Chapter 168
As an air force pilot, Deng Xuan knew this kind of fire all too well, and he quickly shouted: "Rockets!"

Then, Deng Xuan swung the joystick to the right forcefully, and the helicopter turned rapidly to the right; the fuselage turned sideways, avoiding the rocket attack.

Liang Ye grasped the handrail tightly, frowning tightly, thinking that what he had been worrying about had finally happened.

All this was a trap, Gladys ordered Gao Jinglin to lead the task force above the islands; an ambush had already been set up here, waiting for the arrival of the ghost task force.

Although Deng Xuan's driving skills are strong, this Agusta is a civilian helicopter after all. It has no missile warning system and no jamming bombs; what is launching now is an RPG. If a surface-to-air missile comes, it will not be an ordinary trouble to deal with it. .

The sudden sharp turn caused the plane's alarm system to sound. Deng Xuan turned off the warning lights, and then said to Zhou Yuying: "There must be another attack. You control the fuselage, and I will dodge it."

Zhou Yuying responded, and hastily clenched the joystick tightly.

And just when Deng Xuan and the others were focusing on avoiding the attack, the small helicopter got rid of the disturbance caused by the hurricane and returned to its normal flying speed.

This means that Gao Jinglin can escape the pursuit smoothly, because the task force members are avoiding the attack.

Another RPG flew out of the forest, but the rocket would swing with the direction of the wind while flying; so Liang Ye controlled the wind and forced the rocket to deviate from the flight path.

However, the matter was not over yet, the attackers in the forest set up heavy machine guns and aimed at the helicopter in the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of heavy machine guns resounded throughout the forest, causing the birds in the forest to fly in fright; for a while, the sky above the forest was full of birds flying away in panic.

The bullet hit the windshield of the helicopter, leaving several bullet holes in it; although it missed Deng Xuan and Zhou Yuying, it gave them a shock.

Deng Xuan controlled the helicopter to avoid the heavy machine gun, but the heavy machine gun had a very wide shooting range. This heavy machine gun was prepared for their arrival. The helicopter was very easy to target in the air, and it was a living target.

At this time, the helicopter was almost approaching the top of the island, which made it easier for the heavy machine gun to aim.

"Damn it!" Deng Xuan cursed, and clenched the joystick tightly to prevent the helicopter from being hit by bullets.

The power of a heavy machine gun is enough to penetrate the fuselage, as evidenced by the few bullet holes on the windshield; even bulletproof glass, a heavy machine gun of this level can completely penetrate it.

Looking at the flames erupting from the forest and the gunshots resounding across the sky, Liang Ye quickly pressed the communicator and said, "The Ghost Task Force called the headquarters. We are in the southwest of the Onik Islands and have been attacked by rockets and heavy machine guns." !"

After listening to Liang Ye's report, Lan Siqi asked the technicians at the Headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau, "Do we have any combat troops in the UK that can be mobilized quickly?"

Looking back at the Onik Islands, the helicopter is moving forward while avoiding the heavy machine gun fire, while Gao Jinglin’s helicopter has flown far, far away, and the distance from the task force is more than five kilometers. According to the current situation , It is basically impossible to catch up.

"Yue Ling, you control the plane, I'll go and deal with that heavy machine gun!" Deng Xuan shouted.

Zhou Yuying responded. She took a deep breath and used the driving experience she had learned to control the helicopter.

She was not a professional pilot, but she had a helicopter pilot's license, so Liang Ye felt relieved to let her sit in the co-pilot's position.

Deng Xuan unfastened his seat belt, then stretched out his left hand towards the direction of the heavy machine gun.

Then, a flame appeared in the palm of his hand, and the flames gathered rapidly, forming a fireball shape.

He used this magic on the night when he was dealing with the werewolf, and it was extremely lethal. It was this fireball that completely defeated the crazy werewolf that night.

However, the disadvantage of this fireball is that it needs to be charged, so it is also the attack method that Deng Xuan uses least.After all, at the critical moment, the quick attack method is the most life-saving, and this kind of charged attack with huge lethality can only be used when it is absolutely necessary.

Zhou Yuying tried her best to control the helicopter, preventing too many bullets from hitting the fuselage.

But even the best pilot can't keep the plane safe in this situation.

The bullets from the heavy machine gun left countless bullet holes on the fuselage. Fortunately, the people in the plane were not injured; but if this continues, the plane will crash sooner or later.

Liang Yefeng's power could change the flight trajectory of the bullet, but the helicopter's fuselage was very large; especially in the air, it was very easy to aim, so he was powerless.

Even if a storm can be created to interfere with the bullets, the storm will also interfere with the plane at the same time; even if the bullet does not destroy the plane, the power of the storm will cause the plane to crash.

Ten seconds later, the fireball was fully charged; Deng Xuan let out an angry roar, and then smashed the fireball in his hand towards the direction of the heavy machine gun.

Then, Deng Xuan returned to the pilot's seat and took over the control of the plane.

Under the watchful eyes of Liang Ye and the others, the fireball landed on the heavy machine gun precisely.

The next moment, the flames from the explosion illuminated the sky, and the roaring sound made everyone's ears tingle.

Deng Xuan's fireball is not large, at most half the size of a basketball.But that power is no less than that of a rocket.

After the heavy machine gun was dealt with, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief; while Zhou Yuying wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with some lingering fear: "I thought it was really over this time."

However, things are not over yet!

As soon as Zhou Yuying finished speaking, another burst of fire burst out from the forest.

Seeing the fire, Deng Xuan widened his eyes, and shouted with all his strength: "Surface-to-air missile!"

It was not very difficult for the helicopter to dodge the RPG rockets just now; but now they have to face the surface-to-air missiles that can track.

That's the Stinger missile, an American-made surface-to-air weapon that's easy to handle and operate.

The Stinger missile uses a passive optical dual-color homing head, which has strong anti-infrared interference capability.It can attack aircraft and helicopters flying at high speed, low altitude and ultra-low altitude in all directions.High reliability, easy operation and use.Light weight and strong maneuverability.

As a lieutenant commander, Liang Ye could tell what kind of weapon it was at a glance; he quickly grasped the armrest, and then quickly thought about how to deal with it in his mind.

"Maneuver and evade!" Deng Xuan yelled, and then controlled the helicopter to evade.

However, everyone knows that it is obviously impossible for a civilian helicopter to avoid Stinger missiles.

 Friends, please recommend tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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