Ghost Task Force

Chapter 251 Network Attack

Chapter 251 Network Attack
With the medical technology of the Strategic Security Bureau, it doesn't take long to treat Liang Ye's arm, and Liang Ye's own body recovers very quickly; so in just one day, his arm can already move normally .

However, there is still some pain, after all, it has not fully recovered.

"That's good. Go to the prison at sea as soon as possible to see if you can get any useful information." Li Shan said.

Liang Ye nodded, looked at the time, and said, "I'll go tonight."

The reason why he chose to go to the sea prison at night was because he had to deal with Claire's affairs in the afternoon.

For example, change her nationality to China, and enter all her information into the Strategic Defense Bureau.

All of these required Liang Yelai to personally operate, and only his ninth-level agent authority could directly enter all of Claire's information.

Claire's previous identity belonged to Italy, and there were many troublesome procedures to transfer back to China.

Assassins have many identities, but Claire only completed half of the assassin training; so there is no forged identity, and no knowledge in this area, all of which need Liang Ye to help complete.

"About Claire, I can't control the affairs of the task force. You are the captain, and you are indeed qualified to govern everything." Li Shan leaned on the seat and said slowly: "But I hope you will know how to measure, this girl, she Her identity is more special than anyone else; her joining the task force may improve the combat capability of the task force to a higher level. However, her joining has advantages and disadvantages. After the Brotherhood of Assassins knows what happened this time, they may come to her .”

It is normal for Li Shan to be worried, Claire is a descendant of an assassin after all.Although Liang Ye had been trained in the Assassin Brotherhood, he was the son of Liang Anguo. Liang Anguo used to be in the navy, so Liang Ye received patriotic education since he was a child.

But Claire has been growing up abroad, and she may not be willing to die for her country like other task force members.

The most important thing about working in a national security agency is to have a patriotism that can resist all temptations and devote oneself wholeheartedly to the work.

Whether Claire can do this is currently what Li Shan is most worried about.

"I understand." Liang Ye nodded in response.

In fact, this is what Liang Ye is most worried about at the moment. He himself has no idea. After all, Claire didn't grow up in China.

It can be seen that Claire is a kind girl, but sometimes kindness is not everything, and what is needed in a security agency is more than kindness.

"About this girl, after you let her join the Ghost Task Force, how do you plan to arrange her life?" Ding Xue asked.

It was rare for her to hate Liang Ye without opening her mouth, which surprised Liang Ye a little.

"The first is to let her return to school, and then give her some training, psychological and tactical training without affecting her normal life. She is too young, and I don't plan to put her into the task right away." Liang Ye replied.

Claire was only 16 years old, exactly the same age as Hua, Liang Ye didn't intend to just deprive her of the right to stay on campus.

"No, her ability is too dangerous. We can't let her return to society until she can be fully controlled."

The person who spoke was Li Shan. As the chief of the bureau, of course he had to fully consider all the circumstances.

Of course Liang Ye understood these questions, and he didn't refute, but said calmly: "I understand your concerns, Director, and I will consider these clearly. Zhou Yuying is responsible for analyzing her abilities. If there is no 100% Guaranteed, I will not let her return to society."

This really needs to be done under the condition that there will be no problems. Claire is not like Liang Ye who can control her ability as she likes; her ability has just awakened, and she still needs to be supervised.

Moreover, her ability is too harmful, once out of control, it will be a disaster for society.

After the meeting was over, Liang Ye took Lan Siqi out of the meeting room, and when walking towards the elevator, Liang Ye quickly said to Lan Siqi: "You and I will go to the prison at sea tonight, and hand over the work you are doing to me. to others."

Lan Siqi nodded first, and then asked, "Major, are you planning to bring the task force?"

Liang Ye quickly shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not going to start a war, why bring a task force with me?"

At this moment, Zhao Long came out from an unknown corner; he didn't seem to expect that Liang Ye was still here, but he stood at attention quickly to pay his respects.

Liang Ye nodded towards him, and walked into the elevator with Lan Siqi.

"Did he hear us just now?" Liang Ye frowned.

Lan Siqi shook her head, Liang Ye didn't speak loudly just now, but people with strong hearing can definitely hear it.

Zhao Long is a very professional agent, so he probably heard it.

Liang Ye frowned, but quickly let go, and didn't continue to think about it.

The elevator descended to the task force lounge. As soon as Liang Ye pushed open the door, Zhou Yuying rushed out with a laptop in her arms and bumped directly into Liang Ye.

"Hey, hey." Liang Ye hurriedly supported Zhou Yuying's shoulder, and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Liang Ye rarely saw Zhou Yuying like this, because there was a trace of anxiety in her expression.

"The official websites of many universities in China have suffered cyber attacks. Viruses have blocked all key files on the computers and demanded ransom. The director just ordered the Security Bureau to intervene. All our hackers must immediately report to the Network Technology Department." Zhou Yuying said quickly.

"Then go, I'll go to the network technology department later." Liang Ye said.

Zhou Yuying responded, and then hurriedly ran to the elevator.

Liang Ye crossed his arms and glanced at Lan Siqi, and said, "Cyber ​​attack? Why didn't I receive a report?"

As a high-level executive, even if there is no need to dispatch the ghost task force, Liang Ye should still receive the situation report.

"I have received it." Lan Siqi handed the tablet computer in her hand to Liang Ye.

A situation report is displayed on the screen about the cyber attack.

Initially, this network attack first attacked hospital computers in the UK, and later developed into a global network attack; it also invaded many universities in China and blocked all the computers of many students.

Many college students' research results and academic research materials are all in the computer. Now the computer is blocked by a virus, and their results are lost in an instant.

Not only that, the virus directly stole all the information in the computer, including personal information and some confidential documents.

And now there are many computers in China that have not been unlocked.

The hacker asked to pay 300 million before unlocking it. The result was very serious, and Liang Ye finally understood why the Network Technology Department of the Strategic Security Bureau was involved.

"This is not a joke." After reading the report, Liang Ye first returned the tablet to Lan Siqi, and then asked, "Has the Honker Alliance dispatched?"

(End of this chapter)

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