Ghost Task Force

Chapter 299 Skydiving

Chapter 299 Skydiving
Tang Hao put a rifle behind his back and asked, "What if it doesn't go well?"

"There are two situations that are not going well. One is that Dr. Shao Yuxuan has been arrested or killed, and the other is that we have encountered rebels. No matter what the situation is, it is not what I want to see. In short, everyone must be mentally prepared. Although we are special forces ; But it is very unfavorable for us in large-scale battles. We were lucky last time in Europe, because the enemy is scattered and the marksmanship is not very accurate. The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable, and we must not take it lightly. "

With that said, Liang Ye took a sip of coffee and continued: "The time is now [-]:[-]pm. After landing, we will search the village in the shortest possible time. Once we find Dr. Shao Yuxuan, we will evacuate immediately. The evacuation point is [-] meters away from our airborne location." Five kilometers, we bypassed the site occupied by the rebels, which is a safe area; it is expected to take two hours to get to the evacuation point, and the mountain road will slow down our operation time."

Except that the capital is a city, Guinea-Bissau is dominated by villages; especially in mountainous areas, villages are more common.

This is a very poor country, but the civil strife this time cost thousands of civilians their lives.

Liang Ye glanced at the crowd, and asked in a deep voice, "Okay, is there any question?"

Tang Hao raised his hand and asked, "Captain, what are the rules for firing?"

"This operation is not officially recognized, we act in a low-key manner; try not to expose ourselves, we can only shoot when we need to protect ourselves and the mission target, and we can't take the initiative to attack the rebels." Liang Ye replied.

The actions of the Ghost Task Force will only receive secret support, but will not be officially recognized by the outside world, so they must be careful in their actions.

But this is also an advantage. After the operation is over, all the mess will be cleaned up for them, and the task force only needs to consider how to carry out the task well when operating.

Zhou Yuying raised her hand and asked, "Where are the weapons of the rebels?"

Liang Ye touched his nose and replied: "The rebels have already occupied the country's arsenal, most of them are AK rifles and old-style rocket launchers from the last century; but don't underestimate these, they also eat this food , using these weapons can still turn us into a hornet's nest."

"Okay, any more questions?"

Liang Ye glanced at everyone, and they all shook their heads, saying that there was nothing more to ask.

"Prepare your weapons, we will be airborne in 3 minutes."

There is a weapon rack in the cabin with various weapons; Liang Ye seldom uses firearms, but this mission forced him to bring a rifle.

Except for Liang Ye, everyone was carrying a lot of equipment and ammunition.

The biggest advantage of Liang Ye's combat uniform is that it allows him to control the balance when using the wind ability, but the biggest disadvantage is that it prevents him from carrying more equipment.

For example, Lei Yu and others, they all carried a tactical backpack; but Liang Ye had a cloak on his back, so he couldn't carry a backpack.

Everyone put on gas masks one after another. Although they looked ugly, they could save their lives under special circumstances.

Liang Ye opened the rear hatch, and the starry sky outside looked very beautiful, but the air was filled with the smell of war.

Guinea-Bissau, which is experiencing war, is never peaceful. Civilians are massacred almost every day. Wherever the rebels go, blood flows like rivers.

Liang Ye put on his hood and stood on the edge of the hatch, looking at the rapidly retreating city below.

It was a small city, and since it was night, it was clearly visible from above that some parts of the city were filled with flames.

Lei Yu walked to Liang Ye's side, shook his head and said, "A sad country."

"We don't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. What happens to this country has nothing to do with us." Liang Ye said calmly.

He also went to some small countries in Africa when he was on a mission in the Dragon Eagle Commando, and saw many similar scenes, so he was already numb.

At this time, the lieutenant who was flying the plane pressed the intercom and said, "Captain, 30 seconds."

Liang Ye turned around and shouted to everyone, "Okay, get ready to skydive!"

Everyone immediately lined up in two rows and checked the parachute bags for the teammates in front at the same time.

When the red light in the cabin turned green, Liang Ye was the first to jump off the plane.

Airborne, he's always first, not just because of his wind power, but because he's the captain.

The plane was cruising at an altitude of 1000 meters at this time, and the altitude was not very high. Liang Ye could clearly see the village below; the village was lit, which proved that there were still people living there.

After Liang Ye jumped off, Lei Yu and others also jumped off the plane one after another.

Skydiving is child's play for them, and there is no pressure at all.

Liang Ye, who was falling, gestured for everyone to disperse and not get too close.

Everyone understood and controlled their bodies to change the direction of their whereabouts.

When the distance from the ground was less than 200 meters, Liang Ye finally unfolded his cloak and began to slow down his falling speed.

The task force members also opened their parachutes and began to slowly fall towards the ground.

Liang Ye was the first to reach the ground, which is also an advantage of his ability, he can quickly and accurately carry out airborne.

The location of the airborne is 500 meters away from the village, this is to avoid being discovered by the enemy.

After landing, Liang Ye picked up his rifle and quickly scanned his surroundings to cover his teammates' landing.

The thunderstorm fell to the ground second, followed by Tang Hao, Zhou Yuying, and Deng Xuan.

Seeing that his teammates landed safely, Liang Ye pressed the communicator and said in a low voice: "The ghost team called the No. [-] fighter, the team has landed safely, it's over."

"The No. [-] fighter plane received it, the escort is over, and we are heading to the Yangcheng ship, it's over!"

After finishing the call, Liang Ye made a gesture to signal his teammates not far away to come and gather.

The task force members destroyed the parachute, and then went to where Liang Ye was.

They moved very quickly, and Deng Xuan was more straightforward; he threw the dagger directly in Liang Ye's direction, and used teleportation magic to come to Liang Ye's side.

Zhou Yuying took out the detector to check the air data, while Liang Ye turned on the 3D map on the watch, and then quickly said: "We are 500 meters away from the village, and there is a river over there. Let's sneak in from the river; be careful, No one knows if it has been taken by the rebels."

At this time, Zhou Yuying said: "Captain, the air is not toxic, we can take off the gas mask."

Liang Ye nodded and signaled everyone to take off their gas masks.

After getting ready, Liang Ye switched the frequency of the radio, then pressed the communicator, and said in a low voice: "The ghost team is calling for the Yangcheng ship. Please answer if you receive it."

The Yangcheng ship is a destroyer, a multi-purpose destroyer with air defense, anti-submarine, anti-ship, and fleet area air defense capabilities.

At this time, the destroyer and two other warships were on standby in the waters near Guinea-Bissau to provide strategic support for Liang Ye's operation this time.

(End of this chapter)

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