Ghost Task Force

Chapter 217 Funeral

Chapter 217 Funeral
Ten o'clock in the morning, the Church of the Assassin Brotherhood.

Lei Mu's coffin was slowly carried into the church by the six Assassin mentors, and all the members of the Brotherhood of Assassins stood up one after another, staring at the coffin covered with the banner of the Brotherhood of Assassins.

The flag of the Assassin Brotherhood is a triangle with a hypotenuse of [-] degrees, the bottom of the triangle is a semicircle, and two water chestnuts protrude from both sides.

The fraternity flag is very special, but it is a great honor to be draped over the coffin after death.

Liang Ye, who was attacked when he set off, was already standing in the crowd. After contacting a private intelligence agency to investigate who sent someone to attack him, he went directly to the Brotherhood of Assassins.

In fact, he still hasn't been able to determine whether it is someone from the Assassin Brotherhood who wants to kill him.

They have no such reason, but there is no guarantee that they will take such actions.

So Liang Ye didn't tell them what happened to him just now, he just attended the funeral as if nothing happened, with a serious face.

Claire was standing in the first row of seats, with her mother standing beside her.

After all, both of them are members of Lei Mu's family, apart from the elders of the brotherhood, only two of them are eligible to stay in the first row.

Liang Ye stayed in the second row with Lei Mu's students; except for Liang Ye, the others in this group were all members of the fraternity.

There are very few people like Liang Ye who did not join the fraternity after entering the fraternity for training.

Under everyone's gaze, Lei Mu's coffin was slowly placed in front of the church platform.

After the six Assassin Mentors retreated, Nicholas, the Grand Elder of the Assassin Brotherhood, slowly stood up.

He also wore the Assassin's clothing like everyone else today. Except for Liang Ye, everyone present was wearing the clothing of the Assassin Brotherhood.

I don't know, I thought it was some kind of religious ceremony.

As the Great Elder and one of Lei Mu's old friends, Nicholas must of course preside over the funeral on stage.

This is not just a formality, but also a respect for Lei Mu.

When Lei Yi, Lei Mu's son, died in battle last time, he did not enjoy such funeral treatment.

After death, the honor lasts forever. As one of the top Assassins of the Assassin Brotherhood, and as the Assassin Mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood, Leimu should of course be respected at this level.

After Nicholas came to the stage, he waved his hand and signaled those present to sit down.

Then, he organized his language, and then said in a heavy tone: "Today, we came here with grief, to pray for the soul of Teacher Lei Mu..."

Nicholas speaks English, and Liang Ye's English is very good; he speaks it as fluently as Shenzhou, so he can understand Nicholas' words without any pressure.

This funeral was a bit like a Catholic funeral, and it was Liang Ye's first time attending; but he didn't pay much attention to it, and now he felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in his heart.

On the stage, Nicholas was still talking, and everyone present was listening attentively.

After telling Lei Mu's story, Nicholas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "When others blindly pursue the truth, remember..."

"Everything is false!" the fraternity members in the audience shouted.

"While others are bound by moral laws, remember..."

"Everything is allowed!"

"We serve the light in the dark..."

"We are assassins!!!"

The last sentence was deafening, and even Liang Ye couldn't help frowning.

The purpose of the Assassin Brotherhood is like the faith of the believers, it will always be kept in mind and will not be shaken in any way.

Of course, Claire's mother, Helen Ray, was an exception.

She was the only member of the Assassin Brotherhood who had a change of faith, though she is no longer a member of the Brotherhood; she has left the Brotherhood and is no longer an Assassin.

Even the elders were shocked by Helen's change. No one could have imagined that she would become like this. Her change was even more exaggerated than Claire's.

The Assassin's faith is unchanged, but Helen now wears a cross every day.

Liang Ye was the most unique among all the people present. Compared with the others, he seemed so out of place.

The whole room was dressed in assassin clothes, but he was wearing a black suit.

But these are not the point, the uneasiness in Liang Ye's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He has always believed in his intuition. Although there was a slight error in his intuition in the morning, it does not mean that he will stop believing.

With the old voice of Nicholas still echoing in his ears, Liang Ye subconsciously raised his head to glance at the great elder Nicholas on the stage, and then turned his head to look at the door of the church.

At this time, the door of the church is closed tightly, and the sunlight can only penetrate through the shutters of the church.

Liang Ye subconsciously took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, but the notification bar of the mobile phone was completely blank without any message.

"On behalf of the Assassin Brotherhood, I would like to once again thank Instructor Lei Mu for his dedication; now, I would like to invite his granddaughter, Lei Ling'er, to come up and say a few words."

After speaking, Nicholas glanced at Claire's direction, then stepped off the stage and returned to his seat.

This seemed to have been arranged long ago. Claire, who was always timid, didn't panic this time, but walked directly onto the stage.

But being watched by so many people, she was somewhat nervous.

Almost subconsciously, Claire glanced in Liang Ye's direction, and Liang Ye, who was filled with anxiety, tried hard to squeeze out a smile in Claire's direction.

Liang Ye's smile played a role, Claire calmed down, took a deep breath before saying: "For most people, Grandpa is the mentor of the Brotherhood and the strongest assassin ever. But for me , he is just a kind elder."

"When I was young, my parents were very busy; my grandfather served as a mentor to teach assassins, and he would come to accompany me many times."

Claire speaks in English, her mother is English after all, so English is her second mother tongue.

And most of what she said were the memories Lei Mu left for her.

Claire didn't shed tears, she just spoke quietly, as if telling a story with a normal heart.

But Liang Ye, who saw her last night, knew exactly how she was feeling last night.

As for her current mood, Liang Ye didn't know, nor could she guess.

"I remember someone telling me once that life never ends, that death is just another life."

Speaking of this, Claire's eyes gradually dimmed, and she paused for a while before continuing: "I hope so, if this is true, at least my father, my grandpa, they will meet in another world .And one day, I will be able to meet them again."

Her tone was calm, but the people present heard a trace of sadness.

In the final analysis, she is still very sad.

Lost father, lost grandpa.

Claire is indeed a girl full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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