Chapter 515
As the saying goes, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys.

Any thing that wants to be popular and better, then it needs to be advertised.

At Li Qingbao's suggestion, the little fat man took out 100 million publicity funds, and they will use this publicity funds to place advertisements.

But now, whether it is an advertisement on the TV station or an advertisement on the media, the cost is not too high. The little fat man directly used the money to place an advertisement on one of the most popular national radio programs.

Not to mention that their mobile phone is very exquisite, and the casing is also very beautifully designed.

The back of the phone's shell is designed with a gradient color, and there are still 7 colors.

Their screens are also very large, and they are all 8-inch screens. You must know that those mobile phones on the market are still operating on the 4-slave screen. Those who directly promote the 6-inch screen are one point lower in the world.

With 4 cameras and an 8-inch screen, the explosion of this mobile phone has become an inevitable result.

Soon their first batch of 1 mobile phones was snapped up by dealers. This was their trial production season before, and now they can produce 1000 phones a month.

But let's not expect that the mobile phone was just put on the container in the past, and it was sold out in a blink of an eye.

Such a good sales volume made them immediately increase their horsepower on the spot, and now the company is deliberately working in two shifts, so they can produce 2 mobile phones a month.

Basically, every time they release a mobile phone, they will ship it every day. Every day, dealers will call to ask them to supply mobile phones, but because their current production really cannot keep up.

"Dear, dear, please find a way for me. I'm really anxious to death now, you know? They sent me all the money, but we can't produce it now. What do you think we should do?" What to do?"

The little fat man is really ugly. He has lost weight these days, but what he didn't expect was that their mobile phone advertisement would bring such a large sales volume.

Now the cost of advertising has been transferred back. Although the money invested has not been transferred back, it is already a very idle thing. In less than half a year, the company's dereliction of duty can be doubled or tripled.

"I bought a production line, um, the production line is no longer on our side. I originally wanted to dismantle it back, but now, since you need it so much, let's just ask the place to be placed in another place, you Do you think this is okay to pay for the goods?"

Li Qingbao knew a long time ago that his mobile phone would definitely become a hit, so it was said that he was planning to acquire a mobile phone production line for the 800 million yuan at that time.

"Oh my God, why don't I know what happened to you? How many mobile phones can be produced in your production line in a month, tell me quickly, I'm really anxious to death now!"

The little fat man was so anxious that his lips burst into blisters for a while, she never thought that she would be able to achieve such a great success.

"3 units!"

Li Qingba smiled and held out three fingers.

"3 mosquitoes are not my god, you really helped me a lot, I can only produce 2 steps a month, you, you, let your workers become two halves, so you can make one I ordered 6 mobile phones a month, so I can relieve it, but it’s not enough, you know? We have a lot of orders now, and I have already scabbed the orders alone, 10 orders.”

Although the little fat man said that seeing the output of the Ministry of Commerce relieved him a bit, he was still a little anxious. After all, there are too many orders in the store now, and there are already people on the market who want to imitate their products. But, um, because they don't know that they use a 14Nm chip, so the imitated mobile phone is very stuck, even when it just leaves the factory, so although they say that someone is currently researching this Difficulties, but they have not found the root cause in it now, and they did not promote it when they promoted it. Their CPU is 14 Nm.

"I'm talking about one week. If you want me to produce in two shifts, can you afford the production of 24 mobile phones a month?"

Li Qingbao laughed.

When he first acquired the production line, he knew that their mobile phone would become a hit, so he directly acquired a mature production line, and this production line was imported from abroad, so the production speed was very fast.

"In two halves, let me tell you, now we have to do our best to occupy the market, you know? Some people have already begun to prevent and control our mobile phones. Although they haven't found out the problem, I think they must Will disassemble our mobile phone, and then find the disadvantages from the mobile phone."

"Once they know the reason why our mobile phone uses the CPU, so they can achieve this, then they will definitely go and find these, and they are willing to produce our CPU for 14 years, although we are now in the same position as the People have signed an order for all CPUs, but no one knows if other manufacturers will make efforts on this!"

"Okay, that's what you said, then I'll call and ask them to work in two shifts. By the way, you have to make changes on the chip side. If we produce too much here, then wait for the chips to change." It will be very anxious."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot about this. Today, they can only supply us with 10 a month, so the most important thing we need to do now is to let them increase production. It is best to let them It can supply us with 30 yuan per month."

The little fat man did it when he thought of it, and immediately called there, and when he learned that they were going to place a large order, the local government said that the output of 30 yuan, although it is impossible this month, but it will definitely be able to next month On top of that, even if they put in a new production line next month, the production capacity will be 50 for them. If they say such a large production capacity, can they eat it?
The little fat man asked Li Qingbao for his opinion.

"Qingbao, please pay attention. They are now saying that if we expand our production capacity, we must eat 50 orders next month. If it is acquired, they may find someone else."

"After eating it, I'll tell you that I'm negotiating a new production line now. If it can be taken down, then I plan to start a mobile phone brand myself. Then we will use two prongs to occupy the absolute hegemony of the entire smart industry."

Because all of them are successful now, those traditional mobile phone manufacturers are now conducting research on this mobile phone, so according to their inertia, they will not be able to break through so soon, but there will definitely be new ones within half a year. The phone is offline.

Half a year is their life and death. He said that if they can seize the market within half a year and achieve their own market share, then they will be enough to become a major mobile phone brand.

"By the way, there is another thing that you must let the system continue to improve for us. Whether there are loopholes or anything, we must know in advance, so as not to let problems occur in the market, and then we will To find a solution, if this is the case, then our emerging enterprises will easily go bankrupt directly."

On the system side, one of Fatty's classmates and his team are in charge of doing it, because that team is in the university, so there is plenty of time.

"Okay, I'll call them right away, and I'm also going to invest in them and let them study the system for us."

The other party is in the ivory tower because of their lack of experience, so the children said that they were asked to develop this mobile phone system at a cost of 7 yuan, so this system was jointly designed by all the students in the school, so It is said that the existence of leaked seeds has basically been eliminated, but that is to say after all.What Li Xin's father said is also right. If they have a loophole and don't change it, others will attack this loophole, and their mobile phone will go out of business.

"Okay, wallet, I'm going to ask people to quickly research and develop this matter, and if you talk about this matter, I have a suggestion, that is, we can bring this system to various universities to make a scholarship , if they can break through this loophole, then we will provide them with scholarships, what do you think of this proposal?"

In fact, many times, it is a kind of people who should be called masters among the people. Some people's thinking activity prevents them from working in some scientific research institutions, but they can have such various skills among the people. A high breakthrough.

"This is good, and this kind of award doesn't need to be set too high. You can just have 6000 yuan. Let me say it here. If you do this, you can use it as a banner to help students out of thin air. In this way It’s really a good way to give us a wave of publicity again!”

At least you really think that Fatty’s proposal is really good. You must know that if they put the thing that looks for his loopholes in the laboratory, then because there will be some fixed thinking, Or some other political considerations, those people dare not let go, but it is different in the school, and they can completely set up a forum to discuss how others attack others, he uses Since the mobile phone entered the market, they can also ask the other party to share every step of the attack on the Internet. When she does this, then their company will increase because more and more people are familiar with it. help and gain fame.

Moreover, the more important reason is that if they do this in every college, then everyone in the school will come to improve after seeing such a generous bonus, whether it is their mobile phone or not This series of things tried every means to find the loopholes of this mobile phone system.

This is equivalent to a deformation, and then advertise their mobile phones, and they don't need to set a high bonus. After all, loopholes are not so easy to find. They can set this kind of setting in every school, and It should be stipulated that after everyone finds out the loophole in the first time, the person you report first shall prevail.

They can set up a forum, and then let them post on this dragon field to prove every step of their attack, so that after everyone knows their mobile phone, then these people can spread the word Driven more people.

This model can be used. If they set up such an award in colleges and universities, it will soon be popular across the country, causing a frenzy of their mobile phones. The growth of their livelihood in this generation will be endless. .

At that time, they will also set up such an award for the purpose of the poverty alleviation fund, and they will get benefits after shooting down the benefits, so why not do it?

"Very well, now that it's decided, let's settle this matter first. I decided to negotiate with these schools in our province first. If they say they are willing, then we will set up this award. !"

The little fat man is a hot-tempered person, he did what he said and started making calls on the spot.

Because their village is now a well-ranked trap in the entire province, so when they call Shen Ying now, they directly explode his special line.

However, when the little fat man was talking to the other party, he really said that they have already made money and they can’t forget their roots when they are rich, so he wanted to support some students. However, because their strength is limited now, so it is not enough to support them. They can only support students who are more elite than them, so they decided to support students in the IT industry.

After all, the IT industry is an emerging private industry, and the most important thing is that the growth of this industry is also explosive.

Besides, basically all universities have various colleges and universities. They said that after awards are involved, basically every university will have their awards.

Moreover, what is more important is that when you go to college, you can know not only by studying the subjects you have reported, but you can also choose other subjects. That is to say, if a person studies economic management, Then he is likely to apply for an IT or another industry to conduct a study.

For them, it will be easier for them to find a job in the future if they have to obtain the certificate they have obtained.

(End of this chapter)

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