Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 570 Gold Lord 26 Formula 15

Chapter 570 Gold Lord 26 Formula 15
"Master, don't worry, the second senior brother has already told me, I plan to go and have a look with me next month!"

Li Qingbao, you at least laughed, he understands how much the thing the master told him now is of great benefit to him.

"Okay, your second senior brother has already told you, so I won't repeat it to you, and you will go with me next month!"

There will be this competition next month, you can listen to this competition, you don't need to participate now, but for him, it's good for her to let them go and have a look.

That's why Elder Xu didn't let you at least go with him.

"Good master, don't worry, the evening self-study volume will go with you at that time, and I plan to have nothing in my body by that time, and then I will be able to break through the fourth floor, so that I can still get the shooter, right?"

You download it first, so the fourth layer is just a small layer for them. For people with ID cards, this is a small thing like a large resource, but for him Said, this means that he has been able to practice with peace of mind from now on.

"Okay, since your girl has already decided to go, then I won't bother you, you have to study hard, let me tell you, after all the toxins in your body are cleaned out, you can go directly to We have broken through the 4th floor!"

After all, Li Qingbao can break through the 4th level so quickly every time, so for him, if Li Qingbao can get rid of these toxins, then Li Qingbao's compatriots The speed will become faster.

Anyway, Li Qingbao is still his disciple after all, so now, he would like Li Qingbao to practice faster, because it would really be beneficial to him.

After all, no matter what, as long as Li Qingbao can break through the 4th floor, then he can be regarded as officially entering the sect of cultivating immortals, so this is a good thing for him or for the entire sect.

"Good master, don't worry, I'm going to train hard now, and you and the second senior brother, you all need to prepare a good gift, by then I want to get to know other senior sisters! "

After you said this in detail first, then you went back to the room and started to practice. Although he said that he could not break through the fourth floor, he planned to accumulate more teaching books. After all, He can use it in the future. If he can clearly discover the benefits of these things, he will become faster when he is able to cultivate in the future.

Time passed in a hurry, and a month would be up soon, and before that, Li Xinbao had eliminated all the toxins in the Bible, even if he voted for the 4th floor, he had already broken through the 5th floor.

If it is another address, then it is very good and not easy to get hair in half a year, but in this case, although he said it only took a year and a half, you must know that he For some time, she has been eliminating the toxin of ascending to heaven, so this actually indicates that the girl's cultivation speed is terrifying.

It was precisely because of this that the master agreed to take Li Qingbao out for a walk. After all, now that Li Qingbao's eyes are not opening fast, it will save him some detours in the future.

"Little sister, let me tell you about the mentality. It is in the extreme north. He is on Konglong Mountain. So, the place we are going now is the dinosaur. But, let's go to the dinosaur. It takes more than 10 hours to go by plane!"

Instead, he effectively explained the geographical location of the Kunlun School to him, and then took a blueprint marking the locations of the various sects and asked Li Qingbao to write it down.

"Little Junior Sister, take a good look, you need to write down the geographical location of each of these sects, so that you will not be unfamiliar with them in the future. "

Seeing the location map of the various sects that Brother Ershi thoughtfully brought to you, you first smiled gratefully, and then seriously memorized the map.

He looked at the labels on it, and found that there are 32 sects of various sects on the entire earth, among them, the geographical location we took of them said that such a place is the largest, and then it is the Shangqing sect.

However, the location of the Shangqing School is sparsely populated, so if the Shangqing School is actually based on the terrain that can be used, it will be more exciting, but because of the new meal There is less manpower over there, so they don't have such concerns over there.

Because there are few people, their personal insurance income is also small. Because of this, there is an obvious one who is under the pressure and becomes the second place.

"Second senior brother, the ones marked in red should be members of our Zhengmeng sect, and the ones marked in black should be crooked ways, right?"

Facing Li Qingbao's question, the second senior brother just smiled.

"That's right, you guessed right. The places marked in black are center forwards who are against us. Not only do they say what kind of taste they are, but some of them are members of the Demon Cult, so you have to be careful about these places. Now, if people from our side go to their side, they will easily be eaten by them."

So for the people over there, it is no different from their side, but for the people over there, there is still a little bit of this for them, which makes people on their side look down on it. So it doesn’t matter whether it’s the 1th day of the situation on the first day, or if you understand them first, can you know that they still don’t provoke them.

It’s okay, it’s not worthwhile to offend them and cause trouble for yourself, so the second senior brother gave this blueprint to make you understand that there are some places he can go, but there are some places he really Can't go.

"Thank you, don't worry about the second style, I have written it down, and I will do it according to your request."

This plane was directly booked by them in their dreams, so now the more than 100 people on the whole plane are all their special mirrors. Most of them have seen them before, but there are still some other people. People who have never met before know that these people should be the machines they traveled outside and came back.

"Hi little junior sister, my name is Feng Qingyang, I am your seventh senior brother, you have me and brother Feng!"

Well, facing such a girl, Li Xinbao would naturally give him a smile.

"Well, hello, my name is Li Qin, and I really admire how beautiful his disciple is!"

In the current situation, that is to say, I couldn't help it today, and my head was full of cold sweat. He was actually seen by others as a girl. Should he look like a girl, how could she grow up? Elementary school children.

Even the second senior brother couldn't help but check after writing words in his growing up. He didn't expect that Ideal Treasure, such a cute person, asked someone to call a girl. A little too god can't help but laugh.

"I want to explain that this Zeng Qiang is a brother, and he is the third disciple of the Shangqing sect. What do you want to ask is fierce?"

"Ah, what are you talking about? This is brother, why do I look like a girl?"

At the end of a busy day, he didn't understand why such a beautiful girl turned out to be a man. He didn't look like that. Such an idiot's face had tender skin that made him feel envious. a man?This is obviously a girl.

The wind gun was defeated, he smiled wryly, and then the novice made a gesture of please, inviting them in.

After you first entered them into the upper class, you did it here, and in the next few days, you will use many people to come here, because their annual written test is about to start.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Li Qinghua, because Li Qingbao is not qualified to take the written test here, so for him now, he is just here to join in the fun, of course he can take a look and use their written test Time will help him in the future.

"How about the little life? Look at your senior brother, I am very good. Let me tell you, my child has won 5 games in a row!"

The positioning seems to be a stinky fart. He didn't expect that he would get a good start after coming here. Last year, he only won three games in a row, but this year he actually won five games in a row.

"Yeah, the second senior brother is the best, the second senior brother is the best, and the top second senior brother is the best. Look at you, you are so angry that you are gnashing your teeth."

When I bought a ticket before, he accounted for 20 pounds. The economic progress is indeed very fast. Even after seeing those people seeing the appearance of 20 pounds, I couldn’t help but want to ask how the second style is trained. that's it.

Not a small number of us took photos and had one last time in the written test, and achieved the most traditional and best results. They not only won the first and third places, but even 1 of the top 3 were students from their class.

This is the case, and it was like this in the past, but it has never been as bold as this year and did not open.

It seems that they and the sect are really going to be circled this year. Everyone is understanding what such a thing means, so now, facing them like this at this time, everyone has nothing to say .

Li Xunbao stayed with the Shangqing Sect for a full 10 days, and when the time came, they all returned to the sect, and during the remaining time, Li Qingbao began to train.

In the next year and a half, nothing went out of the mountain gate. He kept practicing and practicing, and when the three-year contract expired, he did find that he had exceeded that limit.

You bid farewell to the master first, and then rush towards home. She will go home after three years of appointment with her parents. Here comes the identity of an outer disciple.

When the official master has this and sends it to him one by one, then his father's company has been assured. Others just want to touch his father, and then consider the consequences.

"Ah, dear, you are finally back, do you know? You kissed me, I miss you so much, my mother stood by the airport with a two-year-old baby in her arms, watching Li Jinbao go, and got off the plane I couldn't help but laugh."

"Oh mom, when did you ask for a little brother for me again? God, this is so cute, no, no, I'm going to take it to play for a while!"

The little brother who saw the imitation fan was so cute. The 1800 people didn't want this boy to take him to play for a while, it was like a little toy at this time.

The two little guys clapped their hands together, wanting to be hugged by their sister.

"Oh, look at Li Jun. Li Jun came in and wanted to use him. He has to solve it. He has never met his sister before, but now he asks his sister to get a new hand. They are really siblings. Two!"

He was very happy to drink the water flower. He originally thought that this son would not ask his daughter for medicine, but now seeing his daughter like this and his son like this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, you don't look at our son. Whose son is he? Besides, the two siblings are related by blood. They are so kind!"

The father also laughed. He saw that his son and daughter had such a good relationship, and he put his heart in his stomach. At first, he thought that Li Qingbao would not want them to have this child, but now seeing Li Xiang's action , they understood that this girl was really lonely and wanted a younger brother all along.

"Father, when I came back this time, I didn't just say that I came back. I also brought you a benefit. I asked the master to ask for the status of an outer disciple. From now on, you will be an outer disciple of our Emei Sect. .”

Because Li Bing's eyes are already very high now, so I said that I will at least ask for one for him when I see you now, and I can see clearly when I borrow it from outside, which means that he will never have to look at other people's eyes from now on. His face turned pale, and others wanted to curry favor with him.

"Qingbao, thank you, thank you for giving me this identity, do you know Father, I have always thought that one day I will become a disciple of a high sect, and then fly around like you!"

Li Junhai was very happy. He didn't expect that his own daughter would arrange for him to do your wish.

(End of this chapter)

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