Ghost Task Force

Chapter 178 They're out of their minds

Chapter 178 They're out of their minds

Liang Ye's movements are very fast, even in the air; but with the cloak on, his movements are very fluent.

The cloak has a skeleton, and when the skeleton is unfolded, it is in the shape of wings, and when it is unfolded; in order to better control the direction and body, Liang Ye's arms must be stretched to rest on the skeleton, so that he can control himself. balance in the air.

If the hand leaves the frame, the balance will be affected to a certain extent; at this time, Liang Ye can only let the power of the wind linger around his body, trying his best to control the balance of his body.

To do this, Liang Ye really put in many years of training; when he was still young, he used his abilities with the assistance of his father.

Liang Anguo knew that there were supernatural beings in this world, otherwise he would not have proposed the plan to establish a special team of supernatural beings 20 years ago.

Liang Anguo didn't have the slightest worry about his son's super powers, because Liang Ye had one more bug than others.

While the rope gun was being recovered, the force of Liang Ye's fall also dragged the mercenary on the ground into the air, and the two faced each other.But the difference is that Liang Ye is still alive, while the mercenary is dead.

Lei Yu and the others also saw Liang Ye's actions, but Zhou Yuying couldn't help laughing and said, "The captain is really 6, he is probably the only one who dares to do this on the battlefield."

Under the gaze of everyone, Liang Ye kicked the dead mercenary, then stepped on his body and fell towards the ground.


When the mercenary's back touched the ground, coupled with the momentum of Liang Ye's fall, there was a dull muffled sound.

If he hadn't died before this, then this blow would definitely cause him extreme pain.

Because of the impact, his spine broke instantly.

After landing smoothly, Liang Ye retracted the rope gun, and then shot and killed the nearest enemy with the sleeve gun in his right hand.

After crossing the small river, there is no big trouble for everyone to leave, as long as they have enough weapons, they can go out.

Lei Yu and others were crossing the river, and they were temporarily unable to provide fire support to Liang Ye; Liang Ye was now exposed to the enemy's guns, and he did not have any support or defense.

Liang Ye looked very handsome when he fell from the sky just now, but now he is in a dangerous situation.

"It's embarrassing." Liang Ye smiled wryly, then took a deep breath, centering on his body, several gusts of wind began to fly in all directions.

This is currently Liang Ye's best move to interfere with the enemy, and he will never tire of trying it.

The mercenaries who were blown by the strong wind closed their eyes one after another to prevent the dust from entering their eyes. The snipers who were aiming also covered their faces one after another. The sudden strong wind made them very embarrassed.

Some of these soldiers wore night vision goggles, some did not.

The light of the moon is very dazzling, and there are not many dark places in the forest. Those with better eyesight can act directly without night vision goggles, while some wear night vision goggles to ensure the accuracy of shooting.

As for the task force, they don't really need this.Especially Thunderstorm, his eyesight and locking ability are the strongest among all, and he can also ensure that he can see things clearly at night.

As for Zhou Yuying, she wears her own special glasses. After all, she is not a thunderstorm;

Liang Ye glanced around to make sure that no enemy was still targeting him before taking away all the equipment of the mercenary under his feet.

Before retreating, Liang Ye pulled the ring of the grenade and threw it vigorously in the direction where there were more enemies.

Liang Ye's grenade testing ability is very good, the kind that hits as many times as he throws.He can use wind to increase the range of movement of the grenade in the air, even if the force of the shot is not enough.

After throwing the grenade, Liang Ye quickly retreated to the river bank.

The river bank is sunken and can be used as a battle shelter, and Liang Ye is going to hand over the equipment to Lei Yu and others in this position.

When Liang Ye had just landed by the river, the grenade exploded at the predetermined location, instantly blowing away the four mercenaries next to him.

"Here's the rifle." Liang Ye threw the rifle to Tang Hao, and then distributed the magazines to Lei Yu and Tang Hao. As for Zhou Yuying, Liang Ye gave her the pistol.

This is not partiality, but the allocation of weapons and ammunition according to the actual situation.

No one will care about this, everyone is very clear about their respective strengths.

There is no need to use Liang Ye and Deng Xuan, Deng Xuan has magic; Liang Ye has wind, these two are already the best long-range attack methods.

While loading the pistol, Zhou Yuying said, "We will be leaving the battlefield soon. I really miss our Shenzhou's luxury version of hand pancakes."

As she said that, she also made a very greedy look.

"You can still think of food at this time, I will take it." Deng Xuan gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm hungry." Zhou Yuying replied with an aggrieved face.

It was no wonder that no one had dinner; the change of circumstances was so sudden that no one was prepared.

The plan will never keep up with the changes, there is no other way, and now everyone is fighting with hunger; and Zhou Yuying is still a foodie, and she has been wronged.

"After returning to Shenzhou, I will treat you to eat ten!" Liang Ye put on his hood and said in a deep voice: "But the top priority now is to leave as soon as possible. The Security Bureau suspected what happened in the five minutes when we lost contact. I have to hurry up." Go back and explain."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye poked his head out and shot an enemy with his sleeve gun again.

"The Security Bureau still suspects you?" Lei Yu fired a few shots in the direction of the woods, and then said angrily, "Are they out of their minds? You can be a nine-level combat command, and you are obviously the most trustworthy person."

Liang Ye smiled wryly, and replied: "Gladys's goal has succeeded. The 5 minutes of severing contact is indeed very doubtful. You must know that many things can happen in 5 minutes."

Lei Yu pouted, and could only helplessly say: "Forget it, let's get out of here first; anyway, you are innocent, and I'm afraid they will be a ghost."

With that said, he was the first to leave the bunker, and moved quickly while shooting in the direction of the woods.

Liang Ye led the rest of the task force to follow him. After moving close to the tree, Liang Ye returned to the air with the rope gun.

He didn't like to use firearms, if he had a sniper rifle with him, then Liang Ye would be the absolute king of the night.

In the forest, holding a sniper rifle and constantly moving on the branches to kill the enemy is terrifying.

Unknowingly, and the enemy has not yet been able to determine his location.

It's not that Liang Ye has never thought about it, but if he moves with a sniper rifle, it will actually be a lot of trouble; he prefers to use the sleeve gun with his right hand. Although the range is not as far as a sniper rifle, it is enough for an assassination within 100 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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