Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 502 Systems

Chapter 502 Systems
"Did you see? Did you see Yun Jianyi? Look, this is the leader of our Qingbao Sect. Look at you. You are only worthy of waving the flag behind and shouting. You have no responsibility at all!"

Chu Anruo ran on Yun Jian with words.

Chu Anruo's words made Yun Jian very angry, he hurriedly turned to chase after him with a basket, but found that Chu Anruo ran towards the front.

Yiqingbao frowned on the spot, and he realized that Anle should have done this on purpose, so it must have its own little thoughts.

And why would the legend do this?It must have been some advantage for him to run forward.

As soon as Li Qingbao thought of this, he felt that he had to rush to the front to take a look.

But Li Qingbao is only 5 years old, and the legend is 7 years old, so he doesn't have to run much, he can't outrun Chu Anruo.

Li Qingbao rolled his eyes and saw a small stream beside him.The second uncle had a log on the side of the creek, and he suddenly had an idea.

You first push the wood into the water, and then find a long branch from the ground, which is called a basket.One piece was on the arm, and then using the branch as a paddle, he pushed the boat and ran downstream.

Although walking on land is much faster than in water, you must know that if you are talking about holding a penny on the water, running on land will be happier.

Besides, Chu Anruo is only a 7-year-old child, so even if he runs fast, how fast can he go?
Li Qingbao quickly surpassed Chu Taste and rowed in front of it.

Because both sides of the creek were covered with weeds, so Chu Anruo didn't see Li Qingbao in the play.

Li Xin promised to say the previous sentence, and suddenly found a spot of light on the ground, which seemed a little strange.

If it is a light spot reflected by other things, then this light spot should have a vague and unclear appearance. Even if it is the sunlight reflected in a mirror, it is still talking about it, not like this light spot.

The light spot on the ground is like an unreal thing that fell on the ground, but at the same time he is really clear, and it is also covered with that kind of mysterious pattern.

This thing is like a light bulb made by a person using high-tech means, and the light bulb has all kinds of strange patterns on it.

Li Qingbao turned his head to look, and saw Chu Anruo's face was obviously smiling, but at this time, after he came out, he still didn't see him standing in the grass.

There is indeed a problem!
Li Qing and Baoqing laughed. He pushed aside the wild grass, put the basket on the ground, and walked over.

"do not want!"

Chu Anruo saw Li Qingbao walking out of the yellow grass, although he didn't know why Li Qingbao was able to walk ahead alone, he still yelled loudly.

"Li Qingbao don't move, look at what is under your feet"!
Chu Anruo wanted to cheat and asked Li Qingbao to stand still so that he could get the light spot, but he didn't expect that Li Qingbao ran two steps forward and just stood on the light spot .

"The Ding system has found a suitable host and is binding with the host."

Just as Li Qingbao stood on the light board, a mechanical sound rang in his mind.

"Don't stop for me, get out of here, get out of me!"

Chu Anruo was about to die of anger, didn't he yell, and then threw all his baskets at him, and the power ran towards him.

"The system binding is successful, please check the instructions for the host."

On the notification sound of the system, Li Qingbao's brain child rang again, but Li Qingbao really didn't look at him, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile, as if to say to Chu Anruo who was about to approach him:

"Chu Anruo, what's wrong with you, why are you so hypocritical? Is there anything here?"

Li Qingbao mockingly said something to Chu Anruo, then pushed aside the grass, picked up his basket and slid downstream with a stick.

"You thief, you thief, you stole my things, Li Qingbao, let me tell you, I will never end with you!"

Chu Anruo collapsed, he really didn't expect that after all his efforts, Li Qingbao would give him the upper hand in the end.

why?Why do you treat him like this?You must know that he is the real Lord of Destiny, he knows so much, he understands that all the benefits of the original owner belong to everything, but why do people still want to take this thing?God you are so unfair!

Chu Anruo felt that the sky of her life was already dark.

He didn't know why this happened. He had to know that she had worked so hard for so long just to get this system. If he got this system, then he would be able to become a god, but looking at the spot of light that had disappeared on the ground, Running with his back like a rabbit, he felt that Li Qingbao must know something.

"Damn it!"

Chu Anruo felt that she was about to collapse, why did she act like this?Why did you do this to him?
But Yun Jian, who was still fighting with her just now, sneered on the corner of his mouth, but turned around and walked towards the foot of the mountain along another road.

Although Yun Jianyi didn't know what would happen in this world, he did know that following Li Xinbao would definitely not cause any harm.

Why do you want to rob others?Wouldn't it be nice if you said that you were someone else's younger brother and got benefits from them?

Like Chu Anruo, who has worked so hard, what can he get in the end? You must know that everyone has their own luck, people, at least they can get things from others at home, so for God, that is to say It is fair, that is to say, people have accumulated virtue in previous lives, and then they have this thing. If you travel through time like this, you can steal their things, so where do you send those foot stickers to Zhishi?

So when Yun Jianyi knew his situation, there was only one rule he set for himself, and that was to respect the original owner's development track, and then he only needed to speak the language to establish a good relationship.

As long as he can establish a good relationship with you first, he believes that you will at least tell him the exercises of cultivation. In this way, wouldn't he also be able to cultivate into a fairy?
Chu Anruo, who uses simple intuition, is really stupid.

The two walked towards the foot of the mountain one after another, leaving Chu Anruo in place, only feeling that she was in a mess, she didn't expect that she poured out everything but got nothing.

Li Qingbao followed the current, and his speed was very fast. When the stick in his hand was out of reach, he popped out, and the car had already entered the big river by itself.

After sliding the log with a stick in front of the paddle and running to the shore, Li Qingbao jumped off the log and walked towards his home.

He hasn't had time to check the thing called the system that he got just now, but anyway, he feels that his eyes are silent for a long time, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get.

Whether this thing is good or bad for him, but no matter what use this thing is to him, if the voice in his head appears directly behind the person, it must mean that this thing is a hobby of the dark guard, and even money cannot do it. measure.

Since this is the case, then why did he let this thing go out to get it? Since he took it, then it was him who gave it up to buy some things. Besides, he is not a kind person. Things can't be hidden from Li Qingbao at all.

"Grandma, I'm back. Look, I picked a lot of mushrooms. Make me mushroom soup today. Mushroom soup is my favorite."

After Li Qingbao returned home, he first handed the basket to his grandmother, and then asked someone to make mushroom soup for him.

Although this kind of bone is also grinding, if the chicken is frozen and the mushrooms are frozen, then the future will be even better, but, let alone eating chickens in this era, even eating eggs is sloppy and sloppy. .

"Okay, my good granddaughter, you are so capable when you get up, look at your basket of mushrooms, enough for the two of us to eat three meals."

Grandma smiled and praised Li Qingbao, and then she took the mango and went to clean it up.

The living conditions of their family should also be better, because in the past, grandma was a doctor, and he would treat people, so that they could have extra money. With that little income, not to mention eating meat, even buying oil and salt is very troublesome.

You must know that there are a lot of people who can't afford salt at this time.

And Li Xinbao's family can eat eggs once in a while, and this is the number one in the whole village.

"Grandma, I found a few eye bands in my basket. You can make them for him when you are cooking at noon. Then you will be one by one."

After Li Qingbao dropped the basket, he couldn't wait to run into the room. He studied what appeared in his head and what it was 2.

Li Qingbao believed that the thing that appeared in his mind must be good for him, and this thing must have a great background, but he didn't know what it was for now.

"You girl knows to help grandma with things all day long. Let me tell you, you are grandma's little granddaughter. You are really kind."

Grandma sees you.Li Qingbao brought back so many mushrooms, the eardrums are bulging, there are still fungus or pheasant underneath, and the eggs with them are more than ten grams, and they are so big that there is no reception. Since they cooked one by two , This can also have a little meaty.

"It's been two days and you have taught me well. Don't you think I learned from grandma before? If you weren't diligent for grandma, how could I be so diligent?"

Li Qingbao smiled and flattered her.

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears are only flattering, as long as it is comfortable for grandma to take pictures, then grandma will give it to him.There is more time.

After Li Qingbao said a word, he ran into the room to prepare his things.

"Come out, system, tell me what kind of thing you are?"

After Li Qingbao returned to the room, he began to study the system in his mind.

After my grandma cooked the meal, he had already figured out what this system was. It turned out that this system was a system for cultivating immortals. As long as you follow the signs in it, you will finally get discipline.

It turns out that this system is a system about cultivating immortals, that is, as long as you complete the tasks in it, you will get certain exercises, and after you complete all these exercises, you will become immortals.

Although Li Qingbao doesn't believe in this kind of thing, you must know that he jumped out of a rock, which he does know. So, even though he picked up a system like this, this kind of thing is really It was too difficult for him to accept, but he still felt that at least this thing had the possibility of marriage.

Li Qingbao watched the mission of its first hall, which is to make grandma laugh 1 times.

This task is not to say that it is very troublesome, because although grandma is a person with a cold face and a warm heart, it is really good for him. He mainly accepts a group of old grandmas to do something, and grandma will send Laugh from the heart.

At least he couldn't sit still when he thought of this, so he ran to light a fire for grandma on the spot.

Sure enough, after grandma smiled from the bottom of her heart, the system reminded him that he had completed a small task. This was completed 9 times, so he could get this basic exercise.

Chi Zhiqiang is here to make my grandma happy, and there is a person in the depths of the distant starry sky who really laughs.

"Girl liar, you have to work hard, I tell you, as long as you can work hard, then you can show it."

"This is the easiest task after I have trimmed it countless times. If you can't even say this well, then I will give your things to others!"

This man was wearing a set of high-tech fighters, but what he was holding was a hot weapon.

In an antique building, there is a man who looks like 40 to [-] years old, sitting on a chair with a majestic face.

"So my daughter got the last thing?"

He laughed, and his grimness was ruined by that smile, but it made you feel radiant.

Even if you at least stabbed your head, you would never have imagined that his every move would affect so many big shots.

But, no matter what they say, because I have already got a sincere sale, as long as he gets another 9, his grandma will automatically hand over the contents to him.

Compared with the glory and wealth and becoming a fairy, in fact, I feel that I can figure out the authenticity of my parents, so that is the most likely.

(End of this chapter)

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