Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 561 Gold Lord 26 Formula 6

Chapter 561 Gold Lord 26 Formula 6
Accompanied by Qu Jun's words, the big screen behind him remembered his attendance record management when he went to work, and his absenteeism record also traveled 4 times.

As for the punishment record above, the mysterious above, it is that every time a madman will fine him three days' salary, this is a general rule in the whole country, although there is no express regulation, but , basically everyone knows about this.

Comparing the two, what people in Quanzhou have said about that girl is really easy enough. After all, he didn't deduct a penny from him for 18 times, and he was late and left early, and he didn't arrive on time every day. There is no such thing anymore.

"Very good, next, please reporters take a look at the big screen, of course you can also point your camera at the big screen, you can record this one!"

The students naturally knew how to make this is your recovery more perfect, so they directly released the conversation between Xu Yuanyuan, who was already full in the company at that time, and even their video tape still had sound.

When I saw Xu Yuanyuan's rebellious appearance, and then came to meet the boss's daughter, I was so burned that I almost lost my eyesight to look at it.

"The following is a little bit of this matrix, um, it's not easy, but we have already got the authorization from the police station. This is our authorization letter. Please take a look at this authorization letter first."

Li Jun showed a power of attorney with the official seal, and then a photo of such a power of attorney was also displayed on the big screen after the after-sales service.

There are constant records on the big screen that a decision on the opposite side is to take a photo, and everyone knows that they have a bigger news to release this time when Zhang Shuquan said that the photo is taken. Think about it. Once the news of the development gradually attracts attention is released, it will be a greater benefit for them to prove that this promotion of education.

So when the reporters saw the authorization, they knew in writing that they had made a mistake, and this time they had found a more eye-catching thing, but, for them, As long as it can make their sales more profitable, that's fine. What does it have to do with them anytime, anywhere?

So when you basically see something like this.No matter what they do, or what they should do, or what they should do, it is the same kindness and reason for them.

"This is what happened yesterday, so what you saw before and your previous reports are all untrue. I don't want to pursue your responsibility, but you must be the most eye-catching on the entire website. Hang me an apology certificate somewhere!"

After Qu Jun released all the evidence, he immediately released the hardening, because he has already recorded everything on the screen for this matter. He also recorded all the attacks on various websites, so he said this At that time, his request was acceptable to anyone.

"I don't know if you have any meaning to this point, or if the capital behind you has your mind to do this, but I can tell you that if you restore our name or make a request to us, you don't If it can be done, then we will see you in court!"

"The little boss's previous thing is indeed that we did something wrong, um, we can fulfill your request, um, but the most important thing now is that we want to know what you see on their mobile phones! "

This kind of thing makes it clear that such an apology is also a good time for them to increase the sales of their website. If you want to ask a website, if you say a lot of things, and then make a public apology, then they It's totally okay to use any title like this or do a larger series, so then they will get more things to think about.

"Although this thing involves personal privacy, we have now achieved authorization, so we can give you what you want!"

Qu Jun laughed. This is the requirement for the reporters. The 8 people are not allowed to let the reporters quickly raise it. You must know that if the reporter does not mention or ask questions, then he will still do it. Now In this way, the reporters have already said so, so he is naturally willing to bring this matter up.

So when all the reporters saw this, everyone became excited in the Year of the Rat, and they soon saw on the big screen behind the reporters that they were blacking out from the mobile phone and from the background. data.

"This is a regulation in our company. You can take a look at it. It is clearly written that except for the company's computer, it is not allowed to store the data of our customers on personal mobile phones, because our company Every employee is equipped with a mobile phone, but what about this mobile phone? It is still in the hands of this lady. Although we have all the information in this mobile phone, but the latter two mobile phones You can see the comparison inside!"

Because of Xiaoding's help, when they first recorded this message, they had already recorded everything. Therefore, what they see now is all the information on their mobile phones that they operate from the background. All the information is withdrawn.

"When every piece of information in our company is actually behind the scenes, we can do it for you. This point of tracking can be done by any technology company, so for such things, everyone There is no need to go to the next life, just because every company has their own means!"

One of them is an open secret, because everyone knows that for a high-tech company like them, and a company with a technology theme like them, they naturally want to ensure that their information will not be leaked. Therefore, they will implant some things in the design resources, and these things, unless they are people who specialize in this, others cannot easily talk to the street.

And once such a material is copied by an outsider or participated in by someone who confesses, it will generate source codes one by one in the other party's mobile phone, and then once they withdraw this principle, they can All data were withdrawn.

After seeing that they even avoided the privacy of the other party by exposing the film, they still wanted to give this matter a special way.After this, everyone naturally understood this matter, but the group really did nothing wrong.

The press conference was successfully completed, and when the press conference was officially held, the event was broadcast live on the Internet. Originally, they thought that such an event, the conference would be an attractive event, but in the end they did not expect The matter was actually slapped in the face, but although the reporter was slapped in the face and their media suffered losses, the stocks of the entire group started to rise in response.

Even if they slowly throw back the stocks in their hands now, then they have already started to make money, but they all know that after the main thing about them this time is released, others will naturally ask how one of their stocks has been raised. A new high, their predicted rise should be around 10%.

That is to say, this time they can earn at least 40% of the shares between entering and exiting, which means hundreds of millions of income for their company.

After the press conference was held, all the things of their company's personnel began to rise instantly, and just before the stock market began to close that night, their company's stock had reached 70% of crude oil stocks.

That is to say, in just two hours, their company's stock price has risen by 20%, but now there are many people in the market who want to buy their company's stock, but since they have been found The company's shares were unavailable.

Moreover, those funders who are constantly being thick are really panicked, because they are short-selling their companies. If their stocks rise higher and higher, the more money they invest, the more they lose. A lot, but now, the other party's stock has been rising, and they want to sell it eagerly, and they really find that they can't sell it because the stock is blocked.

After 8 o'clock last night, the stock trading of their company is not allowed in any company, so now those people want to operate at this time, but found that they originally wanted to cut their flesh and leave, but I found myself unable to leave.

At this time, everyone discovered that there was only a huge trap behind it, because if this matter and the conquest reached its peak overnight, then their stocks would return to their original positions tomorrow morning, and they would rise again Some, so they will lose more money.

They want to find money, and they will suppress this matter on the second day. If the other party wants the other party to short more, then their stocks will be suppressed. Then they may be able to guarantee this matter, but now they say Suddenly, because many people are optimistic about the rise of their stock, and even many people are making big bets, how much can their company rise in the end?

Because the initial influence of this matter was too great, so many people know about it now, so many people will see the color of their company's stock, which will virtually increase the pressure on short sellers.

After all, the people that all staff can find are just some small properties. Although such a consortium must be willing to go all out for such a company, it must be known that for those big properties, such things cannot be entered at all. their eyes.

And I also want to be able to give it away and withdraw it. Is it possible to play an Easter egg? This is willing. This means that if they are holding a position now, then they naturally know that they can seal the profit of the other party. In this way, behind their backs Those who invest will lose more, and they will also make some money at the same time, and the little money they make is hot money, but it can be deleted at any time.

It costs a lot to buy stocks, because if you buy stocks, you have a 7-day selling period in your hands, that is, it is not easy to sell them within 7 years, so Speaking of now, they will find one thing that if it is said that those who are arguing with them have a lot of arguing with them, then they may say that all the money they invested before will be gone.

Xu Yuanyuan's cell phone was about to explode, and he hid in a dark corner. He didn't know why things turned out like this. When the online picture maker started to do his duty to the people of the city, he knew his chance had come. , so he contacted those rehearsal pairs who must be short before contacting them.

With his ex-employee's cessation of participation, those layoffs are willing to put more effort into this matter, but now they don't expect all of them to fail.

The student sat in a dark corner, he didn't dare to face him, he didn't dare to turn on his mobile phone, he didn't dare to turn on his computer, and he didn't dare to walk on the street, because he was afraid that if he was recognized by others, he would be so Once he came, he lost the slightest bit of security.

It can be said that, with so much money lost in those consortiums, what is in his heart alone?Heard it on the road.

He doesn't dare to go out now, he can only curse silently, why did he not take care of things like this?He originally just wanted to take away the military group, what's the matter, this is just a normal business operation, everyone would be willing to do this.

All the staff didn't expect that he worked so hard to build the company. Why would he want to be taken away by the company for no reason? She is still beating her now. In fact, the key to them is Qu Jun of Ramie. The ruthless and ruthless coal fields don't give him 5 days. If there is no money, they can apply for another day when they broadcast, then they can completely achieve their goals.

Even if they are enough for this matter in the end, don't go to the group, but if you know this, then as long as they can be sweet to me, then they can make money in just one day.

But he didn't expect that this day would actually become a casualty, and because of what happened on this day, he was already too scared to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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