Chapter 115
Father Feng looked at the old man in front of him who was about to take his daughter away, and the more he looked at him, the more he disliked him.

Seeing that he was still rolling eyes with her idol, Mother Feng immediately stepped forward and grabbed his ear, warning, "Give me some respect for the lord."

"Let's go to the room and talk about our daughter." As soon as the words fell, Mother Feng grabbed Father Feng's ear and walked outside.

Halfway through, Feng's mother suddenly remembered that there was such a big man as Gu Chen behind her, so she stopped again, turned her head and said to her idol, "My lord, sit here and drink well, we will come out later."

When Feng's mother came to the four sons, she immediately told them, "You four brats give me a good greeting to the lord, if you neglect, see how I deal with you."

When the four brothers of the Feng family heard this warning from their mother, the four brothers looked at each other, and there was a message in each other's eyes, that is, in their mother's heart, the four brothers were picked up from outside.Unexpectedly, he was no match for Huainan Wang, an outsider.

With their own mother's warning, the four brothers did not dare to show Gu Chen's face.

Didn't you see that their own fathers were pulled by their ears by their mothers and went to the room to have a good talk about life?

"My lord, this is the sweet-scented osmanthus cake I made myself. Would you like to try it?" Feng Yun pulled him to sit down, then took a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake that was just made today from the table and handed it to the man in front of him.

"Okay." Gu Chen smiled and took a sip immediately.

"Delicious." After a while, he looked up at the little woman in front of him and replied.

He really thinks this pastry is delicious.

Usually he doesn't like to eat sweet cakes, but this time, he felt that although this cake was sweet, it didn't make him feel tired.

Feng Yun pursed her lips and smiled slightly, and the two just looked at each other and smiled as if no one was there.

The four Feng family brothers who were completely ignored by them were very angry.

But because of their own mother's warning, they couldn't embarrass this King Huainan who robbed their sister.

"Sister, I also want to eat this sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Feng Yao shouted angrily at the younger sister.

"And me, I want to eat too." Feng Guang said.

"I want to eat too." Feng Zong continued.

"I, I want to eat too." Seeing that the three brothers had said it, Fengzu seemed to be out of tune with the three brothers if he didn't say a little bit, so he risked being disrespectful to King Huainan, and followed suit. This sentence.

Feng Yun looked at the four brothers who looked like they had been abandoned, and pointed to the pastry plates beside them with a smile, "Isn't there an osmanthus cake next to your left hand, you can take it yourself."

When the four brothers of the Feng family heard this, they immediately felt that their hearts had been pierced by an arrow, it hurt so much!

Gu Chen pursed his lips and almost laughed out loud.

It seems that what I asked someone to investigate is still true, the four brothers of the Feng family really dote on this younger sister, Yun'er.

Not long after, Feng's father and Feng's mother finally came out of the room.

As soon as Feng's mother came in, she immediately forgot about her own man who was following behind her, and looked at Gu Chen with eyes full of admiration, "My lord, we have no objection to the matter between you and my Yun'er, but you also know that I, Feng There is only one daughter in my family, Yun'er, and our whole family loves her like a treasure, but we are reluctant to marry her off so quickly, so, take a look..."

When Gu Chen heard this, he didn't understand anything, and immediately said, "I can wait for Yun'er, for as many years as I want."

Anyway, he is seven years older than Yun'er, so it's not bad to wait for her for a few more years.

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(End of this chapter)

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