Ghost Task Force

Chapter 277 We Are All Her Relatives

Chapter 277 We Are All Her Relatives
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao, who had walked around the book shopping center, were sitting in a coffee shop on the third floor; besides the coffee, there were more than 20 books on the table.

Xiao Xiao moved her arms and said lazily, "I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, this book is so heavy."

What she said made Liang Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then wondered if she was being cute.

Because she only took two books, and took all the others by herself.

Liang Ye remembers reading in the book that there are many ways for girls to show cuteness in front of boys; but Xiao Xiao's can be regarded as being cute, after all, she didn't put much effort at all.

Xiao Xiao picked up the phone and glanced at it, then said to Liang Ye with a smile: "Tonight, can you invite your team members to sing together?"

"It should be fine, will you bring your classmates?" Liang Ye asked.

Xiao Xiao put down the phone and replied: "There will be two, don't worry, your identities as soldiers will not be exposed."

"I'm not too worried about this." Liang Ye shrugged and said indifferently: "It's okay to know that we are soldiers, as long as we don't expose the troops."

As he said that, Liang Ye switched the frequency of the intercom on the watch, then pressed the intercom, and quickly said: "Call all members of the Ghost Task Force, I am Liang Ye, do you have time tonight? Writer Xiao Xiao asked You form a team to sing, KTV walks."

Soon, Lei Yu was the first to say: "Will she bring the girl?"

"Yes, she will bring two classmates." Liang Ye replied.

"Go, no problem, tell me the time and place, be there on time!"

Lei Yu's excited voice made Liang Ye curl his lips; imagining his current appearance, Liang Ye despised him for a while.

"I'm going too, it's been a long time since I sang." Zhou Yuying replied.

Then, Deng Xuan and Tang Hao also expressed that they would come to participate together.

"It's done." Liang Ye knocked on the communicator in his left ear, then raised his head and said to Xiao Xiao: "They will all go, tonight will be very happy."

Xiao Xiao put her hands on her face and said with a soft smile: "Last time I went to KTV, there were many people I didn't know, so I didn't want to stay in it. This time it's different, playing with you guardians, That's what makes it interesting."

The last time Liang Ye had just finished dealing with the crocodile monster in the sewer, when he came out, he met Xiao Xiao standing outside the KTV, so he escorted her all the way home.It was also that time that the distance between the two narrowed.

"Don't have too much hope, they are very funny." Liang Ye laughed.

"That's good." Xiao Xiao blinked her eyes, tilted her head and said, "Otherwise, how can I call it a game? It's interesting only if it's funny."

Liang Ye suddenly thought of something, first smiled at Xiao Xiao, then pressed the intercom and said: "Yue Ling, you can bring Claire with you tonight, it's okay."

"Got it, I'll tell her right away." Zhou Yuying replied.

"Claire?" Xiao Xiao's face was filled with curiosity, and she asked, "How is she doing now? You told me very vaguely last time."

Liang Ye pursed his lips. He already knew that this matter could not be kept hidden for long.

Seeing Liang Ye's appearance, Xiao Xiao was slightly startled, and continued to ask: "What's wrong? What happened to her?"

"Her mother was killed." Liang Ye held hands and said in a low voice, "Now Claire is being taken care of by our task force, and her emotional recovery is not bad."

Hearing Liang Ye's answer, Xiao Xiao's eyes widened, and her breathing also stagnated.

She had always cared about the little girl and was unhappy with what her mother had done.But now, she suddenly heard that Helen was killed!
"What happened?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Liang Ye organized his words, and replied: "Claire's identity is very special, there are many people who want to kill her; her mother's death is my negligence, I promised to protect them."

As he spoke, Liang Ye gritted his teeth, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that the Knights of the Apocalypse would attack Claire so quickly.

But many things were unexpected, which also taught Liang Ye a lesson.

Xiao Xiao covered her face with her hands, thinking of what happened to Claire, her mood was immediately affected.

Liang Ye pursed his lips, thinking that he shouldn't have said these things to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao is very kind and doesn't see any sad things in the world, so it's normal for her to be affected.

"We are now Claire's relatives. She lives in our headquarters now. All members of the Ghost Task Force will take good care of her." Liang Ye said softly.

In fact, Claire is now in the best care of Ghost Squad.She can receive the best education and the best care.

As for whether Claire likes the life she is living now, it will take time to measure, and after a while, she will be able to see whether she likes it or not.

Liang Ye will not impose his emotions on others, so he will respect all of Claire's choices.

"I really didn't expect that." Xiao Xiao rubbed the corners of her eyes, she really cared about the little girl Claire; she liked Claire very much when she first saw her, and she wanted to help her wholeheartedly.

What happened to her really made Xiao Xiao very uncomfortable.

"Then Claire has no relatives now?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Liang Ye nodded, sighed and said, "No, her parents and grandpa have all been killed. If she wasn't protected by us, she would meet such a fate one day."

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath and asked, "Who killed her family? Why did they do this?"

"That's what you saw before, the Knights of the Apocalypse." Liang Ye put his hands on the table and said with a sigh, "I told you that Claire's family is all assassins, and the assassins and the Knights of the Apocalypse are assassins." The sworn enemy; in addition, Claire's identity is very special, which is why this result is caused. These are things we don't want to see, but they have already happened, and there is nothing we can change."

"Is she coming tonight?" Xiao Xiao's eyes were slightly red, and her mood was indeed greatly affected.

Liang Ye nodded quickly and said: "She will come tonight, you can help take care of her in the future; she is really young now, and needs more guidance in terms of mentality."

Xiao Xiao nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will."

There was a teardrop hanging from the corner of her eye, which made Liang Ye feel distressed; he couldn't help reaching out and gently wiped the teardrop from the corner of her eye.

This intimate gesture made Xiao Xiao's face flush slightly, but she did not refuse Liang Ye to wipe her tears.

Liang Ye showed a smile, and said softly: "Okay, don't think about it anymore, Claire is not alone now, we are all her relatives."

Xiao Xiao gave a soft acknowledgment and didn't think too much about it.

In life, it is inevitable that we will encounter too much sadness.

Setbacks are painful but empowering.The future will never become a certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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