Ghost Task Force

Chapter 171 The Power of Nature

Chapter 171 The Power of Nature
Liang Ye's wind can sense where people are, and this is his greatest advantage; even if he closes his eyes, he doesn't have to worry about not knowing where the enemy is.

Lei Yu patted the dust on his body, and then moved quickly in the forest with an automatic rifle in his hand.

His marksmanship is the best in China, and this is why Liang Ye listed him as the first recruit for the special team; there is a top sharpshooter, and this sharpshooter is the biggest advantage for the opponent during a shootout.

Everyone followed Lei Yu, but they were all scattered. After all, if they were densely packed together, once the opponent had a heavy machine gun, they would be easily annihilated by the enemy.

These were obviously mercenaries, and they were all very professional. When Liang Ye saw them moving, they had also seen the task force.

It was normal for Gladys to be able to afford so many mercenaries, and she could even provide weapons for these mercenaries, so Liang Ye was not very surprised by the ambush in the forest.

What he was not reconciled to was that Gao Jinglin just ran away.

Although the technical department had locked his helicopter, it was a pity in Liang Ye's heart that he could not catch this person with his own hands.

The embarrassing thing is that Liang Ye didn't pay attention to Gao Jinglin at all before this, but now he has become the person who caused Liang Ye the most trouble.

There were nearly 200 people in the reinforcement company, and Gladys hired so many mercenaries; in order to deal with Liang Ye and others, she also spent a lot of money.

Mercenaries are all retired soldiers from the armies of various countries, including special forces and ordinary soldiers of different arms.Generally, a large number of mercenaries will have a company, but these mercenary companies are very mysterious, and the intelligence department basically does not have much information related to these companies.

But with Gladys' ability, this can be said to be normal.

"Pay attention to the different tactical instructions." Liang Ye said in a low voice.

He was leaning over in a bush, the Hidden Blade bracer had already been activated, and he was still holding a pistol in his left hand.

Liang Ye didn't really like to use rifles and other weapons, but not liking it didn't mean he wasn't good at it; his marksmanship could be said to be second only to Thunderstorm's, and he was just used to the Hidden Gun on his wristband.

The task force members were scattered, but not very far apart; the maximum distance between them was less than seven meters, which allowed them to support their teammates at any time.

The others were still moving, while Liang Ye was preparing to ambush a small team.

After the helicopter crashed, the enemy began to outflank the wreckage. No matter how fast the task force was, it was impossible to leave before the enemy completed the outflank. Now they are surrounded by the enemy, and some enemies have even spotted them .

When Liang Ye was preparing to ambush, Lei Yu and others were attacked.

These mercenaries had already seen the movement of the task force, and now except for Liang Ye, the rest of the task force members were within their line of sight, and even if they couldn't see the figure clearly, they probably knew the location.

The contingent is professional, and the mercenaries are also professional, and the next thing is the confrontation between professional and professional.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The mercenaries began to fire at the task force, and for a while, there were gunshots everywhere; the flames from the muzzle and the surrounding flames were superimposed, which looked brilliant, but it was deadly.

Some of the bullets hit the trees, and some flew past the players' bodies.

Lei Yu quickly moved his position and came behind a big tree with his gun in his hand; before the mercenaries had time to shift their guns, he fired sideways.

His sudden counterattack caused the mercenaries to look for favorable cover, but their running speed could not keep up with the speed of Lei Yu's shooting, and when Lei Yu fired, Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying also fired, and they were not hired at all. A chance for soldiers to breathe.

"Mage, find an opportunity to bombard them!" Lei Yu said on the radio.

Deng Xuan responded, rolled on the ground and came to the back of a small mound.The mound blocked the shots of the mercenaries for him, and the bullets hit the sand, raising clouds of dust.

Lei Yu's side fought fiercely, but Liang Ye's side was surprisingly quiet.

Liang Ye hid in the grass and watched the fast-moving squad. They planned to attack Lei Yu and the others from the side and rear; and if Liang Ye was not around, their purpose would definitely succeed.

The surrounding trees were still burning, and the flames were not very far away from Liang Ye. Liang Ye, who was hiding in the grass, could clearly feel the heat of the flames.

But Liang Ye didn't seem to feel anything, he just lay down in the grass; he didn't move at all, as if he was completely integrated into the environment.

Learn to hide, this is a necessary skill for both special forces and assassins.And the assassin's training in this area is much stricter than that of the special forces.

Assassins' biggest advantage lies in assassination. Anyone who can pass assassin training is weak in assassination.Once hidden, they can even control their breathing.

The mercenary team didn't notice Liang Ye in the grass, and it would be a ghost if they found out; if Liang Ye made them find out where he was, then he didn't deserve to be called an assassin.

There are five people in this squad, all of them are fully armed, obviously they have made full preparations long ago.

Liang Ye's eyes gradually turned cold, and a smile formed on the corner of his mouth; when the squad was about to pass by his position, he activated his ability.

A gust of wind blew towards this squad without warning, and when it passed by their bodies, it began to spin on the spot, directly forming a small tornado.

The five mercenaries who were enveloped by the tornado were stunned. They never thought that such a tornado would suddenly appear to disturb them.

The power of nature cannot be resisted by human beings. The biggest advantage of Liang Ye's ability is here, the natural forces, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and thunderstorms that humans cannot resist.

Liang Ye's abilities were not yet mature enough to roll people into pieces at will.

However, he found that his ability grew with age. At the age of ten, he could already use the wind to reduce the strength of his fall; and at the age of 15, he could already let the strong wind blow through every street. .

Until now, he has been able to use Hurricane.

There was no precedent for Liang Ye's ability in history, so he couldn't explain it himself.

Sensing the strong wind blowing, Lei Yu, who was shooting, turned his head and took a look, and found a small tornado rolling the surrounding leaves; no need to guess, he also knew that it was Liang Ye's masterpiece, and Liang Ye was the only one in this world. will have this ability.

Then, Lei Yu felt a chill, which made his body tremble uncontrollably.

He knew that Liang Ye had made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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