Chapter 101 Changed
"Sister Feng, look at the servants in your mansion, they don't even let me in, and leave me here halfway, Sister Feng, you have to punish them well, you said that if my elder brother finds out about this , he will definitely be angry with you." Gu Xiaoqing stepped forward and grabbed Feng Yun's hand like he was familiar with it, and complained.

He didn't even notice that the way Feng Yun looked at her was no longer as flattering as before.

"I arranged this. I told them not to let you in." Feng Yun explained to her expressionlessly.

When Dalu Xiaoqing, who was talking excitedly, heard her words, she was completely stunned. After a while, she realized that Feng Yun standing in front of her seemed to be different from before.

In the past, Feng Yun was very kind to her in order to please her elder brother Gu Heng. As long as it was something she wanted, this Feng Yun would get it for her.

Could it be that what my elder brother said is true, this Feng Yun really doesn't like him anymore.

And became so unfeeling.

"Sister Feng, what's wrong with you, you, aren't you afraid that I will tell my elder brother about this? You also know that my elder brother doesn't like people bullying his family. If you treat me like this, my elder brother I guess I won't like you anymore, you should think about it more clearly."

After hearing her words, Feng Yun smiled coldly, "It's best if you don't like me, and I don't like your disgusting elder brother either.


Gu Xiaoqing looked over with her eyes wide open in disbelief, and after a while, she stammered and spoke again, "Sister Feng, what's wrong with you, my elder brother said you have changed, I still don't believe it, now As soon as I saw it, I realized that what my elder brother said was right. You have really changed, Sister Feng. For the sake of our good relationship, I will come to persuade you again. You should stop making my elder brother angry. You can forget about the money matter with my elder brother, if you really make my elder brother angry, I will not be able to help you then."

After hearing so much from her, Feng Yun still couldn't understand. She probably was sent by that shameless Gu Heng as a lobbyist.

"Gu Xiaoqing, who gave you the guts to say these things in front of me? I loved you before. It was because you were the younger sister of that guy, Gu Heng. I treated you better. What does Gu Heng mean to me now? Nothing, you are nothing in my eyes, understand?"

Gu Xiaoqing looked at Feng Yun who suddenly became fierce in front of him, and was too scared to say a word.

"Go back and tell that guy Gu Heng that you should pay me back the money he owes me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'll go to the yamen and sue him. I, Feng Yun, will do what I say. If he doesn't believe it, he can give it a try."

After saying this, Feng Yun looked at the frightened Gu Xiaoqing in front of her, and gave her a cold look, "What's the matter, do you still think I can carry you back with eight sedan chairs?"

Gu Xiaoqing had already turned his face green and white with fright, and when he saw Feng Yun's cold eyes shooting over, he was so frightened that he hurriedly ran away from here with great strides.

Feng Yun looked at her leaving back and sneered.

Gu Xiaoqing escaped home with great difficulty, and immediately poured two bowls of cold water into his stomach as soon as he came back.

Gu Heng watched from the sidelines dying of anxiety, so he urged, "How, what, what did that Feng Yun say, did she stop asking me for the money?"

After Gu Xiaoqing drank the water, he looked at Gu Heng nervously, "Brother, that Feng Yun has really changed, and, she said, you must return the money to her, or she will sue you to the yamen .”

(End of this chapter)

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