Chapter 163 Successful Transaction
After hearing his answer, Feng Yun gritted her teeth again, it seems that she met a guy with a big appetite this time.

"Then I'll give you another Baidu Pill I made myself. When I make it, I'll give it to you. Do you think it's okay?" Seeing that he wanted to speak again, Feng Yun thought that the old man was not satisfied, so Before he could speak, he continued, "If you don't agree, then I have nothing to do. At worst, we won't make this deal. When my Baidu Dan is made, I can also rescue my second brother."

Seeing that she was going to withdraw the deal with him, the old man got anxious immediately, and told her, "You girl, what are you doing in such a hurry, I didn't say I won't make this deal with you, but the Baidu you just said Is Dan real? You can really make it. Don’t fool me, an old man. Although I’m a lot older, my brain is very good. What kind of poison elixir, even my talented senior brother has never made it, but you, a little girl, can make it?"

After finishing speaking, the old man Yao was even more skeptical about the Baidudan that the girl said.

Seeing his questioning words, Feng Yun said coldly, "If you don't believe me, then I can't help it. Then our deal can be cancelled."

Anyway, whether she can make Baidu Dan does not need others to believe, she just needs to believe that she can make it.

The old man Yao saw that she said so confidently, as if she could really make it, and suddenly wondered whether he should trust this girl for a while.

"Okay, because you are a good girl, I will trust you once, but if you lie to me, I will poison your second brother again! I will give you another poison that is more difficult to cure On your second brother."

If Feng Zong, who was innocently lying on the gun, heard it at this time, a big question mark would have flashed above his head. He is provoking someone. Why is it that he is unlucky every time he poisons himself.

Feng Yun gritted her teeth, really wanting to bite the old man to death, "Success."

After the two of them helped with the deal, Feng Yun started to make Baidu Dan by herself.

In the next few days, a pile of useless medicinal materials were moved out from the back door of Feng's house from time to time.

Regarding this situation, the people in the capital thought that someone in the Fengfu had suffered some incurable injuries, and that's why they needed to use so many medicinal materials.

Soon, the news spread to the Yang residence.

When Yang Yiyi heard about this, she was so happy that she almost ate two more bowls of rice, but it was a pity that she usually only ate one more bowl of rice in order to maintain her figure, but now she couldn't bear to eat two more bowls of rice , which gave up the idea.

When Yang Huanhuan heard the news, she was so anxious that she immediately went to Fengfu with some gifts.

When Yang Yiyi learned about this, her pretty face twisted into a ball with anger, "My little sister, who is really her own, who is her real sister? I came back with such a serious injury, and she didn't even take a look at her." Look at me, now it's just rumors that someone in the Fengfu was injured, so my good sister ran away in a hurry, hum, I've already seen it, no one in this family treats me as a relative, wait Look, when I become brilliant in the future, they don't want to borrow my light."

(End of this chapter)

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