Chapter 567
"Teachers, come out quickly. Master is going back to the mountain today. Let's go to the bottom of the mountain to meet him. Let's go to the airport!"

Definitely ran over happily to ask Li Qingbao to go down the mountain to meet the master, did he already send a message that he had already boarded the plane, which means they will be able to see the master today, so it is natural to say that they are the master sister Bring the brothers and sisters to meet the master.

"Okay, big sister, I'm ready, I'll come right away!"

You at least smiled, then packed yourself up, and here you brought the meeting gift to the master, and then followed the brothers and sisters to rush towards the airport.

This time because they are the masters of the Yin family, they directly drove three cars with their leaders, and this time they still have a lot of senior brothers who came with them, and the cars driven by those people are also very good. It is expensive.

Li Xingbao sat on the co-pilot, and after Ding Ran drove them to the airport, he waited for a while, and the plane had already arrived at the station.

"Ah, master, I miss you so much, you are finally back, do you know? We have missed you very much these few months!"

The enemy's mouth is very sweet, he smiled and attracted Elder Xu, and then told Elder Xu that he missed him very much.

"You girl, your mouth can really coax your master to death."

The senior senior said something with a smile, and then let you go.Knowing that if they rush back to Zhongshan now, they still have a lot of things to deal with, so the equipment can be delayed here.

"How is it, master? Did it go well this time? My father's cooperation with you should be very pleasant, right?"

He has already cut it up, he has already got the news from his father, and this time they cooperated very happily, but he still wanted to ask this question, because as a disciple, he naturally wanted to respond to his master. What does it mean here.

"Don't worry, you can rest assured, your father's arrangement is very good, I am very satisfied with your father's arrangement, of course, what your father did, also made the elders of our sect very happy satisfied."

Elder Qu laughed, this time he really saw it, he already knew his ability to deal with things, he is not good at arranging comfortable tasks, but what.Qu Jun's is really, it's very difficult to arrange for Murakami, because Qu Jun also has the kind of smooth and smooth way of doing things, which makes him feel that this person is really an unsuccessful person to pick.

"Where is it still master, you taught us well, if it weren't for your teacher, you taught us, then we would not have such a result here, master, you have helped us a lot, our little What is your contribution?"

You cut it up first, the master said that he is quite satisfied with their handling method, so it is a certainty that his master will help them this time, but the physical help that the master is giving them now is not enough. It's enough, I have to say that they have paid for it now.

"Okay, you girl, when I promised you, as my little disciple, I will naturally not break my promise. This time, you can rest assured. When I return to China, I will immediately treat you. apprenticeship ceremony."

The little elder officially approved Li Qingba to become his disciple, so this time he was going to give the entire sect a formal approval immediately when he returned.

Our brand is still available for Lin Xian's tenure. You must know that Mr. Li can use the property. Their sect provides such a stable modern person, which is of great help to them, so no one will be at this time, right? The manager said it doesn't approve of such things.

Just like aging, no one will be troubled by money, no one who can help himself with words, I don’t know where they are, the company he doesn’t join, the content that he brings to them every year is enough to make Elder Xu Can come up with a student's name positioning.

It can be said that if it is Li Qingbao’s family, if he can’t afford one for you and asks himself to hand over this share to another mountain gate, then he has also remitted their position to them, and it is even possible to do it. It is better than their family, so he has to give himself a problem, that is, although the society says that he is not harmless, because it makes no difference to them in this way.

The things in this background are more background energy, and it will look better now, so at that time, people will reach them to Sina more, and they will indeed have a better situation when they go to others. So, everyone in this department can understand them. In this matter, whether it is indeed a genius who can be cultivated or not, they have to use it.

This is the old saying, these things have two sides, no matter whether Qu Shuang should say it, or whether they say it or not, they are all the same.

"Principal, wait a minute, I'll fuck you, really, there is another one of your things out of the world, and then, what you need to do is to stun me, is ours big, so we can open Well, I have always valued the value of the students, so I say this is better controlled!"

Elder Xu also knew that if it was this girl, even if she had cultivated badly, that would only mean that he was in a dream, and other people would just treat it as a benefactor, and would not say it was true. No matter what you do to this girl, you may not be able to drive her out of the mountain gate.

But, Mr. Xu Zhang is really optimistic about you, at least that's why he is going to persuade you at this time. If the intelligence can be clarified and the complaint can be cultivated, then it will be good for Li Qinbao, or for their Shanmen. That's okay, it's all a good thing.

"Master, don't worry, I understand, you can rest assured about what you said, I have already started to practice now, and I have already set off for the first floor."

After hearing what Li Qingbao said, he just checked the deposit. Anyway, Li Ting's administrator has really started to practice, so he nodded.

"Environmental protection girl, you are traveling a little more than I thought, but, I don't know if your senior sister and the others have told you that your body now is because there are many impurities in your body, so let's say, I It is not recommended that you practice too high in the early stage. Before your magazine is released, you’d better just practice the third layer, because if you mentioned the third layer, your skin will become more firm. When you do it at that time , then if you want to cultivate and get rid of these impurities, it will be very troublesome!"

Hearing what the master said, you want to get rid of the two ends.

"Master, don't worry, senior sister and the others have already told me that they have already remembered so many disadvantages for me, so don't worry, I will definitely obey your wishes!"

"Well, it's good for you to understand. As for the time you have spared, because you are a child, at least it will take you more than a year before you can rehearse and expel all the toxins to play, so in this During the time, don’t you have a lot of free time, you can also supplement the knowledge of leisure, and you can also practice those small spells to exercise, because this thing will be helpful to you in the future.”

I have to say that Teacher Xu Zhuang really wants you to focus on your own foundation first, so at this time he came out and prepared, mainly because Li Qingbao can practice under such a situation, then he will not hinder you from doing it again. It gave Li Senbao more benefits.

He is nothing more than a disciple. What does this place of revenge have to do with him?The food eaten in the dream was not paid by him, and besides, the father gave them so much money, and when the time came to support one person, even if they could support all of them, it would be more than enough.

The earning power of individual aircraft is so terrifying, the old senior man really saw it, but the second-hand investment he got made him jealous.

Although it is said that the universal coin box used by Xiuxian is different from the vertical one, is there a big tree after all?They explained that there will be endless disciples and handymen in the Earth Martial Realm, and those secular money are indeed necessary to build the sect.

As the so-called talented female Fadi, this thing is a must-have magic weapon for a cultivator.

"Just put the three doors in front."

The little elder took his disciples to the mountain gate, and when he came back, he saw the head of the sect opened his eyes to welcome him.

So although Li Ting said, er, famous brand is a big sect, but after all, they are last year’s sect, so the first is that the control of the tree is not so strict, but if they are really money If it can't be used up, then there won't be an elder who talks about such a matter in person.

"It's hard work, hard work!"

When they came up, they saluted for the elders, and then kept saying that the elders had worked hard.

"The matter of where men grow up is all for our sect. Besides, whoever goes up and down in the sect is not because of the fact that there are not many in this department. I just went to the soldiers to take a rest That's all, how can we talk about hard work!"

I went to Leshan to understand that at this time he can't bow to take pictures, and besides, he has already received substantial benefits, so what does it matter if he gives up some of these titles?

"Haha, what the elder said is that this is the disciple you accepted on your birthday, you are so cool, I am your head, just change to the growth mode package."

"Ah, how should I put it, hello, you look so young, like a big brother next door."

You laughed at Haha first, and then seduced the master. Faced with Li Qingbao's compliment, the master couldn't help but laugh too.

He was indeed very young when he was successful in cultivation. At that time, he was only in his 40s, so it can be said that his appearance was definitely higher than that of a 40-year-old.

Although when it comes to their realm, if you want to change your appearance, you can just use a little magic to change it, but for casual people, what they pay attention to is called mastery of thoughts, so for such a person As far as the situation is concerned, no one has changed the situation, but except for those who are exempt from modification, other people basically don't care about their appearance.

But when Li Qingbao said this, he was praising him for his success in cultivation. Although he was praising him, his cultivation speed was very fast, because he had to know about the epidemic, and it had been so long. what happened.

Yao Ming brand, so it can be regarded as a public that can not be sick. Not to mention that their disciples have so many second styles, but these masters of their tires are strong enough, and besides, the disciples they are recruiting now are indeed No. 1, but in reality It’s just like our class. It’s not as insightful as the outside world. There are tens of thousands to 10 people. In fact, there are so many people in the whole sect, but those people are more. It's just the miscellaneous disciples who can be recruited.

There are even many people who just say that they have the name they can do, and then help them do things. These missions mean that they can get a little bit of cultivation secrets, but those in the world are not counted.

"Okay, okay, let's not stay here in Xiamen any longer, let's go to Zhongmeng, I have already arranged a welcome banquet at the headquarters, this time, it's not just that you talked about a financial exam for us The problem is that you have recruited a wishful disciple, we really should celebrate it."

After you understand this for a while, you already understand that you were really wrong in the past, but seeing that we are so easy to talk, he still can't help but have some differences.

In any case, he is also a big president, so if he is such a big master, then there is no problem with those who control them even if they are a little reserved, but now they know that this model is just like ordinary people, let Li Xingwang There is a sense of belonging here in the army.

You have to know that for this kind of foreigners, other people think that they are the kind of fireworks that represent the world of doctors, but in fact, after a long time of contact, women find that this is not the case at all.

These people in front of him are not like a cultivator, but more like a brother next door, just like those people in the countryside with short parents, and even a little more energetic than those in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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