Chapter 138 The taste of being praised

Miracle doctor Ren glanced at the dark night they were in at this time, and pursed his lips.

"I remember the prince said that if he disappeared outside, the first place he would look for was a place with water. We can follow this clue to find him, maybe we can find the prince and the others first."

After Feng Yun listened, she said anxiously, "In this case, let's find a place with water."

Just when they were about to see where there was water, Xuan Shuo, who had been standing next to them without speaking, pointed to the southeast direction, "There is water over there, I can feel it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yun and Miracle Doctor Ren looked at him.

Being stared at by two people all of a sudden, Xuan Shuo was nervous at first, and then guessed that the two of them must not believe what he just said.

"I know it's a bit difficult for you to believe what I'm saying all at once. To be honest, I don't know if I was bullied a lot when I was young. When I was young, as long as I was thirsty, I could rely on my intuition until there was water. place."

Ren Miracle Doctor stared at him seriously for a while, then touched his chin suddenly and said, "I read a case in a book, and there was also a person who was very sensitive to a thing since he was a child, and it would take a long time for others to find that thing. But that person can be easily found, maybe the third prince's ability is similar to the one mentioned in the book."

"Since you said that, then we can believe what the third prince said, right?" Feng Yun asked, looking at the genius doctor Ren.

Ren Miracle Doctor glanced at the two of them, and finally nodded slightly, "Now we have no way to find a place with water all at once. Trust the third prince, maybe we can find the prince and the others sooner."

When Xuan Shuo heard that they believed him, his face brightened, "Thank you for believing in me, then let's go here, I assure you, there is really water in that place, I can feel it now."

Soon, the three of them each took a torch and walked into the woods in the southeast direction.

After they walked inside for about 10 minutes, they really heard the sound of water flowing.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, I just told you that there will be water here."

At this time, the result was right in front of their eyes, Xuan Shuo preached to Feng Yun and the others with an excited expression on his face.

Feng Yun gave him a thumbs up, "Good job, third prince."

When Xuan Shuo heard her compliment, he was completely taken aback.

He has grown so big, no one has praised him yet.

It turns out that being praised is so good.

At this moment, Miracle Doctor Ren's voice sounded not far away, "My lord."

As soon as Feng Yun heard the voice, she immediately dropped Xuan Shuo who was beside her, and strode towards the direction Miracle Doctor Ren just shouted.

When Feng Yun ran over, she saw that King Huainan was injured on his arm, except that his face was a little pale, everything else was fine.

But the few people lying on the ground were all weak.

Gu Chen, who was talking to Miracle Doctor Ren, suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Seeing the little girl who appeared here at this time, Gu Chen thought for a moment that he missed the little girl in his heart too much, so he imagined that she would be here.

"My lord." Feng Yun saw that he had been staring at her, but she didn't come forward to her. In the end, she had no choice but to call out to him, and ran towards him with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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