Chapter 166 A thief?
After seeing off Yang Huanhuan, Feng Yun returned to the yard where she lived and planned to continue rubbing the unfinished medicinal mud.

As soon as she got back to her room, Feng Yun, who was always careful about how to arrange her things, immediately felt that a stranger had entered and touched her room.

Standing at the door, she hesitated for a moment, and the next moment, her feet immediately ran towards the pot of medicinal mud.


None of the fifteen pills she had rubbed before was gone.

"Miss, what happened?" Lu Yi who was outside heard her lady's noise in the room, and immediately ran in and asked.

Feng Yun immediately looked at Luyi, "Luyi, were the pills I rubbed up when you came in?"

Lu Yi immediately glanced at the medicine jar, saw that it was empty, and immediately looked at Feng Yun with a look of surprise, and nodded, "Miss, when I came back, those pills were still there, why are there none now?" , Do you think there are thieves in our house, should we tell the four young masters?"

Feng Yun waved at him and her at this time, "There's no need to inform the eldest brother and the others, I think I already want to know who stole these pills from me?"

Speaking of this, she immediately came to Luyi again and ordered, "Luyi, go and see if old man Yao is still in our house?"

As soon as Lu Yi heard it, she immediately understood what her lady meant, and immediately replied, "Miss, Lu Yi will go over and have a look."

Feng Yun nodded to her.

After a while, Luyi's figure walked out of the room.

Looking at the remaining medicinal paste, Feng Yun estimated that there might be another 35 of them.

Not long after, Luyi fell back angrily.

"Miss, the old man Yao is really gone, and the clothes he put in our house before are also gone. Miss, how can that old man medicine be hateful? How could he just give you the pills that you made so hard without saying a word?" It's too bad to steal it."

At this time, Feng Yun was also pissed off by the old man Yao.

I gave him a big cross in my heart, and the old man had better not let her see him again, otherwise, she had to discuss with him the price of stealing her things.

"Okay, since the man has already left, we have nothing to do with him, so let's just treat it as a waste of money and disaster relief."

But it must be false to say that she is not angry. In fact, she is still very angry in her heart.

After all, she spent a lot of medicinal materials to make Baidudan, and now that old man Yao took away so much, it's no wonder she can't be angry.

Out of anger, she still rubbed the rest of the medicinal paste into pills.

She spent a lot of time arranging the remaining pills.

Among them, the family members each divided two, and sent five to the Huainan Palace.

She kept the remaining eighteen by herself.

Huainan Palace.

Gu Chen, who was discussing his recent illness with Doctor Ren, was startled when he heard the servants in the mansion say that Feng Mansion had brought him something. Whole aphrodisiac soup.

Thinking about it later, I couldn't bear to let the servants put it aside, after all, this was Yun'er's wish for him.

In the end, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and let the servants in the mansion bring the things in.

When the things came in, he saw that it wasn't an earthen jar, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor Ren who was standing next to him saw all his previous expressions.

"Look at your good looks. If you don't want to drink, just tell her straight up. Is there any need to be so afraid?" Ren Miracle Doctor had a gloating expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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