Chapter 106 She Has This Qualification
Feng Yun didn't expect that he would throw this question to herself. After being stunned for a moment, she took his rough fingers and rubbed them, and said in a low voice, "Of course it's up to you, my lord. When you are free, you can ask me When are you going to see my parents?"

Gu Chen looked at his finger being played with by her, the corner of his mouth curled up, and finally announced, "Then we will go later."

Feng Yun, who lowered her head and played with his fingers, heard his decision, and immediately looked up at him in surprise, "My lord, what did you say?"

Seeing her silly look, Gu Chen raised the corner of his mouth, "I said we'll go see your parents later."

Anyway, this ugly son-in-law always wants to see his mother-in-law and his father-in-law. It is both a late meeting and an early meeting. It is better to meet earlier, so that he and the little woman can appear in front of outsiders in a legitimate way.

This feeling of not being able to touch or hug every time he sees a little woman is almost unbearable.

The corner of Feng Yun's mouth curled up, and she nodded vigorously, "Okay, let's go to my house now."

Both of them can't wait to see their parents.

Soon, Feng Yun took him by the hand and walked towards the gate of Huainan Palace.

It's just that I didn't expect that there would be such a narrow road, and I suddenly bumped into Gu Heng who came to Huainan Palace to borrow money at the door.

Gu Heng, who had just stepped into the gate of Huainan Palace, saw them holding hands, he was shocked, and shouted, "Father, you?"

Feng Yun didn't expect that Dali would meet the person she least wanted to see, so she immediately turned her head away.

Intend to come to an out of sight.

Seeing the little girl's attitude, Gu Chen didn't know why, and suddenly felt a sense of pleasure in his heart.

"What are you doing here?" Gathering up the pleasure in his heart, Gu Chen looked expressionlessly at the godson in front of him that he had never acknowledged.

It's all my own mother's fault. I was afraid that I would die in the frontier, so I adopted a son who was seven years younger than me. When he wanted to object, this matter had already been done, and he had no chance to object.

Gu Heng quickly put away the shock in his heart, and immediately turned his head to look at his adoptive father, and said with a face full of embarrassment, "Father, the child came here to borrow some money from you!"

After speaking, he cast a hard look at Feng Yun who turned her head away.

It's all the fault of this woman, if it wasn't for this woman asking him to return the money spent on him, why would he need to come to Huainan Palace to borrow money from his adoptive father.

Just as Gu Chen was about to speak, suddenly the little woman beside him turned her head and pulled the corner of his clothes, and then her delicate voice floated into his ears, "My lord, am I your future wife? Since I am Your future daughter-in-law, will the money in your mansion be mine in the future?"

Gu Chen nodded naturally, "Of course."

After getting this satisfactory answer, Feng Yun smugly smiled at Gu Heng, whose face was almost distorted, then turned her head and issued an order to Gu Chen, "Well, my lord, I order you not to lend him a penny. "

Gu Heng loosened his fist with all his strength, and strode forward to her, "Feng Yun, you shameless woman, why do you make this decision for my adoptive father, you are not qualified."

"She has the qualifications. She is my concubine. Also, Gu Heng, whoever gave you the courage to call her by name, you should call her mother." Gu Chen stood in front of her with a heavy face, blocking his vicious shot. The eyes that came over spoke to him word for word.

Gu Heng immediately shook his body, opened his eyes wide, couldn't believe what he heard, and called out to Gu Chen, "Father."

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(End of this chapter)

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