Ghost Task Force

Chapter 235 Exceeding the critical point

Chapter 235 Exceeding the critical point

At [-]:[-] in the evening, the sun was slowly setting, while Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were still strolling around the shopping center holding a cup of milk tea each.

Liang Ye held the milk tea in his left hand, and eight garment bags in his right hand; if he didn't drink the milk tea with his mouth, he would definitely hold one in his mouth.

As for Xiao Xiao, she was much more relaxed. She only held the bag with the tie and hummed a little song while walking.

Xiao Xiao had asked for help to take it, but how could Liang Ye let her take it; if Xiao Xiao didn't refuse, Liang Ye would definitely take the bag with the tie.

The two just walked around this shopping center for three hours, Xiao Xiao didn't feel tired at all; and Liang Ye was also very energetic.

A man once said on the Internet: Going shopping with a woman is like moving bricks for a day, and you can be exhausted to death.

But Liang Ye doesn't think so. He thinks that being with the girl he likes, even if it's a brick, is happiness.

Xiao Xiao, who was humming a ditty, suddenly slowed down, then lightly bumped Liang Ye's arm with her elbow, and whispered, "Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

"Okay." Liang Ye quickly nodded in agreement, and said with a smile, "Where do you think you can eat?"

“There is a food street nearby.”

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, the tofu flower there is first-class, I have eaten it before."

While talking, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Because while talking, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

"Urgent action, see you on the roadside!!!"

The text message was sent by Zhou Yuying, and three exclamation marks were added after it, which showed the seriousness of the matter.

Seeing this news, Liang Ye's brain seemed to be pricked by needles, and he lost his thoughts immediately, and then threw the milk tea into the trash can next to him.

Xiao Xiao was taken aback by his sudden action, before she could react, Liang Ye stuffed all the clothing bags into her hands.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xiao asked with a surprised face.

"Urgent action!"

After Liang Ye finished speaking, he took his mobile phone and ran towards the exit of the shopping mall.

Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then followed. Her white sneakers didn't make much noise when they stepped on the ground, but Liang Ye could clearly feel that she was following him.

When Liang Ye came to the side of the road, he saw a military bulletproof jeep drifting around the corner; the tires rubbed against the ground, leaving a long black mark.

The military jeep stopped quickly in front of Liang Ye, and the door of the passenger's seat was pushed open, and Lei Yu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, said loudly to Liang Ye: "Black situation, tell us on the road!"

This is already the highest level of warning for a black-level emergency; Liang Ye didn't have time to think too much, so he quickly got into the car.

When Lei Yu put the car in gear, Xiao Xiao chased after him; she slammed on the car door, and said to Liang Ye, "Hey, are you going to have dinner tonight?"

"Miss Xiao, if the boss doesn't kill himself today, I can have dinner with you sooner or later!"

After speaking, Lei Yu stepped on the accelerator hard, and the whole jeep roared away.

Liang Ye could only stick his head out and waved his hand in Xiao Xiao's direction.

I saw Xiao Xiao chasing the car for a few steps with a clothing bag, but was thrown far away in the end.

Liang Ye could clearly see Xiao Xiao standing alone by the side of the road holding almost ten bags in some empty streets; the rays of the setting sun shone on her body, making her look a little lonely.

But at this moment, Liang Ye went to put his mind on his feelings, and he quickly got back into the car; he turned his head to look at Zhou Yuying and the others, and asked loudly, "What's the situation?"

"A high-energy reaction occurred in the Milky Way area, and the value is the highest ever!" Zhou Yuying said nervously.

"How tall?" Liang Ye frowned and asked.

Zhou Yuying took out the tablet, turned the screen to Liang Ye, and said, "The critical point has been exceeded."

The value of the critical point is [-]. If it exceeds this value, it proves that there is an extremely powerful supernatural being.

This time Liang Ye couldn't be nervous anymore, he quickly put on the communicator, then switched to the main channel of the Security Bureau, and quickly said: "Attention all units, I am the commander, Major Liang Ye, and send all the support to block the target Two blocks in range. No one can relax until we know what the monster is!"

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye took the combat uniform handed over by Deng Xuan and quickly changed into it.

This can be said to be the biggest threat that the Strategic Defense Bureau has ever encountered since its establishment; Li Shan, who was in a meeting with him, immediately ended the meeting and personally arrived at the Operations Department to sit in charge.

Except for Liang Ye, all members of the Ghost Task Force are still at the headquarters.

So the task force was immediately dispatched to pick up Liang Ye while heading to the target area.

After changing into his combat uniform, Liang Ye put a pistol on the gun pouch on his right thigh, and then suddenly thought that Claire lived in the Galaxy District.

Could it be that her ability has awakened?

Thinking of this, Liang Ye's body trembled uncontrollably.

If it is true, then Claire will become the biggest threat to the Strategic Defense Bureau.Once she does something that endangers the safety of civilian life, she will be killed immediately.

As a level nine agent, Liang Ye must not have any hesitation at this time.

"Has anyone rushed over?" Liang Ye asked.

"It just so happens that two agents are in the Yinhe District, and they have already started to block the block; the nearby police have also come to help, and we have used all available resources." Zhou Yuying replied.

The Ghost Task Force is a quick-response force for this situation, so before they arrive, unless there is a real threat to the safety of civilians, ordinary agents must not act rashly.

Liang Ye glanced at the red mark on the map, and then froze in place.

The location of the red mark is exactly where Claire lives!

At this time, Liang Ye had to believe even if he couldn't believe it. He was the only one who knew that Claire had supernatural powers, and now, Claire became a threat.

Liang Ye didn't know what was going on at the scene, he only knew that Claire's supernatural power was terrifying.

With an energy value exceeding [-], what kind of superpower is she?

When the task force arrived, it was already dark, and the heavily armed task force members got out of the car one after another.

The agent in charge at the scene hurried forward, he first saluted Liang Ye, and then quickly said: "The energy is coming from that house, because the value is too high, I didn't dare to let the agent go to investigate. "

The agents sealed off the target house 300 meters away. This 300 meters is considered a dangerous distance, but they have extended it as much as possible; after all, there are many streets nearby, and the current actions have caused panic among the people.

Liang Ye glanced at the house, and the last trace of luck in his heart finally disappeared.

Sure enough, it was Claire who lived with her mother.

"You've done a good job." Liang Ye patted the shoulder of the agent in charge, then turned his head and said to the task force, "Let's go!"

After speaking, he took a step and quickly approached the house.

 Ten thousand words, five chapters, the update is complete, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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