Chapter 186 The Old Father's Anger
"Why did you come here?" Gu Heng didn't have much smile on his face, and his expression still looked stinky.

It's just that Yang Yiyi, whose mood was completely replaced by happiness at this time, didn't notice his strangeness at all.

"Brother Heng, I'm here to look for you. It's been a long time since you came to look for me. Don't you miss me?" Her cheeks turned red when she said this.

Gu Heng replied with an uneasy expression, "I've been a little busy recently, so I don't have time to come and look for you."

When Yang Yiyi heard this, she felt even more satisfied. It turned out that Brother Heng hadn't come to see her for so long, so he was really busy.

"I don't blame you, brother Heng, I know you are very busy, why don't I come to you by myself?"

The two talked outside for a while, and Yang Yiyi realized that they had been standing outside for a while.

"Brother Heng, I've been here waiting for you for a long time. I'm tired and thirsty now, or let's go in first." She looked up at him and asked.

Gu Heng opened his mouth, but finally nodded.Yang Yiyi happily followed him into Gu's residence.

When Mrs. Gu knew about this, the expression on her face was very calm.

She only said to Lao Momo who was following her, "It seems that this child Heng'er has really identified with the Yang family, but this is also good, the marriage between Chen'er and the girl from the Feng family will be easy."

Seal the government.

Father Feng received a special message from Gu Chen, and when he learned that Mrs. Gu was going to see his daughter in person, the old father immediately became dissatisfied.

"My lord, what does Mrs. Gu mean by this, is she looking down on my Feng family's daughter?"

Gu Heng hurriedly explained, "Uncle, you misunderstood, my mother is very satisfied with Yun'er, but she is very happy to know that I have a girl I like, so I want to meet Yun'er first and get in touch with each other."

Father Feng didn't believe his words, "My lord, I can tell you clearly, if your Gu family is dissatisfied with my daughter, you can tell me directly, my daughter in Feng mansion will not worry about marrying."

Gu Chen naturally patted his chest and assured his future father-in-law that such a thing would never happen, and also proved to Feng's father that he was very determined to marry Feng Yun.

When the two of them were talking inside, Feng Yun was kicked out of the room by her father, and she waited anxiously outside alone.

After finally waiting for the door to open and seeing the man coming out, she hurried towards him, "My lord, my father didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

When Gu Chen heard her words of defense, he shook his head softly, "No, Yun'er, I just told my uncle that I will take you to see my mother tomorrow, and my uncle has already agreed."

When Feng Yun heard this, she was startled, her heart was jumping nervously, "I want to see my aunt tomorrow!"

Seeing her playing with her fingers, Gu Chen knew that this little woman was afraid.

So I grabbed the hand she had been playing with and comforted me, "Don't be afraid, my mother is not scary, she has always hoped that I could marry her a daughter-in-law earlier, I told her before that I was going to marry a daughter-in-law , She was so happy, she kept telling me which girl was so nice and took me in, so don't be afraid, my mother is hoping that you can take me back. "

I don't know if it was because of his words of comfort, Feng Yun felt that she was not as scared as before.

Feng Yun will meet her future mother-in-law in two days.

She followed Gu Chen to the Gu residence.

(End of this chapter)

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