Chapter 135 Missing

Feng Yun was about to reply to his words when Miracle Doctor Ren suddenly came over.

"Miss Feng, it's great that you're here." Miracle doctor Ren ran over panting.

Seeing his hurried look, Feng Yun raised her eyebrows, stepped forward and asked, "Master Ren, did something happen?"

Ren Miracle Doctor glanced at Xuan Shuo behind her, and then said quickly, "Something happened. Today, the prince accompanied the emperor to go hunting. Someone just sent the news that the prince and the others were ambushed. In order to protect the emperor, the prince Now that I have lost contact with the main force, I want to go out for a while, you stay here well, if something happens, just go to the empress dowager."

When Feng Yun heard that Gu Chen was in danger, she felt anxious, and immediately grabbed Miracle Doctor Ren's clothes, "Miraculous Doctor Ren, wait a minute, I want to go find the prince with you."

Doctor Ren turned his head and glanced at her, "Miss Feng, you know that the place we are going to find the prince this time is in the deep mountains. I don't even dare to think about the danger there. Are you sure you want to follow me to find it?" Lord and them?"

Feng Yun thought about it, and nodded to him with a sure face, "I want, instead of waiting here anxiously, I want to find it myself."

Ren Miracle Doctor took a look at her, and suddenly smiled, "Your Majesty is right."

"Okay, we'll set off later, but because the temperature in the deep mountain is very high, if you want to go with us, you'd better go back to the tent to get some warm clothes first.

"Feng Yun nodded, then immediately turned her head and told Xuan Shuo, "Third Prince, I may not be able to continue eating barbecue with you. I have something to leave first, sorry. "

He also heard what happened to them just now, since he has already regarded Feng Yun as his friend, and this friend is in trouble, how can he, as a friend, stand by and watch.

"I'll go with you to find King Huainan." Miracle Doctor Ren immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard his words.

Seeing this, Xuan Shuo pursed his lips and smiled, "I haven't encountered anything in the palace. Believe me, with me here, you will definitely be able to find someone sooner."

Miracle doctor Ren frowned and was still thinking about this matter.

Feng Yun glanced at Xuan Shuo with an affirmative face, then turned her head to look at Miracle Doctor Ren, "Miraculous Doctor Ren, let the third prince go with us to find the prince, maybe he can really help us."

Miracle Doctor Ren hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

Soon, the three left the river.

After Feng Yun went back to get a piece of warm clothes, she quickly found Miracle Doctor Ren and the others.

When she came over, Xuan Shuo was already standing in the crowd.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Ren Miracle Doctor immediately shouted to everyone, "Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Just then, another woman's voice sounded from behind.

I saw Yang Yiyi holding a badly used arm, running towards this side with a face of difficulty.

Seeing her figure, Feng Yun raised her eyebrows in displeasure, and immediately turned to Miracle Doctor Ren and asked, "Miraculous Doctor Ren, is there any Gu Heng missing this time?"

Doctor Ren didn't understand what she meant by asking this, but in the end he answered honestly, "Yes, besides the prince, Mr. Gu Heng is also on the missing list."

After hearing this sentence, Feng Yun raised her eyebrows. This incident has never happened in her previous life.

At this time, Yang Yiyi ran here with a face full of sweat, and told the leader of the master doctor Ren, "I also want to follow you to find someone."

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(End of this chapter)

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