Super entertainment red envelope

Chapter 715 Italian Animation Exhibition!

Chapter 715 Italian Animation Exhibition!

Two days later, Page Culture Studio uploaded ten episodes of "Little Pig Page" on at one time.

However, as soon as it was uploaded, it was complained by netizens.

"Oh, my God! Who made such a childish cartoon?"

"A stick figure? It's uglier than the ones drawn by my children!"

"What is this page culture? Isn't it a professional animation?"

"It's too random, it must have been drawn by that animation student who just entered school!"

"Impossible! The animation major entrance exam also requires certain basic skills, right? This person looks like he has just started to draw!"

"Is it popular to lie to children now? Are you going to show such a movie to children?"

"It reminds me of a cartoon in the 80s. It seems to be called "Baby Sun".

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders! The people on are really talented. Although I really want to complain, I have already watched it for the second time!"

"Me too, but I'm watching it with my kids, but it's too short! One episode is only 5 minutes, and my kids watched it over and over for two hours."

"Yeah, my kids are also attracted!"

"I buy it! Which animation company produced it?"

"Look at the name of the UP master, it's a studio."

"Why only ten episodes? What about the next one? Is there any more?"

"Is it so magical? Do you still watch such a bad cartoon?"

"No, I want to watch the rest and continue to complain."


Although there are countless complaints, many netizens are indeed attracted.

It was impossible for so many people to watch the newly uploaded video.

The reason why many netizens are attracted is because there are means of operation and promotion behind it.

And the one responsible for all of this is Simon.

Different from those marketing companies in China, domestic marketing companies use a small account and a team to get good reviews for a new film, and the army of buyers keeps getting the popularity.

However, the U.S. Navy Company in Simon's hands used the in-site letter of to send video recommendation information to netizens on the entire network, luring them to watch it.

Even if only [-]% of the netizens watch it, it will be profitable for Simon and Page culture.

When the number of video views exceeds one million, you can apply for a recommendation from the official. As for the quality of the recommendation, it depends on how much the producer or publisher is willing to pay. The higher the number of views, the better the recommendation.

The MVs of some celebrities have reached hundreds of millions of hits on Those celebrities who have been famous for a long time are naturally viewed by fans, but the videos that are not famous but suddenly become popular are all behind the push of Simon. Adding to the flames, the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. There is a big difference between having push hands and not having push hands.

This set of operating methods existed as early as the beginning of the Internet, many years earlier than the domestic water army companies that are hot, and the current methods are much more advanced, especially with the improvement of the Internet's click-through system, water companies like Simon Military companies will also continue to adjust their operating methods in accordance with the system.

"Little Pig Peggy" this time's in-site message push method is a large-scale marketing event that caters to the click-through system of


Page Culture Studio.

The four newly recruited assistants originally had an easy job when they first came in.

But it was only a few days of relaxation. From the second day after the video was uploaded, they were busy, receiving emails from all directions, and on the official Irs account opened, countless people added friends and followed. They who have been engaged in such a thing can't handle it at all.

"Boss! We're dying, too many emails!"

When Li Zhifan received the call for help, he was supervising the production of the follow-up content of "Peppa Pig" at DreamWorks.

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help being curious: "If there are too many emails, just leave them there, why? Are you still replying one by one?"

"Yes! Don't you...don't reply?"

The staff are equally curious, and their previous work experience is that they must reply to emails.

"Oh my God!"

Li Zhifan smiled and said, "You don't need to respond to all of them, you just need to receive the email, if a partner finds you, you can reply again, understand?"

"Only reply to partners?"

The staff was stunned, "Oh, there are indeed two letters from our partners, one is a video website from Canada, and the other is a video website from Australia, hoping to move our cartoons to their video website."


Li Zhifan stood up straight away, pacing in place.

Unexpectedly, someone really saw it, so he immediately deployed: "Have you replied to them? Contact Simon immediately, and he will be responsible for the distribution, and he will handle it!"

"No reply yet!"

The staff said, "We can't reply to so many letters, so I'll contact Simon right away."

"Little Pig Peppa" is free to watch on, but it is shared with to earn some advertising fees, and the video itself has no built-in advertisements.

However, cooperation with other attracted platforms is different. At present, Simon’s suggestion is to take the route of buying out at a reserve price, making small profits but quick turnover. There will be more business opportunities coming in.

This route is only effective for low-cost videos like "Peppa Pig" that continue to increase popularity, and it is meaningless for those that cost a lot of money.


With the production team, the production progress of "Peppa Pig" has become extremely fast. For professional painters and animators, such animations are too simple. An episode of 5 minutes is enough for them to Ten episodes can be made.

There is no need for pre-discussion, script customization, or even adjustment. Li Zhifan's command is enough.

In terms of dubbing, they are still the same as the previous four actors, and they have become more comfortable. They can know the tone and emotion when they get the lines, and their ability can match many different roles. Grandma, changed her voice again and became a fox.

Soon, a week later, the 52 episodes of Pig Page in the first season were completed.

The production team disbanded on the spot, so all the work was handed over to the studio and Simon, that is, selling the film.

The first TV station to buy an entire season was the children's channel of CBS. Although each episode was only 1500 US dollars, and there were [-]% of time advertising, it was already a good start.

CBS is a private commercial TV station. At the beginning, Li Zhifan thought that the first one to buy should be a TV station operated by the Federation, and this kind of private commercial TV station would not usually watch this kind of cartoons, but he did not expect Simon's operation And the distribution ability is so powerful.

Therefore, on, Page Culture released Episode No.11, and announced at the end of Episode No.11 that CBS had purchased and prepared to broadcast, and stated that before the 12th episode was broadcast by CBS, there would be no more episodes. Upload follow-up content on

Seeing this inside news, netizens on were shocked.

"What? Someone bought this cartoon?"

"Or CBS? Oh my god! My impression of CBS has completely changed!"

"No, it's impossible! Can such cartoons be bought on commercial TV stations?"

"Could it be that the Internet broadcasting platform has seriously affected the status of commercial TV stations? So they are starting to be hungry?"

"When will it air? My kids are clamoring for new ones every day!"

"Looking forward to the broadcast!"

"Huh? Why are there different voices in the comments?"

"Have you really been brainwashed?"


Li Zhifan didn't care about netizens' comments at all. In fact, after the production of "Little Pig Peppa", he didn't care about this matter anymore, and continued to devote himself to the production of "Coco".

However, he has also paid attention to the producer of "Coco", that is, in addition to DreamWorks, there will be an additional Page Culture Studio, so that it will be able to secretly promote a wave "Peppa Pig".



The first audience to see "Peppa Pig" in episode 52 is probably Little Cherry.

As soon as the production was finished, Li Zhifan copied a copy and went home to give Little Cherry a good time.

There are 52 episodes, but Little Cherry is so happy. At her age, plus the early childhood education in the United States, she is not particularly sensitive to numbers. She is not clear about the concept of 52 episodes. She only knows that there are more than ten episodes.

In the bedroom at night.

Little Cherry was still watching this cartoon, and had no intention of going to sleep at all.

Li Zhifan yawned and discussed with her: "Little Cherry, can we go to bed early? Wake up tomorrow and watch the next episode, shall we?"

"not good!"

Little Cherry directly refused.

"why not?"

Li Zhifan taught, "You have to get up early for class tomorrow."

"not going!"

Little Cherry said confidently, "Children should play happily and live happily, right?"

"Yes! But you can't sleep without sleep?"

Li Zhifan pointed to Zhou Ke who was on the side, "Mom needs to rest. You can see that she is already very sleepy, and there is a baby in her belly, so Mom can't stay with you too late."

"Then dad will accompany me and let mom go to sleep in my room!"

Little Cherry has her own room, but she usually doesn't sleep in that room, but shares a room with her parents, but she knows that her room has a double bed and a lot of toys.

"That can't be done!"

Li Zhifan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay baby, be obedient! Otherwise, I won't let you watch it tomorrow."

Little Cherry pouted, drooped her head, thought for a long time, and finally said reluctantly: "Okay!"

But even then, staring at the paused picture on the TV until the TV went black.

Zhou Ke on the side said, "There shouldn't be a TV set in the bedroom, you have to."

"Aren't you afraid that you will be bored?" Li Zhifan said helplessly, "Who knew it would be cheaper, this brat!"

"I'm not a brat!" Little Cherry immediately retorted, "I'm a little cutie!"

"Hehe, okay!" Li Zhifan covered him with a cup, "Go to sleep, cutie! Peppa Pig is waiting for you in your dream!"

"Really?" Saying that, Little Cherry closed her eyes, and a sweet smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.


In the next few weeks, "Little Pig Peppa" was played more and more on Although there were only 11 episodes, it attracted countless netizens. Most of them came to hunt for novelties. It's like watching a cult movie, but you are deeply involved in this childish plot and can't extricate yourself.

Especially if there are children in the family, basically all the children fall under the feet of this little pink pig girl.

In addition, Simon's distribution work has been going on, but it is very hard. Most TV stations still don't like "Peppa Pig". But the conservative TV station still refused to open the door to this cartoon.

However, there are also a small number who already have the intention to purchase films, and have launched in-depth negotiations.

One of the first to negotiate was the BBC Channel [-] in the United Kingdom. The negotiation with Channel [-] was actually earlier than CBS, but they kept arguing. They didn't decide to buy until they learned that CBS had already set a broadcast date.

this morning,

Simon called Li Zhifan: "Oh! Li, I got some good news for you. Do you know the CartoonsontheBay animation exhibition in Italy?"

"I don't know!" Li Zhifan didn't know anything about this.

"Uh..." Simon choked for a moment before explaining slowly: "Oh, this is a relatively well-known animation award in Europe. I think you can take your cartoon to the competition, maybe you can win an award? Like this It will be of great help to us to open up the market.”

"Okay!" Li Zhifan agreed directly, "Then I will leave it to you!"

"Oh, no no no!"

Simon refused, "It's better for your studio to participate in the competition yourself! But I can introduce you to the selection channel, and with Silvo's ability, you should be able to win a good, small competition week award."


Li Zhifan patted himself on the head, how did he get around the problem again? Silver is right in front of him, and he is a full-time animation professional. He must know this. After all, Simon is a publisher. He recommended this animation exhibition to Li Zhifan. Human favors also focused on the strength behind Li Zhifan, not the animation "Little Pig Page".

In Simon's eyes, "Peppa Pig" is always a small thing, and it is still unknown whether it will become famous, but Simon feels that it will definitely not be famous, at most it has a certain amount of broadcasting and popularity on the Internet.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhifan immediately went to Silver and explained the matter to him.

"What? Your little pig, is also participating?"

Surprised, Silver said with a smile: "Okay, I can help you submit it together, and I plan to recommend "Coco" to the competition, so in the next month, we must do all the post-production. "

At present, "Coco" has completed all the pre-production work, leaving only the post-production part and the dubbing and soundtrack.

These are not difficult to say, but they are by no means simple.

(End of this chapter)

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