Ghost Task Force

Chapter 294 Preventive Medicine

Chapter 294 Preventive Medicine
Zhou Yuying's slender fingers tapped on the computer keyboard quickly. When she heard Liang Ye's question, she quickly replied: "The triangulation needs to calculate the data. It will take a few minutes. Wait a moment."

Liang Ye nodded, then walked to the center of the cabin; turned on the holographic projection in the cabin, and then opened the information of this operation on the computer controlled.

The holographic projection presented all the details of this operation, and Liang Ye stood in front of the computer and said quickly: "After the virus broke out, the Strategic Security Bureau sent a medical research team as soon as possible. This team has four members. , one of them is a bodyguard. Their duty is to investigate the cause of the virus outbreak and submit the collected data to the headquarters."

"But because of the civil strife, the new president ordered the cleaning of the place where the virus was infected. The research of the medical team was affected. The bodyguard was killed while covering the evacuation of the doctors. The remaining three members are currently without any trace. Their investigation The report wasn't filed. And that's why we're out there, we're going to get them out and get that investigative report."

As he spoke, Liang Ye tapped on the computer keyboard and retrieved all the information of the three doctors.

There are two female doctors and one male doctor, and the thinner one is Shao Yuxuan, Shao Wenwen's sister, a doctor of medicine.

The two are indeed two sisters, because they are both very thin.

Liang Ye touched his nose and said: "This is the information of the three doctors. Now you know the purpose of the operation. Do you have any questions to ask?"

The three doctors all graduated from the same university, but the difference is that two of them are husband and wife, and they are almost middle-aged; only Shao Yuxuan is the youngest, she is only 29 years old.

Lei Yu raised his hand and asked, "Boss, are those three doctors still alive?"

Liang Ye shrugged, and replied: "I don't know, the temporary speculation is that they are still alive, I can only say that I wish them good luck; before we arrive, I hope they are all safe and sound."

"Captain, are the rebels still occupying the entire country?" Tang Hao asked.

Every time after the mission is released, the members of the special forces will ask their own questions, and then the commander will answer them. These are very necessary.

When the commander explains the mission, he won't explain everything clearly, the rest is up to the team members to ask.

Liang Ye nodded, and he replied: "Yes, the new president ordered soldiers to kill any tribes that go to different churches, and at the same time clean the area around the virus outbreak. In fact, his so-called cleansing is just to kill The riots in Africa have never disappeared, and civilians have been living in dire straits."

"If we find someone, how should we evacuate?" Lei Yu continued to ask.

Liang Ye didn't answer right away, he switched the screen to a map, and then marked a small mark on the ocean part of the map.

"There is a navy fleet on standby at any time. After the ghost fighters send us into the search area, they will go to this fleet to replenish fuel; if the mission goes well, we will go to a safe area after we find people, and let the people who have replenished fuel The Wraith is coming to get us."

A detailed mission plan can allow a combat team to complete the mission perfectly, although the plan cannot keep up with changes; but as long as there are no emergencies, the mission plan can still play a very important auxiliary role.

After answering everyone's questions, Liang Ye exhaled and asked, "Okay, is there any question?"

Everyone shook their heads, expressing that they had no problems.

At this time, Zhou Yuying, who had been measuring the location, snapped her fingers and said, "Okay everyone, I have found the approximate location of Dr. Shao Yuxuan."

As she spoke, she transmitted the latest data to the holographic projection.

The projection shows a map of the country and zooms in quickly.

When the picture stops, it can be clearly seen that the measured position is in the forest.

Africa's natural environment is not bad, but the economy is too unsatisfactory.

"The location is not very precise, but it can be deduced based on the last contact between Dr. Shao and the headquarters." As she spoke, Zhou Yuying continued to zoom in on the screen, and then marked the location of one of the villages with a marker.

"There are three villages here. According to my guess, Dr. Shao's location should be here." Zhou Yuying pointed to the village in the middle, and said: "From the satellite map, it can be seen that the civilians in this village, and Compared with the satellite map three days ago, there are about 50 more people. This should be our destination, we just need to parachute above it." Zhou Yuying said.

Everyone nodded, Zhou Yuying has always been the best in this area of ​​work, she is just like Lan Siqi, professional.

Liang Ye nodded and said, "Yes, after parachuting, find people as quickly as possible, and then take them out of this country."

Zhou Yuying switched the map, and there were many red dots on the screen. The red dots were not far from the destination village, less than [-] kilometers away.

After zooming in on the screen, Zhou Yuying said: "The location marked above is the location of the rebels. There are many villages in that area that have been occupied by the rebels; if my guess is correct, the rebels are going to the three villages forward."

Zhou Yuying's words caught Liang Ye's attention. He frowned immediately and asked, "When did the rebels arrive?"

If the rebels had arrived at the village where the doctor was before Liang Ye and the others arrived, then Liang Ye and the others would have been wasting their time.

Zhou Yuying shook her head and replied: "Not sure yet. They haven't started marching yet, but those three villages are all within the scope of the virus infection. Even if they are not affected, the rebels will not let them go."

Liang Ye frowned, then pressed the communicator and said, "Deng Xuan, speed up."

Deng Xuan, who was flying the plane, responded and increased the speed of the plane.

"We still don't know how contagious the virus is. To be on the safe side, I have prepared preventive medicine for everyone."

Saying that, Zhou Yuying opened a small box with five needles filled with blue liquid.

Zhou Yuying picked up one of the needles and said: "Prevention medicine can improve our body's immunity and prevent us from being infected by the virus. This medicine can prevent Ebola; but I don't know what happened in that country. The same virus, so there is no guarantee that this medicine will have much effect."

Liang Ye had submitted an application for preventive medicine to the medical department when he was still at the headquarters, but Zhou Yuying was one step ahead of him, as soon as his application was sent out, she had already brought back the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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