Ghost Task Force

Chapter 189 Introduction

Chapter 189 Introduction
"I will introduce it to you, but I have an idea to tell you." Liang Ye looked at Xiao Xiao's star-like eyes and said seriously: "The group supports every employee to study on the job. I hope you can think about this, and the company will coordinate in terms of time; Yeshen Group has done a good job in this regard, because we pay great attention to talents."

This is true, Liang Ye didn't say these benefits because he wanted to keep Xiao Xiao.

Yeshen Group has education subsidies, and every employee with a master's degree or above will receive a few thousand yuan in education subsidies.When it comes to talents, the Yeshen Group has never been stingy.

Even if he is not involved in management, even if he is in the army, Liang Ye still knows very well the benefits his company treats highly educated employees.

Highly educated and capable of being a human being, this is the main standard for employees of Yeshen Group.

Of course, if the academic qualifications are poor, but he is a talent full of potential, the Yeshen Group will also lower the requirements appropriately.

"I can think about this, but I can't take on too much work anymore. I have already signed a contract with the publishing house for three books." Xiao Xiao's eyes showed apology, and she did not explicitly reject Liang Ye. proposal, but her thoughts on work have already been revealed in her words.

Liang Ye nodded slightly towards her, and didn't continue talking on this topic. He smiled and said, "Go in. I'll introduce you to my teammates in detail. Each of them is a super fighter."

The last time Xiao Xiao had met Deng Xuan, Lei Yu, and Zhou Yuying when she had dinner at the city square, it was the first time she had seen Tang Hao.As for what advantages they all have, Xiao Xiao also doesn't know.

That's why she hoped that Liang Ye could introduce her, and she also wanted to get to know these comrades in arms of Liang Ye.

Gradually, Xiao Xiao is integrating into Liang Ye's life and into Liang Ye's circle.

Liang Ye took Xiao Xiao back to the living room, Lei Yu and others were sitting in the living room chatting, they were not polite at Liang Ye's house; and this is what Liang Ye wanted to see, after all, everyone was good friends No, there is no need to be cautious.

"Let me introduce you, you have already met her, Zhou Yuying." Liang Ye stood beside Xiao Xiao, looked at Zhou Yuying and said, "Second lieutenant of the navy, a professional computer technician, and the medical staff in the team Bing, nicknamed Yueling."

When they came here, the task force members already knew that there would be such an event, so when Liang Ye introduced it, Zhou Yuying immediately stood up, stepped forward to shake hands with Xiao Xiao, and said with a smile: "Let's meet again. Lah, great writer."

Zhou Yuying has a master's degree in surgical medicine, and is about to get a doctor's degree; in terms of medicine, she is the most professional in the team, so she is a part-time medical soldier.

"Hi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Xiao Xiao also smiled.

Liang Ye smiled proudly, and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that everyone in my team is so powerful."

Then, he fixed his eyes on Deng Xuan, and said: "Deng Xuan, Air Force lieutenant, ace pilot; nicknamed magician, as long as he can fly, there is no one who can't fly."

Deng Xuan stood up and saluted Xiao Xiao, and said with a smile: "Hi, great writer, I won't shake hands with you, or the captain will beat me to death."

His words immediately made Liang Ye cough twice, but there was a smile on his face; although it was embarrassing, he admired the sensible boy Deng Xuan very much.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but glanced at Liang Ye, when she saw the smile on his face, she instantly understood something.

"Why is his nickname a magician?" Xiao Xiao asked curiously.

"I came up with the nickname myself. I just like it personally. This kid probably read too many magic novels when he was a child." Liang Ye replied.

Of course he would not tell Xiao Xiao that everyone in this team has superpowers, after all, that is not an area that Xiao Xiao can touch.For the time being, the true strength of the members of the task force cannot be revealed yet.

Liang Ye shifted his gaze to Lei Yu, and continued to introduce: "This is Lei Yu, a buddy who grew up with me, and is in the navy like me, with the rank of captain; he is the most powerful sniper in the history of the Chinese army. , 4000 meters, nicknamed Hawkeye."

Xiao Xiao was shocked by Lei Yu's sniper ability, she couldn't help asking: "Wow, within 4000 meters, you can hit every target with every shot?"

Liang Ye shrugged and said proudly: "What I said can still be false, as I said just now, everyone in my team is very powerful."

Lei Yu stood up, imitated Deng Xuan and gave Xiao Xiao a military salute, and said: "Hi, great writer, the boss often mentions you to us; when he was in the army, he always recommended your books to us. "

"Cough, cough, cough." Liang Ye pretended to cough, signaling Lei Yu not to continue.

The recommendation was recommended, but Liang Ye was very embarrassed when the name Lei Yu was mentioned.

"Really?" Xiao Xiao turned her head to look at Liang Ye, and asked curiously, "Is what he said true?"

"It's true, it's true." Liang Ye nodded in embarrassment, and then gave Lei Yu a murderous look.

Lei Yu quickly sat back on the sofa, but he was very satisfied with his behavior in his heart.

They saluted Xiao Xiao willingly, and they didn't need to salute when they were wearing casual clothes; but standing in front of them was Xiao Xiao, the future girlfriend of the task force leader.

Although it is not yet, in their eyes, it will be a matter of time; so respect and respect now, and establish a good relationship in advance.

Looking at Liang Ye like this, he must be a strict wife in the future, and the only one who can control him is Xiao Xiao.

"Let me introduce the last one. He is the strength of our team." Liang Ye said, and shouted into the kitchen: "Tang Hao, come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Hao, who was wearing a kitchen apron, came out of the kitchen, holding a spatula in his left hand.

"Sergeant Tang Hao, a former member of the Army Special Forces, nicknamed Tyrant; he was originally retired, but because of his excellent combat ability, I recalled him." Liang Ye said.

Tang Hao also imitated Lei Yu and the others, stood at attention and saluted, and then said loudly: "The country needs me, and it is my duty."

"Very good." Liang Ye nodded appreciatively, and said with a smile: "Now the country needs you to make a supper, go."

"Yes!" Tang Hao saluted again, and then quickly returned to the kitchen to continue working.

Originally Zhou Yuying wanted to help him, but he refused. His reason was: "The kitchen is his world, and no one can divide the country with him."

Zhou Yuying said that she couldn't laugh or cry, but she didn't force it.

"Why is he the strength in your team? Also, why is he called Tyrant? Isn't it because he is tall?" Xiao Xiao asked a few questions.

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(End of this chapter)

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