After wearing the book, I married the male protagonist's father

Chapter 125 Meddling in Other Businesses Will Die Faster

Chapter 125 Meddling in Other Businesses Will Die Faster
Even Emperor Rong and Empress Rong who were sitting above looked at her with astonished faces.

Originally, when she said these words, she still felt that she was quite domineering, but now, she was very upset.

Just now, she was only focusing on protecting the men around her, and she forgot that there are still the most honorable men and women in the Xuan Dynasty here.

I don't know if I said so boldly just now, did they annoy me.

Just when she was worrying about these miscellaneous things in her heart, suddenly out of the corner of her eye, the man sitting beside her stood up again.

Gu Chen covered his mouth with his hands and coughed lightly, and said calmly to everyone present, "Everyone, my wife's words are a bit reckless, but what she just said is what I mean."

As soon as he said this, there were still many people present who complained, but now, these people immediately shut their mouths obediently, not even daring to make a sound.

The people present could see that this girl from the Feng family was very much loved by their God of War in the Xuan Dynasty!

Emperor Rong suddenly laughed at this time, "I never thought that the God of War in our Xuan Dynasty would just not marry. Once married, he would be a good man who spoils his wife."

The embarrassing people at the scene were joking with Emperor Rong's words, and for a while everyone quickly found an excuse for themselves and smiled to congratulate their couple.

At this moment, there were also two people who looked unhappy and didn't say a few words.

Gu Heng looked at Feng Yun who was sitting next to his godfather with a displeased face.

Why, why can this woman sit next to her adoptive father.

Because of this barbecue banquet, within half a day, the name Feng Yun left a deep impression on the hearts of these dignitaries and ladies.

After the barbecue feast, the next day, it was finally time for hunting.

This time the hunting women also followed, but the hunting did not have their chance.

At this time, Feng Yun and Rong Hou were gathering in the big tent, chatting and drinking tea.

However, Feng Yun is not familiar with these noble ladies, so since she came here, she has been sitting in a corner eating and drinking alone, treating herself as an invisible person.

Just as she was bored looking out of the tent, a scene of a fight not far away suddenly came into her eyes, arousing her curiosity.

Taking advantage of the people around her not paying attention, Feng Yun sneaked towards the gang of fighting people.

When she came over, she happened to hear those who were fighting around scolding, "Aren't you just a wild child whose father doesn't love his mother? If it wasn't for Defei Empress who adopted you, you would be considered a dog in this palace!" not on."

"That's right, you are not even as good as a dog, yet you dare to fight against us. I think you are tired of your life. Believe it or not, even if we hurt you, Empress Defei will not punish us for you."

"Tell him what are you doing so much? Hurry up and fight. After the fight is over, let's go hunting." After a while, the surrounding nobles started punching and kicking the man lying on the ground with his head in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yun immediately quickened her pace, and shouted loudly at the group of people, "What are you doing, stop, do you hear me?"

When these people heard this, they stopped immediately, and many of them turned their heads towards her.

"Who are you? Let me tell you. If you meddle in your own business, you will die faster. If you don't want to die here, get the hell out of here." One of the noble sons pointed at Feng Yun and cursed viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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