Ghost Task Force

Chapter 263 Can Arrange Anytime

Chapter 263 Can Arrange Anytime
Claire's appearance is really distressing, and it can immediately arouse a man's desire to protect.

Imagine a timid girl sitting on the couch eating a cookie, with her neck cringing from time to time in fear.No matter who it is, seeing Claire like this will subconsciously feel distressed.

Thunderstorm poured two glasses of juice and everyone sat down around the coffee table. Although Claire has not been authorized to participate in the mission; and her training has not yet started, she is now a member of the Ghost Task Force.

No one in the task force rejected her, and everyone wanted to take good care of the girl.

Although Claire looked extremely scared, she knew that no one here hated her, but her mentality and character hadn't changed yet.

"Okay, let's talk about it." Liang Ye clapped his hands and said with a serious expression: "Eiko Kawashima is a friend of Gladys, and now that Eiko Kawashima has been rescued, the things we have always suspected can also be accepted." It's settled."

"Eiko Kawashima is a member of V, and she is related to the previous chemical transaction." Zhou Yuying directly stated the key point.

Everyone nodded, this is the most reasonable explanation at present.

V must have learned that Liang Ye was going to the prison at sea, so he rescued Kawashima Hideko; even if Liang Ye didn't come, they would launch an attack sooner or later.

Eiko Kawashima must have important information, and what the Strategic Security Bureau needs to consider at the moment is how to capture Eiko Kawashima back as soon as possible.

Liang Ye glanced at Claire with long red hair, and then continued: "There are many things we don't have enough evidence and intelligence, such as Gao Jinglin who caused us to start a war in the forest, and he hasn't been caught yet."

"There are still many things that need to be busy." Lei Yu said.

Gao Jinglin is like a ghost now, after he was photographed at an ATM last time; no matter how the agents tracked him down, he was never found again.

The agents of the Strategic Security Bureau are currently the most professional in the world, and they have not been able to find out. It is conceivable how secretive Gao Jinglin's tracks are.

Liang Ye took a sip of the fruit juice and said, "Although we have a grudge against Gao Jinglin, the director said that the hunt for Gao Jinglin is in charge of an eighth-level agent, and we don't need to be busy with it."

Claire was sitting next to him at this moment. Although she was listening to everyone's conversation, she didn't say a word.

In fact, she has nothing to say, let alone her character, the point is that she has no idea what Liang Ye and others are talking about.

She had just joined Ghost Task Force and had no idea what had happened before.

"What about the prison attack?" Tang Hao said, "Aren't we going to do something?"

Liang Ye shook his head, and said helplessly: "At present, we can say that we know nothing about V, and the leader of the mercenaries who attacked this time has also been captured; our current priority is to get the five escaped All the criminals were brought back."

"The other four people may be easy to deal with, but for Kawashima Eiko; she is estimated to be protected by V, and it will not be easy to find her." Zhou Yuying said.

What Zhou Yuying said is right, V has experienced the setback of Kawashima Hideko being arrested, and the same thing will definitely not happen again.

It can be seen that Eiko Kawashima is very important to Gladys and V, otherwise she would not have spent so much time to save her.

The action to save Eiko Kawashima can be said to be very bold, because the attack was on an official facility in China, and it was clearly against the Chinese government.

Confronting the state apparatus, even Liang Ye, had never dared to think about it.

"Don't think about these nonsense things for now, I have to have a good night's rest tonight." Liang Ye stretched a little tiredly, looking really tired.

He was really tired, and he hadn't stopped all day.

I was busy with Claire's mother's funeral in the morning, and I was in meetings from noon to afternoon.

Leaders are busy, and the top management looks very good on the surface, but in fact it can make people crazy when they are busy.

At this time, Claire finished eating the biscuits and pastries on the table, she wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then carefully glanced at Liang Ye.

In fact, Liang Ye was also looking at her.

The eyes of the two collided, and Claire's gaze was the first to escape.

"Do you still remember sister Xiao Xiao?" Liang Ye reached out and patted Claire's head, and said with a smile, "She asked how you were doing just now."

Before arriving at the headquarters, Xiao Xiao texted Liang Ye and asked about Claire.

Liang Ye hasn't told her what happened to Claire, he doesn't want to make Xiao Xiao feel sad for the time being.

Xiao Xiao is very easy to be touched, and Claire is very pitiful; now that she doesn't even have a mother, Xiao Xiao will definitely cry when she hears it.

What surprised Liang Ye was that Claire nodded slightly and said, "I still remember, she is so beautiful."

Claire's words made the task force members present subconsciously smile. She was willing to talk to Liang Ye, which was a good start.

And what she said made Liang Ye almost burst into laughter.

"You are beautiful too." Liang Ye smiled and patted Claire on the head again.

Claire didn't evade, but still shrank her neck, expressing her nervousness in this way.

"Claire, do you want to go back to school?" Liang Ye asked.

Even though she is already a member of Ghost Task Force, she is very young, only 16 years old, and she should be in high school.

Liang Ye can't deprive her of the right to go to school just because she is a task force, talent is not afraid of being late; as long as Claire is willing, Liang Ye will definitely support her to complete her studies.

In fact, what Liang Ye was most worried about was that Claire was unwilling to go back to school.

On campus, no matter how bad your academic performance is, you can even be a poor student, these are not important.The important thing is that you can learn how to be a human being during the years you are on campus.

As long as you learn how to behave, all your time on campus will be worthwhile.

You can really learn a lot in school, high school is learning, and college is a place that really changes a person.

The army is also a university, so in Liang Ye's heart, he didn't feel too much regret that he didn't go to university.

He really hoped that Claire could return to campus, and as for her training, he could do it in his spare time.

Claire is a genius. Liang Ye has seen her report card, and her grades in every subject are excellent.

Under everyone's gaze, Claire nodded slightly, expressing that she wanted to go back to school.

"Well, when you want to go back, I can arrange it at any time. But don't go to the original high school. I will send you to S City Senior High School, which is my alma mater." Liang Ye smiled.

Claire didn't refuse, she shrank her neck first, and then asked cautiously, "Can I have another biscuit?"

(End of this chapter)

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