Chapter 178 Still have the face to come back?
It's a pity that in this capital city, those who are doctors will not easily accept apprentices. Their medical skills are passed down from their families, and generally they are not passed on to outsiders. What's more, she is a woman, so it is even more difficult to study medicine.

Just when Feng Yun felt that her hope of studying medicine was a little slim, two old men suddenly came to the gate of Feng's family.

Seeing the two old men knocking on the door, the gatekeepers of the Fengfu were frightened and hurried to close the door.

The old man Yao quickly dodged and ran in.

At the same time, he patted the gatekeeper's shoulder vigorously, and with a smile like an old urchin on his face, he leaned in front of the gatekeeper, "Boy, why did you send the door so fast? Didn't you see that we have two elderly people here?" old man?"

The gatekeeper looked at him with a pale face, and begged, "Master Yao, please forgive us, you are gone, why are you coming back?"

The old man Yao snorted softly, "My feet grow on me, I will come back when I love it, can you control me?"

When the gatekeeper heard his words, the bitterness on his face became more and more intense.

At this moment, another old man who had been standing at the door also walked in.

"Old man Yao, look at the evil you have done. You can scare a good young man into such a state. You are really good at it. You are about to lose the face of our Yaowang Valley here."

After saying this, the white-clothed old man strode inside without even looking at the old man Yao, whose expression was already distorted.

Seeing him, the old man walked in like this, and cursed behind him angrily, "Old man Bai, you stinky shameless, we have agreed to come here to compete fairly, how can you be so shameless, Go ahead by yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man in white who was running ahead walked even faster.

When Feng Yun saw the two old men, she was trying to grow herbs in her yard.

"Miss, the two of them." Lu Yi ran behind them, panting to report.

Feng Yun raised her head, and the two old men immediately waved to her. The old men greeted her with a smile brighter than flowers, "Girl, you are the one that old man Yao said."

"Girl, long time no see, we meet again." Feng Yun first glanced at the old man in white, and then saw the old man in white behind him.

The next moment, her brows were tightly knit together.

How did this trouble go away and come back.

Thinking of him reminded her of the few pills she had been snatched from.

"Stinky old man, you still dare to come back. You stole my pills, yet you still have the guts to stand in front of me again." Feng Yun stood in front of the old man medicine with an angry face.

The old man Yao took two steps back, with a reconciling smile on his old face, "Girl, please speak up if you have something to say, I'm an old man, you have to respect the old and love the young."

Feng Yun said lightly to him, "You old man is too shameless, God will probably allow me to disrespect you, drug thief."

When the old man heard this, he hurriedly argued for himself, "Oh, you girl, why do you speak so badly, what kind of drug thief, I just took two pills from you, that's all I took."

After hearing his words, Feng Yun smiled coldly, "If you take it without asking, then steal it, a drug thief."

The old man Yao was so annoyed by her words that the beard on his chin was about to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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