Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 494 Gold Master 2 Types

Chapter 494: Golden Lord’s Twenty Forms (30)

Jiang Feng had never been treated so unreasonably. He felt that these were really troublesome people from poor mountains and rivers. He had never seen such unqualified people in his life.

If it weren't for the live broadcast, Jiang Feng felt that he might even beat up these shameless old ladies.

But right now, during the live broadcast, Jiang Feng really endured and endured, and you are also telling yourself with your fist that you can't do it now that you are live broadcasting.Otherwise, as long as he did it, he would be the one to ignore it.

Jiang Feng endured until the end and even his face became very ugly, but he still wanted to apologize. After all, there are still many netizens watching here. Whether it is his own fault or not, anyway, he will get everyone's understanding in the end. Even if I apologize, I can still stand.The perspective of the weak is sympathized by everyone.

But Jiang Feng hadn't even said a word of apology. What he didn't expect was that these old ladies would start scolding again, and the scolding was extremely ugly.

"For someone like you, who is ugly and twitching, like a clown in an opera, without any manliness at all, it's Qing Bao who wants to partner with our family Qing Bao. It's bad luck for eight lifetimes." .Only because of a partner like you."

"But judging by your crooked winter melon and split dates, you're sure you won't be able to catch up with my family, Qingbao. You should come here early and go back somewhere!"

"That's right, that's right, you look like this, you can't even match a little star with a single finger!"

"As long as you are so sure, the above-mentioned three generations of descendants on the Internet are all digging food in the soil. What is the reason? You dislike the farmers, and you also say that the house is dilapidated, and I also say that the road is far away. Do you know? You Before the fire, you are sure, the house might not be as good as this house."

As soon as the old lady finished speaking, Jiang Feng's whole expression was that the old lady was right, and the house he lived in before he became popular was not as good as these broken houses.

He even didn't pay him because others ran away when he was not popular before.So Jiang Feng had a particularly difficult experience. He once slept in the cave of the overpass.

So these don't talk about long-distance buses, sitting for several hours, even if there are some other difficult things, Jiang Feng has experienced it.

So Jiang Feng didn't have any disgusting thoughts at all, he just wanted to criticize Li Xinben, but in fact he had already left that kind of life now, so he looked down on this kind of life when he turned around.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!!! We are here to shoot a show, and we don't want to talk nonsense with you. If you are shameless, get out of the way, we are going to shoot a show!"

Jiang Feng was really going to collapse at this time, so she was a little unscrupulous in her words for a while, which must have something to do with his debut not long ago.

Because not long after his debut, the hardships mentioned before have become his thoughts, and after suddenly becoming popular, he is eager to get rid of his previous poverty.

So he even looked down on or suppressed those people who used to be a little bit better than himself, or those who were worse, to show off his current identity and status.

But after being exposed by someone suddenly, he lacked concentration and turned his face quickly.The situation seemed downright ugly.

"What's the matter? Did you poke your lung tube? We just won't let you get out of the way when you get so excited, what's wrong? This village belongs to us, we won't let you in if we don't let you in!!"

"Little brat, you just know how to bark, and when someone talks about it, you start biting like a dog."

"A person like you is still a celebrity. If all celebrities look like this, I won't watch TV anymore!"

It's not just these old ladies who started to seal their names, even the netizens on the Internet found it very unbelievable that the current Jiang Feng is completely different from the Jiang Feng in their impression. .

"I used to really like Jiang Feng. He was the first star I picked. I never chased stars before, but after I saw this boy, I thought it was Jiang Feng who had a particularly difficult period from the very beginning. Those difficult times when I debuted in variety shows, I actually followed them through."

"Jiang Feng was also born in the countryside at the beginning. His countryside is actually worse than this village. I once went to his hometown. The house is actually a thatched house. It's the roof. Tiles and grass."

"Later, Jiang Feng liked acting very much, and she also has some talents. In fact, her acting skills are pretty good. At least among these mobile traffic niches, his acting skills can be ranked high."

"So in the end, Jiang Feng himself heard that he lived in places like Tianqiao Jumping Hole because others didn't pay him. When I heard this, I really felt distressed."

"I have always thought that Jiang Feng is a kind, strong and brave boy. He simply meets all the beautiful expectations in my heart for the future, so I became his diehard fan."

"But now all these wonderful things of mine seem to be shattered. I feel like this boy has become something I don't know. The Jiang Feng I met at the beginning is completely different from him. He is so sharp and so dark, even facing him. A bunch of old ladies uttering nasty words."

"Upstairs, I think you have been cheated. How can anyone be so perfect? ​​It's all a matter of the agency's personnel design."

"I also think it's a human design. In fact, the arrogant person is very narrow-minded. I think it's because you didn't notice one thing, that is, the assistants around him. The agent usually changes within three months. .”

"Before that, Jiang Feng's brokerage assistant, who worked hard with Jiang Feng from poverty, but later, the official saying is that they chose another better future, but don't you know? ? His agent is about to be forced into the sea."

"Anyway, it's the very, very poor kind. After he left Jiang Feng, he didn't start a business or work as a broker for others. They are poor now. In fact, he was a broker before. People say that it is a bit unqualified, but it was only because of Jiang Feng's fame that he became popular, and he took money from Jiang Feng's front and back companies."

"But no matter what, this person at least accompanied Jiang Feng when she was in the most difficult time."

"In any case, when you are in the most difficult time, there is such a friend to accompany you. Whether the relationship between the two is superior or inferior, or the relationship between friends, I think Jiang Feng's actions are actually too much."

"When you say that, I feel that Fisi disease control, it seems that Jianfeng has been pretending to be like a little white lotus flower, just like the strong and kind little white flower among girls. , but now the real persona is exposed, is it like this?"

"I've already canceled it. I hate this kind of disgusting people the most, people who have one thing on the surface and another on the other side."

"I just want to know how the countryside is. I am a village, and I am proud. I have developed in my life, but I will never look down on the people in the countryside, because I am from the countryside."

Before Jiang Feng knew it, he had already lost a large number of fans. In the end, the director team came out to mediate and let these old ladies get out of the way to enter the village, and then let Jiang Feng enter the village. Jiang Feng is now The whole person was about to explode.

He felt that it was definitely a bad time for him to argue with these old ladies.

And following that, his perception of Li Qingbao really got worse.

He felt that the instigator of all this was Li Qing defending something, Li Qingbao would get his own note, why didn't Li Xin form a team with him?If Li Qingbao hadn't teamed up with him, then all this would not have happened. He never thought that it was because he wanted to target Li Qingbao before, and then he did this series of actions.

So Jiang Feng harbored resentment towards Li Qingbao in his heart.

So when he saw Li Zongbao's house, it was originally a small house decorated with style, and the outside was painted very cutely. The color should be praised by everyone, but Jiang Feng actually said something that made him lose his style. if.

Jiang Feng's way of talking to the camera was a bit exaggerated: "Wow, what kind of house is this? Why is this color and configuration so ugly? I am very worried about my partner's aesthetics. This house is really ugly. Uglier than all the run-down houses before."

Now Jiang Feng can be said to have attacked him indiscriminately, criticizing the house from the beginning to the end.

Originally Li Qingbao was standing at the door, and he was going to go out to pick up someone, but now he suddenly felt a little funny and didn't plan to go out, Li Qingbao suddenly tugged Guan Chengxing's sleeve.

Guan Chengxing slowed down in a second.

Not to mention that Jiang Feng has a bad impression of Li Qingbao, Guan Chengxing has a very, very, very bad impression of Jiang Feng, because after verification, he understands that what Li Qingbao said is true, but if Li Qingbao If Qing Bao really encountered those things in his previous life, then this Jiang Feng. !
A sneer twitched at the corner of Guan Chengxing's mouth.

damn thing. ! !wait to die. !
Of course, Guanchengxing is not such a hasty person. He wants to wait for the other party to see if the other party will do something to kill him. If not, Guanchengxing really needs to think about whether he should be so heartless, but if If the other party is restless, then Guancheng Xing will definitely not stay behind.

As Li Qingbao walked forward, he interacted with the camera behind him. He knew that was the audience of the live broadcast.

"Baby, my partner is coming. Although I didn't draw this partner myself, I still have great expectations for him. I hope I can have a better partner, and the two of us can complete the program together." All tasks."

"Do you know who my partner is? But I can't hear what you are talking about. I am very much looking forward to seeing my big knife, but I just hope that he will not dislike my family."

"Thinking that he must be very tired after sitting in the car for so long, I have already made soup just now, and he can drink it later, let's give him a surprise together!"

As soon as Li Qingbao finished saying these words, his bullet screen exploded.

"Damn it, I really think that young lady Li Qingbao is really super nice, and she even cooks soup for him. I think it would be good if I didn't knock his head off and use it to cook soup. "

"The young lady just can't watch the other party's program. If the young lady saw it, she would definitely not cook soup for him."

"I think it's really reckless. Giving it to him is worse than giving it to a dog!"

"What's wrong with him? He actually said that our little sister's house is ugly. Is there something wrong with his brain? For a star, if you can't keep up with the cutting-edge fashion, God is still so bad. Why do you want to be you? What about the fans? I see this Jiang Feng getting more and more annoying!"

"+1, me too, I have never chased stars, but I have never hated that star Jiang Feng is really my first most hated star, there is no such thing as a big man, you grind all day of."

Before Li Qingbao could reach the door, the door was suddenly pushed open.

It happened that Jiang Feng and the filming program crew walked in, smiling big, and he stretched out his white hands, wanting to shake hands with Jiang Feng.

"Hello, Senior Jiang, I think you are my partner. It's a great honor to be with you."

Li Qingbao's smile was very bright, obviously able to make the other party feel warm and welcome for his arrival.

It was a warm smile, not only felt by Jiang Feng, but also by the audience.

But at this time, Jiang Feng should reply to me, and say that he has a good impression of Li Qingbao, something like this kind of polite words. .

Regardless of the politeness or not, this at least represents a friendly attitude of the two people, but suddenly something unpleasant happened, the chicken in the backyard of Li Qingbao's house somehow broke free, and ran directly to the front, and even directly He rushed towards Jiang Feng.

Faced with such a change, everyone present was stunned, including Li Qingbao and Guancheng Xing. They didn't react. It was fine for the chicken to run out suddenly, but it just flapped its wings and attacked Jiang Feng. .

Although this is an old hen, it's not that the attack is not as fierce as the attack, but Jiang Feng doesn't dare to underestimate it.

It would be very painful if you were nagged.

And looking at the chicken feathers all over the floor, and the chicken poop, Jiang Feng suddenly went crazy, and he took two steps back quickly.

Then Jiang Feng's already fragile nerves exploded all of a sudden.

"Damn it, Li Qingbao, are you sick? Why don't you grab such a big chicken!!"

"Wait a minute, if he flies onto me or hurts me, hurts my face, I want you to look good!!"

But facing Jiang Feng's teeth and claws, the chicken was indifferent.

"Li Qingbao!!"

(End of this chapter)

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