Hugging Thighs 101 Styles

Chapter 83 The Scholar’s ​​Fund Master, The Third Form

Chapter 83 The third form of the scholar's gold master (14)

The lights are bright, the beauties dance beautifully, and the fish are full of laughter.

At night, there are various flower boats wandering around the ferry, and young women in light gauze are performing and even attracting customers.

What a colorful world.

The melodious pipa sound is very attractive, and the girl's low voice is singing, and the men nearby are fascinated by it.

"Love turns and turns, and I don't know if it's entangled. Weaving a beautiful pattern and connecting two branches, it's hard to entrust this love~~"

"Going round and round, it's too late to pick up flowers in the morning..."

The lyrics reached Li Qingbao's ears.

She suddenly raised her eyes to look at the big eyes of the beneficiary, and she could see everything clearly. She couldn't help being a little happy, as expected of the benefactor.

She watched as the actress suddenly took out a gold hairpin, and stabbed the man opposite her.

And at the same time, the transformation is instantaneous.

The flower boat on the opposite side exploded.

Su Mo suddenly embraced the villain in front of him.

Gundam's body blocked all hidden weapons flying towards him.

What he couldn't see was that behind him, the green silk thread gradually intertwined with a large net, blocking all flying debris.

Li Qingbao pulled Su Mo, and the two stood side by side on the deck. The silk threads in his hands shot out, winding their way across the entire ship, wrapping the entire ship.

The fights, weapons, hidden weapons, and explosions over there were all isolated outside the ship.

Many boats have been affected and caught fire, only Li Qingbao and his boat are still safe and sound.

Su Mo looked at the cold-faced lady, and believed twice the statement that she was a fairy.

"Let the captain speed up and pass here."

Su Mo ordered a monk to the people below.

It's a place of right and wrong at first glance, so it's better to leave early.

But they didn't expect them to avoid trouble, but trouble found them.

Looking at the anxious little boy on the ship's side, there was a lot of pleading in his eyes.

He still held a jade pendant in his hand and showed them.

The five-clawed golden dragon on the jade pendant looks majestic.

Royal children.

Li Qingbao raised his foot, ready to kick him down.

I never thought that Su Mo would stop him: "My lady... this person is saved."

Li Qingbao shrugged, ojbk, the patron is the biggest.

"Don't let him disturb me to sleep." After saying that, Li Qingbao entered the cabin.

The boy was thanking Su Mo, but his eyes skipped over Li Qingbao. The girl seemed to want to kill herself just now.

It really is the most poisonous woman's heart.

When the system was not careful, it laughed out loud.

"Treat yourself early if you are sick." Mo Qimao smiled inexplicably.

"Host, do you know what that brat was thinking just now?"

Li Qingbao shook his head: "I don't want to!"

Good words, the system will not say.

"But I want to say."

"He said that the most poisonous woman's heart."

"I didn't expect a child to be able to see your essence clearly, host."

Li Qingbao grinned.

"Goofy, you're floating."

"┗|`O'|┛哩~~!!!!!! Host! I was wrong!!!"

On the night when the little boy stayed, three waves of assassins came on board.

Two waves of people who searched through the boat.

Li Qingbao didn't sleep well, and his whole body was filled with black air.

When the fourth wave of people came, Li Qingbao just stood there, his aura was so fierce that it was about to explode. .

Even before these people set foot on the boat, the silk thread cut off their heads.

The corpse fell like a dumpling.

Su Mo expected that it might be troublesome to save someone, but he never thought it would be such a big trouble.
If it wasn't for Li Qing and his group tonight, they might all be dead.

"Four waves of enemies have come, and your men haven't found them yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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