Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 535 Gold Lord 25 Formula 3

Chapter 535 Gold Lord 25 Formula 3
The team continued to move forward and soon came to the test in their column.

Because 100 crystal balls were specially placed on the square, the test speed of the reporters was still very fast. They were in a team, and about 1/5 of them could pass the test.

The test of the crystal ball is actually just a sensory test for Yuan Li. As long as anyone who can sense the garden can light up the crystal ball, as for the real test inside, it will only happen after the inside. , After arriving inside, they will be divided into sects according to their specific divisions.

Of course there are, there are programs in Wudang Mountain now, water, fire and earth, 5 kinds of elemental sects, and under a certain element number, it is said that there are 25 small cute sects. Therefore, among the found disciples, those who were separated It's also fast.

Soon he arrived at the person in front of Li Jun. He was a fat boy. After he put his hands on it, his face turned red.

But it's clear to watch that he doesn't succeed because his crystal ball doesn't light up.

"It means that you are very sorry that you didn't choose you to go back. You can come to test again next year, but, um, the chances are not too high, because you don't have an electric water heater for the time being, which shows your affinity for vitality not enough."

The person in charge of the test comforted the fat boy, and then continued to speak, saying the next one, the next one, hurry up.

Finally it was Li Jun's turn to shop. Li Jun first nodded to the brother who was in charge of the men's test, then put his hands on it and closed his eyes.

"It's bright, it's bright, look quickly, look at that crystal ball at this time, it's amazing, it's so bright!"

People came in, and the water flow rate of their own classics surpassed the brightness of others. You must know that there are only three people in this test who are so beautiful.

"Oh my good seed, this is a good seed, it will soon enter Outer Mongolia and become an introduction to Outer Mongolia!"

Those in charge of the test are envious anyway, because good seedlings like this will definitely be able to enter the outer door and become real disciples. Like them, they are just a handyman disciple, and the drinking water they make every day can also obtain the cultivation method , But, they still need to do various things every day, such as chopping firewood instead of cooking, it's all done by their disciples.

Because of their lack of talent, so to speak, their achievements are also limited. Therefore, it is Meng who provides them with cultivation methods, but also needs them to contribute to the Master League.

There are some policies that are not vigorous, because such things are very common in the entire sect, and it is also like this in this Jianghu.

As long as these people can test out the real talent, then it will become the real foundation, but if these people say that their talent is not good, then they will not get much resource erosion.

"Very well, what's your name? After leaving your name here, you can become our disciple!"

"Brother, this is my younger sister. She is also very talented. Do you want to let him test again? Although he didn't get a recommendation this time, his strength should not be weaker than mine! "

After Li Jun was selected, he decided to sell it for himself first. If we can let our own sister also take the test, he should be able to pass it.

"Is he your own sister? Well, in this case, it can't be regarded as a waste of one of your recommendation places!"

"But, you have to think about it clearly. If he fails to succeed in the test, then he will waste one quota after another, and you will lose one quota next year. You should know that if you enter the waiting list, you will have a chance to get three places, but if you use it once this year, it will be deducted for you every year, are you sure you want him to test?"

The person in charge of the test is very careful to give.Li Jun described their special rules.

"I am willing to let my sister take the test, because she is indeed very promising, even if it is a waste of a quota for next year, I am willing!"

Li Jun asked himself to test you in advance for wasting an opportunity inside.He is very willing, because he has always thought that his sister is smarter than himself.

"Well, since you are so persistent, well, then find a little girl, what's your name? You come to test, after you pass the test after timeout, then you can say that if you fail the test, then your brother Next year will be a wasted opportunity."

After Li Qingbao thanked him, he put his hands on the crystal ball, feeling emotional.

He just felt that this crystal ball seemed to have a lot of magic power, and there were many dots in it that were constantly rotating, and what he did seemed to be to grab those dots with his hands.

And the people in charge of the test outside already exist. They see that when the mahjong hands are put on it, the loach lights up, and the brightness is getting brighter and brighter.

Having already touched those emotions, he held them gently with both hands for a week, and then it seemed as if these things were jumping in his hands.

Close your eyes and look inside. You didn't see the crystal outside, it was already shining brightly, even surpassing his brother's brightness.

"Tian Lezai is actually another genius. Why are the two of them really talented? Look at the bright crystal ball. It seems that there are only a few dozen people in history who can achieve this amount!"

The person in charge of the test was in a terrible situation. He didn't expect to witness another opportunity today, and saw that both Zimei passed the test at the same time.

"How? Have I passed the level?"

Let's sort it out, with his eyes closed, he naturally doesn't know if he has tapped the crystal ball this time, but he thinks he should have passed, because he has grasped all the dots in it.

"Those who have passed are naturally passed. Your test scores are very good, and you are better than your brother, so you can also enter the sect and become a reporter inside."

"Now you bid farewell to the person who sent you here, and then you can go in."

The person in charge of the test actually gave them an extra chance to say goodbye. If someone else was to take the test, they would be given the address inside. However, Li Qingbao and Li Jun did too well because of their grades. Alright, so they were taken to the mountains after saying goodbye to their families.

"Ok, ok, ok, ok, why did both of your colleagues pass by, my God, I must be dreaming, why didn't I expect such a good thing to happen?"

He was so touched by the simplification and brittleness that he didn't know what to say. He didn't think of this. Why did the two of them pass the test at the same time, and he didn't? Because he wanted to save a little introduction fee, he said Well, he just opened an introduction to his son, sharing that if his son passes, then next year his daughter can also take the test.

At that time, if his own son came to drive the limousine, then he would definitely be able to save those things, but he didn't expect that he would almost delay his daughter's life.

Li Qingbao and Li Jun were elected at the same time and became disciples of Wudang Mountain. These two events quickly spread throughout the entire political circle. Two disciples were elected, and many people came to their home to express their gratitude on the spot.

Don't think that the two people in a political election are just the benefits that the family can get from the family. This is good for their entire politics, because you know that next year, Li Qingbao will be Li Jun. With 6 places, most of the places will be given to them politically.

So, for this matter, everyone naturally understands that it is good for all of them. This is why they went to Teacher Ding before, and the teacher quickly agreed when they opened the modulation, because it is good for the whole family. Politically speaking, it is a good thing. After all, everyone can become a disciple of Wudang Mountain, but it does not mean that their son can also become a disciple of Wudang Mountain.

So, once it is their family, whether anyone has become a disciple of Wudang Mountain, then they will have to rely on others to promote their descendants in the future.

After all, everyone's lifespan is limited, unless they can cultivate to an advanced state, and then they can increase the number of recipients, otherwise, everyone has a lifespan of one hundred years. If they wait until they are old, If no one in their family becomes the address of Compensation Shan, then they will become ordinary people in the future. So, for such things, every disciple of Wudang Mountain can see clearly, so they will try their best to Go help the whole political people.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone, I set up a water mat at the door of my house today, and everyone of us comes here to have a light meal, um, leeks, you know who I am, how can I say it, it's more relaxed at home , so there is no good entertainment, but you can have enough wine and food!"

He Cuihua is a very smooth person, otherwise he would not have been able to become a political leader in such a critical situation.Everyone can praise Dr. Lin's woman.

"Sister He Jia, if you say this, you are out of touch. Who of us doesn't know that you are a woman whose symptoms are not praised twice? Today, Li Jun and Li Xin called them two people. Yes, I remembered at the time that this was the glory of everyone in our policies, so today, every one of our families will take out all the good wine and food, and let’s set up a row together, and let’s have a flowing banquet together. Celebrate the two children, everyone agree?"

Someone expressed generosity here just now, but in fact they all know about it, if they can get it at this time.Alas, if you have a good relationship with Cuihua, then when their disciples want to be the address of the forum next year, they will come here to ask for a note, and that will be very easy.

Furthermore, Li Qingbao and Li Jin are very talented, and they said it directly on the spot. If they can definitely become outer sect disciples within this year, then they The number of seats that can be held in hand will double. If both of them can become outer disciples, then they will have 12 more political candidates next year.

Although it is said that these 12 candidates may not be able to be selected by everyone, but people will naturally have other methods to test it at that time. At that time, their symptoms will have 12 more tea art disciples, so Once it comes, it's a great thing for their politics as a whole.

"Sister He, look, there is a shop over my house, and the one I rented to someone else will live in the next month, and he is due, you see, you want to take me over, my position is relatively good. Well, look, it's at the three-way intersection in Zhengzhou, although it's a little bit off, but there's nothing to say about the location!"

Landlord Wang said with a smile on the spot that many people wanted to rent the location of her house before, but he is a more beautiful person, and he only rented it for one year. This year, he will also rent it next month. The meeting is due, so he is going to take this thing out.

"Grandpa Liu, I really want to do it, but you also know the situation of my family. Look, if you say yes, if you are willing to let me come to you in a few months later, I will definitely be willing!"

He Cuihua has long wanted to rent a shop on Seed, but because his family is relatively short of money, even if he rents a shop, he may not be able to afford it, so he has always been Delayed until now.

"Hey sister, why do you say that, let me tell you this, you want to rent your pork tendon in this shop like others, but you can give it to me anytime, even if you don't Give it to me, I don’t have anything to say, and we are all a normal person, isn’t anyone still 38, so we have to ask others to help us when the time comes, don’t you think?”

Master Liu said it on the spot, expressing that he didn't care about promoting this matter, but this sentence made everyone laugh.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, why are you so generous today? I remember someone said last time that you have been chasing people's doors to ask for it recently."

A young man laughed and told a joke about Grandpa Liu.

"Go, go, go, you little brat, you know a fart, man, can he still compare with his sister? We know what character we and our sister have, who doesn't?"

(End of this chapter)

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