Ghost Task Force

Chapter 28 Ghost Fighter

Chapter 28 Ghost Fighter
What the Yeshen Group gave Hongqi Building was a Quin-jet fighter jet, which can be invisible and even fly underwater.

There is a turbine engine on each side of the fighter plane, which can be used for vertical take-off and landing of the fighter plane and hovering, and also has the ability to control and balance.There are two jet engines on the rear upper part of the fuselage, the bottom of the fuselage can be opened, and the main weapon is the anti-aircraft rocket launcher that can be called out from the bottom of the fuselage.

The fuselage is iron black and extremely strong. The wings on both sides can be folded from the middle to reduce the floor space when docked. The interior space is huge, which is mainly used for transportation and can also be used for combat.

As for the name that the Yeshen Group gave this finished machine, it is simply called "Ghost Fighter."

Maybe it's because of the plane's stealth capabilities, maybe it's because of Ghost Task Force.

But anyway, with this aircraft, the overall strength of Task Force Ghost has gone up a notch.

The Wraith can fly at speeds up to Mach 2.5, roughly the same speed as the Air Force's fighter jets.

Originally, the fighter plane was intended to be used to transport members of the Special Forces for secret missions, but due to the long manufacturing time, there is only one finished plane; and because of Liang Anguo's instruction, it had to be given to the Ghost Task Force first.

This made some senior generals feel dissatisfied, but they couldn't do anything. After all, Liang Anguo was the boss; the research and development of the aircraft was also led by his scientific research department, and the Air Force R&D personnel were only auxiliary.

In the Hongqi Building at this time, many R&D personnel are doing research around this new aircraft. They are recording the data of the aircraft; and carefully reading the manual to facilitate the maintenance of this aircraft in the future.

And Deng Xuan, who is a top pilot, looked at the pitch-black plane with bright eyes. His current appearance made him wish he could jump on it and drive it for a couple of laps.

Lei Yu glanced at those researchers, then at Deng Xuan, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I have to say, Uncle Liang's company is really powerful; I remember this is an airplane that appeared in foreign movies, and now It was actually researched by them first."

"Ghost Fighter, is this named because of our task force?" Zhou Yuying asked with a smile.

Without waiting for others to express their opinions, Lei Yu rushed to reply: "Sure, Uncle Liang is completely doting on the boss, I dare say; it must be because the boss is the captain of our task force that Uncle Liang will put this a plane for us. Otherwise, we would have had to fly around in helicopters or transport planes."

Tang Hao, who joined the task force at the latest, looked up at the plane, and said after a while: "It must be very exciting to take this plane,"

While everyone was still observing the new aircraft, Liang Ye, the commander, had already arrived at the Hongqi Building; as for his sports car, it was parked in the underground parking lot.

Just as Liang Ye was about to pass through the identification area, Lan Siqi, Minister of Intelligence, just happened to come to him.

"Good morning, Major." Lan Siqi took the initiative to greet Liang Ye.

Liang Ye nodded towards her, then put on a pair of sunglasses, took out his ID card and asked, "Is there any report?"

Lan Siqi nodded and quickly replied: "Gladys won't be coming to Shenzhou for the time being. If you want to meet her, Major, you may have to go to Europe yourself. We are still tracking down the crocodile monster you dealt with last night." , There are many departments in the world that conduct genetic mutation research, and we are still unable to determine which department has studied such a monster. But we firmly believe that this is premeditated, and the identity of the monster will take some time to confirm."

Although she spoke quickly, Liang Ye could still hear every word clearly.

"Of course this was premeditated. It's impossible for a guy who grows up like this to come to our city S to find a shelter." As he spoke, Liang Ye swiped his ID card on the reader, and then walked over identification area.

Lan Siqi followed closely behind him, and everyone nearby who saw Liang Ye subconsciously stood up straight and nodded to him.

Liang Ye only stayed in the Hongqi Building for a few hours yesterday, but everyone here already knew who their commander was, and also knew his identity.

Since the ghost fighter was brought over this morning, most of them have already guessed the reason.

The Hongqi Building is a department of the National Security Bureau, and the military has always wanted that Phantom fighter plane, and the cooperation is also between the military and the Yeshen Group.

But the first finished machine was given to Guoan, which no one expected.

"I can't go to Europe, and I can't take the initiative to meet her. It seems that no matter how anxious I am now, I can only wait for the opportunity." Liang Ye frowned and said to himself.

At this time, Lan Siqi continued: "A special agent has been monitoring Gladys. She reported an hour ago that Gladys had a meeting with a woman about 1.7 meters tall in her castle."

"Really?" Liang Ye stepped into the elevator, pressed the floor he was going to and asked, "An hour ago?"

"Yes, the communication was interrupted later, the signal over there has been intermittent, and we are still trying our best to contact." Lan Siqi replied.

Listening to Lan Siqi's words, Liang Ye frowned again, and then fell into silence.

When the elevator was about to reach the top floor, Liang Ye said, "A lot of things can happen in one hour."

Then, Liang Ye said: "The information she holds may be what I want. Find a way to restore communication and report immediately if there is any situation; I will make the task force ready. If something happens to her, we will Just go and rescue her."

"Yes!" Lan Siqi nodded vigorously.

At this time, with a "ding", the elevator reached the top floor where the plane was parked.

At this time, many scientific researchers are still concentrating on the research of this pair of ghost fighters; and as a pilot, Deng Xuan is also looking at the flight manual. After all, he will fly this plane in the future, so of course he has to be familiar with it. one time.

The rest of the task force members are communicating. This is a new team, and the members must get to know each other well; everyone will fight side by side in the future, so there is no harm in getting acquainted.

As soon as Liang Ye stepped out of the elevator, Lei Yu, Deng Xuan, and Tang Hao, who were soldiers, immediately stood up straight and saluted in Liang Ye's direction.

This is the subconscious reaction of the soldiers, and they can all feel the majesty of Liang Ye; especially Lei Yu, who has known Liang Ye for so many years, he has already known Liang Ye very well.

Seeing the three people standing at attention and saluting, Liang Ye returned the salute while walking, then walked directly in front of Deng Xuan, and quickly said, "Lieutenant, how are you familiar with this plane?"

Deng Xuan's familiarity with this aircraft was what Liang Ye wanted to know the most. After all, he was the only pilot in the task force; although Liang Ye could also fly fighter jets, he couldn't compare to this ace pilot.

Facing Liang Ye's inquiry, Deng Xuan hurriedly said loudly: "Report to the captain, the performance has been fully understood, and there is only one practice left!"

(End of this chapter)

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