Chapter 158
Seeing the scene on the tablet, Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, and then said: "Okay, she's here, get ready. I remember you're going crazy, I'll just sit here and be scolded by you, and you can improvise the lines yourself."

At this time, the waiter in the restaurant brought up a bottle of red wine and poured a glass for both Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying.

However, Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were about to implement the planned plan, so they quickly waved to the waiter to go down.The waiter felt that he had disturbed the two-person world of the couple, so he left quickly and wisely.

And Lei Yu and others were standing guard outside the restaurant, as if fighting at any time.

Zhou Yuying glanced at the monitor and found that Gladys was indeed coming towards the restaurant. She quickly put the computer back into her bag; then took a deep breath and tried her best to get herself into the state.

The next thing she wanted to do was scold Liang Ye. This kind of behavior was regarded as a crime. Although it was said to be acting, she was still a little flustered.

Gladys was coming, and the development of the matter was as planned by the task force. Although there were some small episodes, the subsequent development was smooth.

As long as Gladys really thought that Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying had fallen out, maybe she would invite Liang Ye again, and Liang Ye might have a chance to enter her room.

Liang Ye had already put on the scouting contact lenses, and after entering Gladys' room, he could scout whether she was carrying dangerous items.

If there is, Liang Ye must find a way to solve it. This is not a joke. You must know that most of the people on board are civilians.

As for why Gao Jinglin was on the boat, Liang Ye needed more time to dig out; but in the eyes of everyone, Gao Jinglin was just a small character, so he didn't need to care about it yet.

Liang Ye had an illusion that Gladys would definitely reveal something to herself.This feeling became stronger after seeing Gladys just now.

When the elevator just reached the top deck, Liang Ye winked, and Zhou Yuying immediately got into the mood.

"You never cared about Yunyun at all!" Zhou Yuying suddenly yelled at Liang Ye.

The voice was not loud, but it was full of sadness, which made the people around immediately fix their eyes on the two of them.

"Yunyun?" Liang Ye was stunned subconsciously, not understanding what Zhou Yuying was improvising.

Zhou Yuying's eyes were red, and she looked heartbroken. She choked up and said, "You took me to the pet store to buy it home, and you said we would raise it together. But there After that? You never took care of it and it rubs against your leg every time you come home, but all you do is kick it away!"

Gladys had already stepped out of the elevator at this time, and she also heard Zhou Yuying's voice, and looked in the direction of the two of them curiously.

The intercom was on, and Lan Siqi and members of the technical team who were far away in Shenzhou could clearly hear the voice coming from the intercom.

"I..." Liang Ye didn't know how to refute for a moment, he never thought that Zhou Yuying would suddenly come up with a reason for the quarrel related to pets.

"You ignored it time and time again, Samoyed smiled even when he was sad, do you know how sad it is!" Zhou Yuying choked up, let alone the crowd watching, even Liang Ye couldn't help but feel sad. Think it's true.

All the members of the special task force looked like they had seen a ghost, thinking that Oscar really owed Zhou Yuying a golden man.

Gladys was watching the farce from a distance, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I know I don't treat it well..." Liang Ye finally choked out a line, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a passing woman.

The woman was wearing summer clothes, looked at Liang Ye with contempt, and said in English: "She is right, Samoyeds always smile when they are sad, people like you are not worthy of keeping pets!"

"Thank you, beautiful lady." Zhou Yuying thanked the woman with sobs. Her appearance made the people around her despise Liang Ye even more.

The Samoyed, also known as the Samoyed, is a breed originally bred by the indigenous Samoyed people of Siberia.Alert, strong, flexible, beautiful, noble and elegant, well-behaved and cute, with a very striking appearance.With a strong physique, he has the title of "Smiling Angel", and also has the title of "Smiling Angel's Face, Mischievous Devil's Heart".

This kind of dog is very cute, and is deeply liked by girls, and there is no one present who does not know this kind of pet, so Liang Ye has been hacked to the extreme this time.

After the woman left, Zhou Yuying cried and cursed at Liang Ye again: "When it's sick, you don't pay attention to it. It's at home every two days a week. When you go home, you know it's a lie-in; Tried to be close to you while sleeping, but you threw it on the street!"

Liang Ye: "..."

The task force members: "..."

Liang Ye felt aggrieved enough, Zhou Yuying's impromptu play attracted Gladys' attention, but it made him black to the extreme.

Now the restaurant, including the person in charge of the restaurant, is watching this farce. Liang Ye can't clean up even if he jumps into the Caribbean Sea.

He thought to himself, no matter how badass he was, he wouldn't treat pets like this.

At present, all the people dining in the restaurant are ordinary tourists, and those distinguished guests are still communicating in the ballroom; this is Liang Ye's best consolation, at least his "bad reputation" has not spread to the upper class.

At this time, Gladys began to walk towards Liang Ye, her expression proved that she was very interested in this farce.

And Zhou Yuying also noticed it, she stood up, her eyes were full of hatred, she almost gritted her teeth and said: "I just found out that Yunyun was killed by you, and you actually ate it! If it wasn't for me My best friend told me that I may still post dog-hunting revelations on the Internet!"

Liang Ye: "..."

Now Liang Ye looked like he had seen a ghost, thinking that Zhou Yuying had really screwed herself over; these pots were covering Liang Ye's head one by one, and he couldn't hide.

It's okay that Heihe is not good to pets, but Heihe ate the dog!

Liang Ye leaned on the seat, looking at Zhou Yuying with a strange expression on his face; there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, he couldn't describe Zhou Yuying's acting skills in words now.

All he can say is, it's great!

The kind that wins Oscars every minute!

But it wasn't over yet, Zhou Yuying picked up the glass of red wine on the table, gritted her teeth and said, "I want to break up with you, go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, she poured out the red wine in the wine glass, and splashed all on Liang Ye's face.

Liang Ye: "!@#¥%......&p;**"

The task force members: "!!!"

Zhou Yuying put the wine glass back on the table, then picked up her satchel, and left the table crying, but when she left, she bumped into Gladys who was walking towards her.

She glanced at Gladys, didn't say a word, and walked away crying with her face covered.

Only the onlookers with disgusted and contemptuous faces were left on the scene, Liang Ye who hadn't reacted to what happened just now, and the task force members with strange faces.

Of course, there was Gladys with a smile on her lips.

The development of things was unexpected by everyone.The plot that Zhou Yuying suddenly came up with this week was not an ordinary exaggeration.

Liang Ye wiped the red wine off his face with his hands, then looked down at his white shirt and blue suit soaked in red wine, a wry smile flashed across his face.

Regarding Zhou Yuying's acting skills and the plot, he didn't know what to say; all he knew now was that his one hundred thousand suit was completely useless.

(End of this chapter)

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