Ghost Task Force

Chapter 272 Why

Chapter 272 Why

But Xiao Xiao didn't mean to worry at all, and Liang Ye didn't think too much about it.

In the incident in the city square last time, although the Yeshen Group and the Hongqi Building were involved, many people on the Internet already knew that the hero who saved lives was Liang Ye.

The young master of the Yeshen Group flew to rescue a baby; although this exposed Liang Ye to the eyes of the public, it also established a very good image for the Yeshen Group and the Liang family.

This proves that Liang Ye is not the kind of son-in-law who only enjoys a wealthy life, and the image of the Yeshen Group has also improved rapidly in a short period of time.

When Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were walking towards the parking lot side by side, a photo of Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao looking at each other and smiling in the library appeared on the Internet, which was taken and posted by students in the library; The student is an Internet celebrity, and for a while, the Internet is boiling.

Some people recognized Liang Ye in the photo, and immediately commented: "That's Liang Ye, the young master of the Yeshen Group, what a beautiful man!"

The big V on the Internet forwarded it one after another. Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao didn't know that their photos had become popular on the Internet within a few minutes.

The two received attention again, and this time the attention was higher than the last time the city square rescued people.

After all, Xiao Xiao is a famous writer, and Liang Ye is the son of the richest man in China, so there is a reason for the fire.

Many people on the Internet said that they are a good match, that the two have good looks, and their net worth is very good.

The money Xiao Xiao earned from writing the book allowed her to afford to drive a Mercedes-Benz and live in Vanke Washington; not to mention Liang Ye, the most powerful rich second generation in China.

As for Liang Ye's military status, not many people know about it yet; someone commented, but it will be deleted soon.

This is Zhou Yuying's credit, she specially made a detection software; once someone mentions Liang Ye's military status, the software will be forcibly deleted.

When walking through the park, Xiao Xiao deliberately slowed down her pace, staring at the lotus that only bloomed in summer; the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and that smile made the whole summer eclipsed by her.

Liang Ye also slowed down. When he saw the lotus, he immediately thought of "Ai Lian Shuo" written by an ancient poet.

Among them, the sentence that is most memorable is: "Out of the silt but not stained, clean ripples but not demon."

"It's a good look." Xiao Xiao sighed, then took out her card camera and took a few photos of the lotus.

Liang Ye looked at Xiao Xiao taking photos with a smile on her face, and her every move exuded an unforgettable charm.

"What do you think of lotus?" Xiao Xiao asked Liang Ye after taking the photo.

"Opinion..." Liang Ye raised his eyebrows, and then said, "This flower gives me the feeling that it is elegant in a low-key way."

This is not Liang Ye's nonsense, but really feels this way.

Xiao Xiao smiled lightly, picked up the camera and took a picture of Liang Ye's face, and then continued to walk forward.

Liang Ye was dumbfounded by her actions, he hurriedly followed Xiao Xiao's footsteps, and smiled as he walked: "You should know that you can't take photos of soldiers casually."

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Xiao Xiao quickly put her card and camera back into her bag, as if afraid of being snatched by Liang Ye.

After putting away the camera, she turned around and looked at Liang Ye, and said while stepping back: "I checked on purpose, and it is allowed to take pictures when soldiers are in casual clothes, and it will not violate the regulations at all."

Liang Ye smiled wryly, she was right; soldiers are free to take photos when they are wearing civilian clothes, as long as there are no military secrets involved, there is absolutely no problem.

Now Xiao Xiao has a reason to take pictures of Liang Ye casually, and Liang Ye will not refuse.

Xiao Xiao slowed down to let Liang Ye follow her, then walked side by side with him, and said as she walked, "By the way, you are on vacation today, comfort from being busy for a few days?"

"That's right, I turned off all the things I have to be busy with today." Liang Ye hugged Xiao Xiao's book and said with a smile: "People, you can't devote yourself to work all the time, you have to give yourself some Leisure time."

Xiao Xiao agreed with Liang Ye's words, she nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, I'm using this reason to delay the manuscript now; although the editor reminds me every day, I just don't submit it."

When she said this, Xiao Xiao's face was full of willful smiles, her appearance made Liang Ye have the urge to pinch her face.

But if you're not a couple, it's impolite to pinch a girl's face, so Liang Ye didn't do it.

"You make us readers very helpless. Don't forget that readers all over the world are waiting for your new book." Liang Ye laughed.

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes at him, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I just published a new book some time ago. Writers can't often publish works. We must maintain the quality of works; no matter how much you write, poor quality is useless."

What she said is very reasonable. Don't rush to write a book. Sometimes you write tens of thousands of words a day. If the number of words keeps up with the quality of the content, it is equivalent to writing for nothing.

As the saying goes, slow work produces meticulous work, and Xiao Xiao's book is not that kind of online novel, so she can't blindly pursue speed.

"That's right, don't worry, quality is the most important thing." Liang Ye quickly nodded in agreement.

She mastered Xiao Xiao's books very well, from diction to punctuation, from paragraphs to empty lines, and she was impeccable.

As for those literary critics who looked for cracks in the egg, they judged the problems in Xiao Xiao's book, but they were scolded bloody.

Whether it is from a literary point of view or from the plot of the story, there is no major problem with the books written by Xiao Xiao.As for the plot, it is left to the public to judge.

Obviously, those who trouble Xiao Xiao's works are doing their best, because the reputation of those books is obvious to all.

Xiao Xiao is not a perfectionist, but she is very picky about her works, and she can spend hours correcting a small line of description.

It is normal for a person who pursues the quality of his works so much to become popular.

When it comes to writing books, Xiao Xiao pursed her lips and said softly: "I will only publish one more book in the second half of this year, and it is expected to be two next year. No matter how inspired I am, I will not often publish works."

"Why?" Liang Ye asked in surprise.

Xiao Xiao tilted her head, and replied: "The first is that I want to concentrate on studying first, and finish what I need to learn. As for the second, writing a book is actually like singing a singer. A singer releases many songs a year. The quality of the songs is uneven. In this case, no matter how popular he is, he will soon be gradually forgotten; because there are so many of his works that others can’t listen to them all, and many of them are not good, so people are very fond of him. His enthusiasm will diminish. Eventually, he will fade into obscurity."

After listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Liang Ye nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, Xiao Xiao is right, no matter if you are a writer or a singer, even if you become popular, you can't blindly produce works, because this is excessive consumption of your own value.

Once the value is consumed and the enthusiasm of the public decreases, it will be a matter of time before it is refrigerated.

(End of this chapter)

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