan Chengxing felt really annoyed at himself, why he couldn't control his temper just now.

So Guancheng Xing pulled Li Qingbao's sleeve and apologized to Li Qingbao again.

"I'm sorry, just forgive me, okay? I promise there will be no next time, and I will never attack you again."

"I really didn't mean it, forgive me, okay??"

(End of this chapter)

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