Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 492 Gold Master 2 Types

Chapter 492: Golden Lord’s Twenty Forms (28)

"For example, we have a special feature here, that is, the market here will be very lively on the single day of every month. You can see that some of our local special products are sold next to these. You can see that there are some special ones. These plants can be eaten, just like this horn is our water chestnut."

"If it doesn't look like a normal water chestnut, it's black. Ours is white. In fact, its medicinal value is relatively high, and its taste is much better than black."

"These are all local characteristics, and you may not be able to buy them outside, and these are our intangible cultural heritage products. They are all hand-woven by us. You can see that this little shrimp looks lifelike, but Well, you can’t buy it outside, you may see that there is no connection on the outside, and you don’t know how it is woven, right?”

Li Qingbao carefully holds each of the more distinctive products, and then demonstrates them for everyone to see. Every nation and every place actually has local characteristic products. Li Qingbao mainly wants to pass Let everyone have a look at some of the selected and characteristic products, so that everyone will know and like this place better. .

Almost walked the whole street.

"Wow, I think the place where Miss Li Qingbao lives is so beautiful. Where is this? I want to see it too."

"With beautiful mountains and clear waters, Renmei Bazaar is even more beautiful."

"I'm a local, but I don't think I've ever found my hometown so beautiful before. I think I must go home and take a good look at my hometown."

"Ah, I envy that your family is here."

After Li Qingbao finished the festival with everyone, Li Qingbao took everyone home to take a look at the dishes. There was still more than an hour before Li Qingbao saw Guanchengxing come back.

At this time, the photographer also moved the camera to the side of Guan Chengxing, who came back immediately behind Guan Chengxing was Li Qingbao's father and mother.

Li Xinma's father and mother are actually the standard image of rural people. They don't wear particularly shabby clothes, but they don't dress particularly well. Anyway, they are the image of rural people, but because recently Li Qingbao deliberately They were given surprise training in some etiquette such as standing, which made their temperament look like.Very comfortable.

He even adjusted the camera to the three people on the opposite side, and looked at them from top to bottom, when the sense of these pictures was transmitted to the opposite side.

The audience immediately boiled over.

"Wow, wow, when did Li Qingbao actually have a sister, are these his brothers and sisters? Or the people in the village, which village is this village from? Is the water and soil so good for people? Is there such a handsome one? Brother and sister!!"

"I'll go, I think this guy is so handsome that he can't close his legs!! But I think there is a trace of familiarity in this handsome man, what's going on?"

"I also think this man is very familiar!"

"But these are not the point. The point is that he is really handsome, so handsome. Look at this prosperous beauty, do I think he debuted? If he debuts, I will be the first to be his diehard fan! "

"What diehard fan? I think I can give birth to monkeys for him, okay? I think I'm already his, it's that simple!"

"You don't remember who he is, I didn't tell you, he is the boss of Crown City Entertainment, what Li Qingbao's brother, he is the boss of Crown City Entertainment!!"

"This means that he is a serious diamond single king, and he is still the kind who has no gossip. He has been clean since the very beginning, and he has never had any gossip or messing around. That's why you guys The impression of him is not because he is less in the news, even if he is in the news, it is generally a commercial behavior, and Crown City Entertainment as you know is just a small company for him.”

"Do you know the number one on the rich list? It's not because of his father, but because of himself!"

"Very beautiful resume. I have been a little genius since I was a child. I went abroad to study when I was a teenager."

"Later, when he was only 20 years old, he took over the family's business. When he took over the family's business, the family was actually quite strong, but it was he who made him strong again. Later, Guanchengxing has been on the list of the richest man. went down."

"Fuck! Awesome!!!"

"Am I the only one who wants to know that there is a strong atmosphere of gossip in it? Damn, what is the relationship between Li Qingbao and this Guancheng star? Li Qingbao's entertainment company is not Guancheng Entertainment! "

"Could it be that he has something to do with Li Qingbao, and then he wants to touch Li Qingbao to me? Isn't it brother or brother Qing?"

"Is your focus all on Guancheng Xing? I think my focus is on that woman, the woman next to Guancheng Xing, don't you think she is very temperamental? And she is quite young, I think I Good one!"

"This should be Li Qingbao's older sister, and the one next to her should be her husband's married wife, don't covet her!"

"I think Li Qingbao's sister is as good-looking as the one Li Qingbao looked for!"

"But to be honest, I like Li Qingbao's sister better. I think Li Qingbao's sister has a mature temperament and Li Qingbao is obviously the kind of young kid. I don't like it."

Everyone's topic went awry after a while, and the discussion went from Guanchengxing to what kind of woman he likes. Compared with Li Qingbao's mother, who has a mature feeling precipitated by history, there is really no centrifugal hair. Centrifugal Mao has a lively and lovely youthful atmosphere that should belong to his age.

Li Qingbao's, Mom and Dad were still holding some things, so Li Qingbao hurried over to pick them up.

"Mom, what's in here?"

"Some peanuts just dug back from the ground can be made into salted peanuts for lunch today."

Li Qingbao's mother responded casually.

He was slightly at a loss when facing the camera.

"These are all here to schedule the show, and I've already come to have a good time with you!"

His speech was more or less unnatural, but Guan Chengxing was much more natural. He was used to the feeling of being surrounded by the camera, so he just nodded casually, and then directly embraced Li Qingbao in his arms.

Then began to take the oath of sovereignty.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!"

"What the hell did I hear? Tell me quickly, my ears may be auditory hallucinations, something is wrong, I actually heard Li Qingbao ask his sister to call her mother??"

"Is that woman his mother? I think that woman is probably in her thirties. Li Qingbao is at least in her 30s this year. I checked his profile and it says 30." gone."

"Why is his mother in her 40s? But she looks younger than a 30-year-old. Anyway, she looks like a 30-year-old. If it weren't for that kind of temperament, she wouldn't even be 30 years old. Look at her face Wow, I am really envious of the word envy, I think I am tired of talking."

"How can someone grow against their age? Look at the skin on his body, it's actually a little loose, and he's 50 or [-] years old. With such a good effect, is there a photographer to add it to them? filter?"

"Let me clarify, let me clarify, the photographer definitely didn't add too many filters to them. You forgot, did Li Qingbao say that there is no need to add filters? So look at the flowers and plants next to them. The colors that exist are also very authentic.”

"Also, take a look at Li Qingbao's face, which actually has a slightly darker scar. You haven't seen this scar before. It's been eaten by whitening and filters, but this time it's a little darker. , many are still there, so the photographer must not have turned on the filter, and if he had turned it on, it would have been only a little bit."

"So what do you want to express, is Li Qingbao's mother really so young and beautiful? It's unscientific for me to go here!"

"Is it really so difficult to admit that other people have good skin? Although I also want this kind of skin to be smooth, like an egg shell, and full of skin elasticity, I will go to someone who is 50 years old. This kind of skin condition, I feel that I have already lost my life, not to mention that I am 50 or 50 years old, I think I am 30 years old and still look so beautiful!"

Everyone was desperately lamenting how young and beautiful Li Qingbao's mother was, and they felt that this completely overturned their thinking. .

"I just feel that I seem to have a very different point of view from yours every day. Why do you focus on other people's young and beautiful bodies? My focus, don't you see that Guancheng Xing and Li Qingbao are already hugging each other? ?”

"I went upstairs, and I didn't see it unless you told me."

"They are really hugging each other. Does that mean that Li Qingbao and Guancheng Xing are already a couple?"

"Are the two together???"

"Impossible, how could a company like Guancheng Xing with a fortune of over 18 million marry an [-]-year-old starlet? Probably the two of them are just dating and having fun, maybe Li Qingbao is relying on himself body, want something you want, and then quit when Guan Chengxing gets married, or become a mistress?"

"Anyway, it is definitely impossible to join a wealthy family."

"I think the two of them are a bit like boyfriend and girlfriend. Like these rich people, playing with a celebrity is just playing with a celebrity. They won't bring them into the public eye, and even pretend that they are not friends when they meet. The one I know, you can see that Guan Chengxing doesn't have that attitude towards Li Qingbao at all, you can see how close the two of them are, and they don't shy away from it at all."

No matter how everyone's discussion is in full swing, the program team has not lost the chain this time. When the program team saw the attitude of Guan Chengxing and Li Qingbao, they knew that the two must be extraordinary.

It's all the program group, so excited, who is the star of Guancheng?If you want to interview him, most people can't interview him. Now Guancheng Xing is willing to put his private life on the table and casually send out this news, which will soon attract a lot of attention to his program. A lot of traffic.

"Hello, Ms. Li Qingbao, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Guanchengxing?"

"You can answer, we are very curious because the audience here, of course we are also very curious!"

Seeing that Guancheng Xing was standing beside Li Qingzhao, the program team didn't dare to ask casually, and didn't dare to make some over-the-top jokes, so they just asked what the relationship between the two was.

Li Qingbao raised his eyes and glanced at Guanchengxing, with some inquiries in his eyes. After all, Guanchengxing is the president of a company, should this matter be announced?Li Qingbao thinks it is still necessary to respect her opinion?

In fact, Li Qingbao has already made preparations to conceal the love relationship and even the hidden marriage. Li Qingbao is already prepared. He has no doubts about Guanchengxing's feelings for him, but he can also imagine that Guanchengxing's family will definitely not be happy. I will accept it, after all, the two people are indeed incompatible.

But what Li Qingbao didn't expect was that Guanchengxing would directly lift Li Qingbao's chin and give him a kiss.

"Li Qingbao is my girlfriend."

"The only one and the last one."

"It's the wife I'm going to marry in the future, and the only person I love deeply in my life."

Guan Chengxing clenched Li Qingbao's hand, and without hesitation, looked directly at the camera to announce to the world that Li Qingbao and him are a couple.

Li Qingbao didn't expect Guanchengxing to be so bold. He just felt that his palms seemed to be a little hot. Guanchengxing's temperature was transmitted to his palms through his palms, and finally to his heart. It was so hot that her heart was a little hot. tremble.

Li Qingbao was very shy, he lowered his head slightly, but in the next moment he bravely raised his head and said to the cameraman: "You will also be my only one, my lover, no matter now or in the future."

This is Li Qingbao's first confession to Guanchengxing, and Guanchengxing feels very excited.

Now he felt that his whole body seemed to be full of strength, which made him wish he could soar into the sky and jump into the sky all at once.

It was impossible to dream of the sky, but Guancheng Xing was still happy, and directly hugged Li Qingbao, and then turned around two or three times.

"Fuck, I ate a handful of dog food out of nowhere, it was cold, and I patted my face carelessly."

"I'm going, I think this show is not too friendly to single dogs!"

"I think I'm already fed up with this dog food. What kind of fairy love made me go? I think it's wrong to say that the two of you are a bit misfit, but Guanchengxing's attitude towards Li Qingbao is definitely not perfunctory, because When you love someone, you can see the seriousness in his eyes."

"I feel like I'm really sour, I'm sitting on a high mountain of lemons!"

(End of this chapter)

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