Chapter 156
Gladys was five years older than Liang Ye, and she was more calm and mature than Liang Ye in many things; Liang Ye was a top fighter, but he was also a young man.

Young people are more or less impetuous, which Liang Ye had already shown when he was just dispatched to the Hongqi Mansion.

When Liang Ye was born, Gladys already knew piano, ballet, gymnastics and swimming.She had learned everything that the offspring of an elite family should learn at the age of five.

Therefore, she has experienced more than Liang Ye and has more knowledge.

Liang Ye knew exactly what kind of opponent he was facing. He was powerful and had a high IQ, but he might not be able to beat Gladys.

"If you choose someone, you have to respect the other person." Liang Ye said lightly.

Among so many people present, he seemed to be the only one who dared not give Gladys face.

Even a vicious person like Bakhez didn't dare to refuse Gladys, let alone speak to her in this tone.

"Really, when did you start to pay attention to feelings?" Gladys looked at Liang Ye with charming eyes, and smiled: "I still remember the rumors about you clearly, the girl you rejected It was at Cambridge University; when Oxford University and Cambridge University had academic exchanges, I met her and heard her mention you."

Hearing Gladys mention the girl who had pursued her for two years in high school, Liang Ye frowned, but soon let go.

That girl was sincere, but she didn't impress Liang Ye, because Liang Ye had no feelings for her.

"You hurt her deeply, and now she hasn't come out of your influence." Gladys continued.

Liang Ye smiled bitterly, of course he knew that he had hurt that girl deeply; but what could he do, to comfort her?

He doesn't like it or love it, and if he misses it, he misses it. He is deeply sorry, but it is impossible for him to change this reality.

"I have to meet many people in my life. Some people meet at the wrong time, or they are destined to miss it. Instead of dying, it is better to calmly destroy love, wake yourself up, and let everyone have a good life." Liang Ye said.

This sentence is a sentence in Xiao Xiao's new book. This passage made a deep impression on Liang Ye, so he deeply remembered it.

Thinking of the girl in high school, Liang Ye suddenly remembered this passage.

A gleam flashed in Gladys's eyes, and she said with a smile, "It's very literary and artistic. I have read a lot of books. I remember it was written by Xiao Xiao, a female writer from China."

Hearing her words, Liang Ye was slightly taken aback, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He never thought that Gladys had read Xiao Xiao's book.But these are not the point, the point is whether she knows about the matter between Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.

There is not enough evidence to prove that Gladys is a member of V, but there is a high chance; once it is confirmed, Liang Ye and Gladys will definitely become enemies.

If Gladys knew that Xiao Xiao was Liang Ye's favorite, it would be a little troublesome.

"Have you read her book?" Liang Ye asked in pretended surprise.

Gladys smiled lightly and said, "Her books are best-selling throughout the UK, what do you think?"

Her eyes were hidden so deeply that even Liang Ye didn't notice it, the most important thing was that Liang Ye was distracted by Xiao Xiao; he wasn't fully focused, so he didn't notice the subtle change in Gladys' eyes.

"So that's it. Her books are really good." Liang Ye said.

Gladys didn't say anything more this time, she first glanced at Zhou Yuying's direction; then she fixed her eyes on Liang Ye's handsome face, and said proudly: "She is not as beautiful as me."

Gladys's tone was full of pride and confidence, but Liang Yeye had to admit; in terms of appearance, Gladys had the qualifications to look down on everyone.

Although she couldn't compare with Xiao Xiao in Liang Ye's heart, Gladys's beauty could not be denied.

"What do you want to express?" Liang Ye stared at Gladys's big charming eyes, full of vigilance.

Vigilance is vigilance, and Gladys is now in Liang Ye's arms.

Get closer to her, and it will be easier to get information from her.

But Gladys didn't go on talking, her eyes revealed something; but she didn't take the initiative to say, and Liang Ye didn't ask any more.

The two of them completed a beautiful waltz on the dance floor. When the dance ended, all the people present clapped their hands, and all kinds of words of admiration echoed in the dance hall.

And this was also the most intimate contact between Liang Ye and Gladys, they held hands and even put their arms around their waists.

When I met Gladys four years ago, Liang Ye just shook hands with her and talked for a while; the first time they met four years later, they walked so closely, which Liang Ye himself did not expect.

But dancing is considered etiquette, and Liang Ye didn't think too much about it. All he thought about was what Gladys said to him. There seemed to be something hidden in her words, but Liang Ye just couldn't figure it out.

Liang Ye wanted to install a bug on her body, but it was embarrassing; he didn't bring it, and the bug was on Zhou Yuying's body.

"Want to have a drink together?" Gladys looked at Liang Ye, her eyes full of temptation.

But if Liang Ye could be disturbed by her, then all these years would have been in vain.

He thought about it for a while, and finally decided to follow the plan. There are too many people here, and many experts around are watching.If he or Zhou Yuying, bugging Gladys would be easy to detect, unless it was in a restaurant.

Although the task force members were very strong, there was no shortage of masters or sharp-eyed people in this world, so Liang Ye didn't dare to act rashly.

"I don't think so. I want to accompany my girlfriend to dinner." Liang Ye refused.

His refusal caused the young men around him to be in an uproar again, and they all wanted to tear Liang Ye into pieces.

Liang Ye rejected the opportunity that countless people dreamed of, which really made many people extremely jealous.

Gladys is recognized as the most beautiful European goddess, and Liang Ye is the young master of the Yeshen Group. Together, the two can be regarded as talented and beautiful, and there is no difference in their identities.

If Liang Ye and Gladys really got together, people would be jealous but definitely not despise, and they would not think Liang Ye was unworthy at all.

But when Gladys invited Liang Ye to dance, Liang Ye was hesitant.

Now Gladys invites Liang Ye to have a drink, but Liang Ye chooses to refuse, the reason is to have dinner with his girlfriend.

The young men around have always thought that there is an invitation from a goddess like Gladys; what is a girlfriend, it's a big deal.

Everyone looked at Liang Ye like an idiot, including Bakhez; after all, Liang Ye's refusal was a complete disgrace to Gladys.

(End of this chapter)

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