Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 558 The Effect of Medicinal Materials

Chapter 558 The Effect of Medicinal Materials

"You don't have to worry about the effect of making the medicine yourself. He can really cure your mother's illness. Let her eat it first, and then we can talk about the effect after seeing the effect, okay!"

Mother, you drink water, drink, and feel happy after taking the medicine. His body starts to heat up, and he even feels uncomfortable all over, so he has to feel that the medicine is really

He doesn't know where his daughter got such curative medicinal materials, but these medicinal materials are still helpful to his condition. You must know that he went to so many hospitals before this disease, but they couldn't cure him. Even for this His illness, the two of them have been arguing for three years.

But now that my daughter has brought it back from other places, she has to come in first to have such a good effect, so she can feel that their life will gradually catch up, and they will definitely return to the previous happy world. up.

First of all, you naturally know that his medicine is useful for his mother's illness, because he is not necessarily interested in buying this medicine because he knows this medicine is good for his mother's illness.

Now it seems that this goal is really as he expected, it is really useful for his parents' illness. You must know that after they feel that the illness is cured at the same time, then their family will already die. Happy to pick it up.

This point is good for their current illness, or for their family, because the illness to be cured is cured so many things will not let the mother have such a problem. As soon as it comes, the companies in their home can restore their current figure and recover.

Seeing that his daughter has been healed by himself, he strives to make Liu Qingbao's employment in this family even higher, and at the same time let his mother help him even more, for the two of them.OK, that's great.

"Information, thank you, thank you, do you know what your mother has done? Your mother has been suffering from this disease for a long time, and Fu Jing couldn't find another good solution. The two of us Personally, we also had some small viruses with each other, but now you can tell you that since you found this medicinal material, since it is so useful, then you will be so refined and able to cure his disease. If you have this opportunity, we will be happier in the future. happy!"

Thank you very much, you put your own nature first, you know, they have always been unable to deal with this disease, if it is not that he had no way to deal with this disease in the past, then he would not be in this family It will look like this inside.

But now seeing that the travel bag can make them suffer from their current illness, my father feels very relieved. You must know that he actually attaches great importance to this, but, because of the lack of words, The employees, plus their recent use of a little thing because of this illness, will have all kinds of things when they are there.

"Father, what are you talking about? What should I do to treat my mother's illness? Say that my mother's illness is cured, then he will be more open-minded, and there will be a lot less in our family in the future. Let's talk about the current illness in the early stage anyway. Whether it's the future or the future, it seems to be good for our family now, it's not good!"

Because the mother's illness was under control, she said that she just wanted to relieve her mood. She cooked it for the father and daughter on the spot, and the table was full of good dishes. These good dishes were never available in her previous days. The two haven't done it for two or three years.

Ever since he got sick, his temper has become worse and worse, and he doesn't do much about his family's affairs, and he doesn't even let his parents, father and daughter hire a nanny, but every day When I came back, I sighed.

"Father, mother, what are you talking about? I am the three of you and can't say that as long as you two can be happy, then it is enough for me!"

After you first get rid of his mother’s disease, then whether it’s the future or the present, you’ll be fine with their income, but what does it have to do with them not having parents and daughters? Yes, it's mainly because they have a good relationship, and it doesn't matter whether he doesn't know anything, and if their illness will benefit them in the future, it will be a good thing for them.

"Xin Baojian, have your brothers already taken up their positions? Do you want to go to the company to take a look next? I think you should go to the company to take a look. You don't know that Liu Changle respects you very much, he said You are a once-in-a-century genius, and he even wanted you to be his successor. If it wasn't for the fact that you had already been tested before and couldn't practice, then sometimes he even taught you how to collect machines. !"

Li Jun didn't know what his daughter said that his Elder Liu wanted to find that Elder Liu. He was a tough guy before. He was able to convince that Elder Liu.

"Okay, I don't see you. Of course, I want to learn from you. If I don't manage Huayu Company, it belongs to Qunar. You can't let outsiders go, right? You won't believe them. You can only say It was this 2000 company that our family members explained, so it brought us better people!"

Company-type insurance policy, and then he needs to go, because he needs information about his father’s doctor in that company, so he will take care of the company’s affairs, but he only needs to go to the company, then The one who sees a woman will not be able to deceive his father's heart.

That woman is still too big for their family. If that woman is in the program, then the blow to them will be too big in the future, so why do you feel that you must go to the company? It is necessary to stop this matter from the company.

My father is a scientific researcher. If he manages the scientific research department, then my father is a very good man, but he has some plug-ins in the company that he manages, and I think Li Xin is competent. responsibility of the management company.

"Okay, okay, I wanted you to go to the company a long time ago, but you have been reluctant to go, you know? I still tried my best, this time you can go to the company to participate in the management of my father, I will be even more happy not worried!"

Li Jun was very happy. He even opened a bottle of good wine. The family drank here. After eating, his father drove them to the park for a walk.

It's been a long time since the family of them went to the park together. You must know that the beautiful scenery of the park has been lost in memory, and they haven't been in the park for two or three years. My home is not far from the park, but because of the noise at home, no one wants to go to Guyuan.

Now his father is temporarily driving them to the park, and his mother is very happy, because there is hope for his illness, and he can cure himself, so in this way, he will have countless hours to be able to To see his illness.

"Father and mother, you two come and I'll take a picture of you. You see that the flowers over there look beautiful, so we should prepare well. Let's take a picture!"

"Husband, look, my daughter is going to take pictures for us. I was there at the flower girl's place when we went there. If you stand behind me and let us take pictures, you can see that. You take a picture of the two of us." Let's take a photo, we haven't had a photo together for a long time!"

Father and Cuihua also went to Huafeng to take pictures with the two of them, and the parents smiled sweetly in Xinbao's camera.

The two of them went to finish the photoshoot together. After taking the photo, Li Qingbao found a cotton candy selling machine nearby, bought three bunches of cotton candy and handed them to his parents.

"You're such a big girl, and you still have to eat cotton candy, you don't get tired of it, this class is very boring."

Cotton candy is a puffed food made of white sugar. Although this thing looks big, it is white sugar when you ask him to eat it. If you eat it, you will feel greasy in your stomach. But, I didn’t expect that I My daughter would actually want to eat this thing.

"Tiantian Jingjing is what our family is talking about. Our family is so sweet, so naturally we should eat longer. Look at it, I still want to buy another bunch!"

Li Qingbao held a toothpick in his hand, and while eating two pieces of candy, he smiled at his parents.

It looks like this side, because it is a call video, so there are some additives in it, so for parents, they are not willing to eat too much of this thing, but now seeing Li Qingbao so happy , and they became more cheerful one after another.

How comfortable such a family is, they couldn't help laughing when they were already full. It had been a long time since their family had such a long-lost smile.

"Father, mother, let's all go to the company tomorrow. My mother never went to the company because of illness. This time, my mother's illness can be cured, so let's go to the company. Go over there and see that my mother stays at home every day and has nothing to do, she will be very annoying at home, if going to the company to open her eyes, then it is still helpful for her and us!"

After I listened to his suggestion in my heart, I naturally remembered that my wife is capable. He knew that Tranquility's boss had a business administration degree when he was studying before, but after getting married, he had to come back with a wallet. For the sake of politeness, he never went to the company. When he was finally free, he was delayed again because of this illness.

"Okay, okay, although I would like your mother to go to the company, you also know that your mother studied engineering management before, so if she wants to go to the company, then we will share a lot of pressure with us."

Father naturally has no other intentions for his mother to go to the company, so he naturally wants his wife to go to the company.

"Okay, your parents and you both said that, so if there's anything else you disagree with, I'm naturally willing to go to the company!"

At present, He Cuihua also agrees, and everyone is willing to go to the company to do things, but because of his illness, he was directly delayed because of the staple food.

Signing, now that father and your mother are so happy, the relatives are also very happy, thinking that their family has returned to the harmonious and happy family again.

The three of them had two days of dedicated treatment, and they didn't return home until around 10:[-] pm. After returning home, when Li Qingbao was taking a bath, he heard the sound of the bed shaking from his parents in the room.

"It seems that I will have a little brother soon, which is really a good thing!"

You at least laughed. He also likes father and mother to mess around at such an old age. You must know that although father and mother are said to be 40 or [-] years old at this age, for this world Still a young man.

Because there is a dotted line method in this world, so to speak, those dreams are all shot with medicinal materials that can prolong life. Even rich people in this world will directly receive such injections when they are born, and both parents will also receive injections. So they are at least 300 years old.

In this way, we can distinguish the future time of the two of us, and the past 200 years are good times. For this one, if they have a child now, then their future will be even happier.

Early in the morning of the second day, my father drove the two of them to the company, and after the vixen saw his mother go to the company, his eyes couldn't help it, and he began to have the first place.

He always thought that if his mother's disease could not be cured in the future, then he would get this company from their family, which would be of great help to him in the future, but he didn't expect that now Two people actually have so many fighters coming to the company, this is really a thing that keeps him too busy.

But that's not it, they are a husband and wife, and for the time being, when they are together as a family, they look sweet and happy, and he is sad, but he can only secretly work harder.

"Sister, you made a mistake in this report. Let's see how you can calculate it like this. In this way, our company will lose more than 100 million yuan. Didn't you learn business management when you were young?"

You first get the report and walk to the gold.

(End of this chapter)

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