Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 55 The Great Demon Lord's Second Form

Chapter 55 The Second Form of the Great Demon Golden Lord (12)

Li Qingbao wouldn't starve himself, he was ready to go out angrily, and went by himself.

The money owners are all big scumbags.

If you say no to food, you won't be able to eat it.

Say no food, no food.

Thinking of Qi Cheng in that world, he said that he couldn't eat too many snacks after dinner, and they would confiscate them at every turn.

The Jin Yan of this world is again, running out of food at every turn.

Li Qingbao was very resentful.

I also have hands and feet, and I don't rely on the benefactor, and I live on my own.

Li Qingbao flung his arms and legs angrily, preparing to walk out of the cave.

But he never thought that when he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a transparent light barrier.

Li Qingbao frowned and looked at Jin Yan: "What do you mean?"

Jin Yan straightened his posture: "I said, if you dare to run, I will break your legs and lock you up."

At this time, Jin Yan was full of black air, like a blackened beast.

There is an indelible richness in the eyes.

Li Qingbao also became angry.

This benefactor must be sick.

Let yourself stay in his arms along the way, but if there is any trouble, don't let yourself leave, even if you are in a hurry, you have to be under his nose.

After leaving for a while, he felt black all over his body.

These Li Qingbao endured for the sake of the task.

But if you don't move, you will break your leg.

Li Qingbao's eyes condensed, and the aura on his body also began to fade.

She wants to complete the task, but she is unwilling to sacrifice her freedom, let alone prevent her from eating.

Food first, life second, freedom third.

Li Qingbao's voice no longer had that sweet and greasy taste, it was a little more cold, and his tone was calm: "I said, no one can stop me if I want to leave."

Thin silk thread broke out from Li Qingbao's body, like a huge silkworm chrysalis entangled Li Qingbao.

Then the front end condenses into the shape of an awl, with a sharp end and a cold glow.

Li Qingbao walked forward calmly, the tip of the awl easily broke through the barrier, and in a blink of an eye the beast was already outside.

Jin Yan's eyes were already black, and when they were unscrewed, they turned into a real black storm.

Seeing Li Qingbao getting farther and farther away from the original place, like the dream that makes it difficult to fall asleep every day, the girl's back gradually disappeared in front of her eyes.

Jin Yan's black color gradually turned into red.

The meridians on his body pulsate from time to time, and if you look closely at his eyes, you can see that they are gradually becoming hollow.

It seems that even the soul is gone.

In his sea of ​​consciousness at this time, there are countless voices telling him.

"You can't keep her."

"She doesn't like you."

"She just has a purpose."

"She will leave you sooner or later, just like that dream."

"You can never find her again, and spend your whole life."

These noisy voices are getting more and more, more and more.

Jin Yan's eyes were getting redder and redder, and the heat on his whole body was getting higher and higher, like a cooked shrimp, his body was hunched over, and he was in great pain.

The coercion on his body couldn't help spreading out overwhelmingly.

All the spirit flowers and plants outside the cave were prostrate on the ground.

The beasts at the foot of the mountain couldn't be avoided either, they were all trembling, unable to get up when they were pressed to the ground, and those with lower cultivation bases even vomited blood and fell into a coma.

A group of beasts are suffering unspeakably, my king, what kind of madness is this.

There was a huge explosion on the entire mountain, except where Jin Yan was, everyone was blown apart by the coercive impact.

The roar stunned Li Qingbao who was chasing the spirit beast.

Then he set his sights on the hilltop flying sand and rocks behind him.

She just came out to have a meal, why is it so difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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