After wearing the book, I married the male protagonist's father

Chapter 144 Remember, She Is Your Godmother

Chapter 144 Remember, She Is Your Godmother
"I'm fine, are the emperor and the others okay?" Gu Chen looked at the leader and asked.

"The emperor is fine." Hearing this answer, Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"I killed a few assassins on the west side. You can bring a group of people there later to see what evidence can be found on them." Gu Chen ordered again.

"Yes, my lord, Guo Feng will arrange for someone to come over."

After arranging the matter here, Gu Chen turned his head, only to see Feng Yun leaning against a tree alone and falling asleep.

He just walked over, but stopped, squinting his eyes and staring at Gu Heng who was also walking towards Feng Yun not far away.

Gu Heng, who had been at war with himself for quite a while, still couldn't hold back and walked over to the sleeping Feng Yun.

Standing in front of her, looking at her sleeping face, he realized that Feng Yun, who had been following behind his butt, was actually a pretty beauty when she fell asleep.

When this woman followed him and kept calling Brother Heng, he only thought that this woman was annoying, but he never realized that she had such a beautiful side.

Just as he was staring in a daze, Feng Yun dreamed of something, and after muttering a few words, her head suddenly fell asleep.

Seeing this, Gu Heng immediately stepped forward to help her head.

As soon as he took a step, his arm was suddenly grabbed by an arm stronger than him.

Gu Heng was about to ask who dared to stop him, but in a blink of an eye, before he could say anything, after seeing the person clearly, the words on his lips were immediately frightened back.

"Yi, righteous father." After seeing the person in front of him clearly, Gu Heng shouted in surprise.

Gu Chen glanced at him coldly, pulled him to the back forcefully, and then strode towards Feng Yun.

Regardless of the injury on his hand, he picked her up and put her in his arms.

When walking past Gu Heng, Gu Chen stopped, turned his face sideways and said to the dazed godson, "Remember, she is your godmother."

After throwing this sentence, he didn't take another look, hugged the little woman in his arms, turned around and left here without looking back.

After a while, Gu Heng turned around and looked at the backs of the two of them leaving.

A look of unwillingness flashed slowly in his eyes.

By the time the group of them returned to the hunting ground, the sky was already slowly turning white.

When Feng Yun woke up, it was already broad daylight. Looking at the unfamiliar tent in front of her, she remembered that the tent she was in now was where Gu Chen lived.

"Wake up." Just as Feng Yun got off the bed, the curtain was lifted from the outside, and Chu Hong walked in from the outside with food.

Seeing the person coming in, Feng Yun smiled at her, and called out politely, "Teacher Chu."

Chu Hong walked in, put down the things in her hands, then turned her head and stared at her intently.

Feng Yun made her stare like this, feeling uncomfortable all over, so she interrupted her gaze, "Teacher Chu, is there something on my face?"

After speaking, she reached out and touched her cheek.Chu Hong came back to her senses, and smiled, "Don't touch it, there is nothing on your face, I just want to see what kind of extraordinary ability you have, so that the prince likes it!"

After Feng Yun heard her words, the smile on her face faded and she removed her hands from her face.

Chu Hong continued at this time, "I have heard about the matter between you and the prince."

 Thank you Binglianzhilian cutie for your reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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