Chapter 190 Is He Still His Son?
When she came out of Gu's house, Feng Yun not only had a lot of things in her hands, but also Gu Chen who followed her.

On the way back, Feng Yun saw that she still had these things in his hands, her face was full of embarrassment, "Auntie is too polite, she gave me so many things, but I didn't give her anything. "

When Gu Chen heard her words, he smiled softly, and held her hand with one hand, "What are you worried about, this is my mother who likes you as a future daughter-in-law, please put it away, my mother has a lot of good things about you." Stuff, now you are the only daughter-in-law, if she doesn’t give it to anyone else, if she gives you something again next time, you can put it away, don’t be polite to my mother.”

After hearing his words, Feng Yun glared, "My lord, how could you do this, you are still not Madam Gu's own son, and you actually co-operated with me to deceive her old man's things."

Gu Chen looked at the little woman standing next to his mother with a funny face, let go of his hand, and gently scraped the tip of her nose, looked at her with an angry and funny face, and said, "You have no conscience, I said this for whom, not for you."

Knowing that what he said was reasonable, Feng Yun opened her mouth, but finally found that she couldn't say a word to refute him, so she had no choice but to close her mouth, and honestly walked towards Fengfu with those things in her hands.

The two walked on the streets of the capital, and soon attracted the attention of many people.

Especially Gu Chen's identity, many people in the capital recognized him.

After a while, the two of them received countless curious looks along the way.

Gu Chen himself didn't respond to these gazes, but he was worried that the little woman beside him would not like it, so on the way back to the Fengfu, he took out his body as much as possible to block her from those who came towards them. The gaze that came over.

When they were far away, in a certain restaurant in the capital.

Yang Yiyi stared unwillingly at the two figures that were about to disappear.

It wasn't until the two figures were out of sight that she gritted her teeth and looked back, then looked at the man sitting opposite, and said, "Brother Heng, did you see it just now? Sister Yun, she actually Walking on the street with King Huainan swaggeringly, she doesn't care about your face, how can she do this."

Gu Heng's face was really blue at this time, he was already uncomfortable when he heard Yang Yiyi's embellished words beside him, he felt even more unwilling, so he couldn't control his temper, he slapped the chopsticks on the table, He yelled at her with a gloomy face, "Shut up."

After yelling, seeing Yang Yiyi's frightened expression, Gu Heng quickly turned his face away, not looking at this woman, Yang Yiyi.

Yang Yiyi gritted her teeth hard, feeling so sad that she was dying, seeing Gu Heng's appearance at this time, she believed that it was his regret that he missed Feng Yun.

When she thought that she was wholeheartedly for him, but he was so sad for another woman, she felt a lot of unwillingness in her heart.

Fengfu side.

The two finally returned.

Mother Feng smiled when she saw the things the two brought back.

She was not happy that these things were so valuable, but that her daughter brought back so many things, which proved that the old lady of the Gu family was very satisfied with her daughter.

This time the pk is kneeling, and the editor notified the release, because I was a little anxious, and I didn't have time to tell the big guys. I'm sorry, [-] updates will be released today. I hope you can support me a lot.

 This time the pk is kneeling, and the editor notified the release, because I was a little anxious, and I didn't have time to tell the big guys. I'm sorry, [-] updates will be released today. I hope you can support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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