Ghost Task Force

Chapter 365 Weaknesses

Chapter 365 Weaknesses
Since entering this underground research room, Liang Ye has not killed any of the guards.

He just knocked them out, that's all.

Because Liang Ye is still not sure whether this place belongs to V's organization, so he didn't abuse his ability to kill people.

With his strength, it is very easy to kill these people.But Liang Ye is not a murderous maniac, he will kill according to the situation, instead of killing him immediately when encountering obstacles.

"I've called up the floor plan of your location, Captain. This place is not big, and you can walk through it soon." Zhou Yuying quickly typed on the computer keyboard, and said quickly: "You are now located in the southeast corner of the underground research room." , there are still people approaching your position, they should all be guards."

"Help me see which research room is occupied?" Liang Ye asked.

Zhou Yuying's eyes quickly scanned the computer screen, and then replied: "100 meters ahead, the room on the right, there are guards there, and there are three people."

"Roger that!"

Liang Ye ran forward quickly. He didn't want to waste too much time fighting. Now he just wanted to find Eiko Kawashima as soon as possible.

"Guys, clear the enemy as soon as possible, the captain needs our support at any time." Zhou Yuying said while pressing the intercom.

Outside the plane, Lei Yu pulled the trigger twice, then lowered his head and said: "Then it seems that we all need to zoom in."

As he said that, Lei Yu gestured towards Deng Xuan and said loudly: "Use your ability!"

Deng Xuan nodded, he dropped the gun in his hand, and stretched out his hands.

Zhao Long, who had already moved to the position of the task force, stopped shooting, and his eyes rested on Deng Xuan.

As an eighth-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, Zhao Long has never acted with the Ghost Task Force, let alone seen them use superpowers.

Now, Deng Xuan wants to show his super power, Zhao Long certainly won't miss this opportunity.

I saw a fireball appearing in Deng Xuan's hands, and the fireball was still growing, and its power was also increasing.

A trace of shock flashed across Zhao Long's eyes, but he quickly put away these emotions and returned his attention to the battle.

The most taboo thing on the battlefield is distraction, which can easily kill yourself or your teammates.

Lei Yu and others helped Deng Xuan absorb most of the firepower, so Deng Xuan could concentrate on condensing the fireball.

When the fireballs were condensed, Deng Xuan threw out the two fireballs in his hand without any hesitation.

The fireball is divided into two trajectories, one to the left and one to the right, attacking enemies in different directions.

The next moment, the flames shot into the sky, and the fireball was like a small missile, covering most of the attackers in front of it.

With the support of the Ghost Task Force, the battle can end faster and the agents can return safely.

If Lei Yu and others hadn't arrived in time, these agents would have been defeated.

There are too many enemies on the opposite side, and the firepower is very strong. The agents have always relied on the advantages of the terrain to persist.

If Liang Ye was here, with his wind power, the battle could end faster.

However, Liang Yezheng is now focusing all his attention on tracking down the whereabouts of Kawashima Hideko.

He rushed to the location Zhou Yuying had mentioned, but he didn't find Eiko Kawashima. There were only two guards and three terrified researchers there.

After finishing off the guard, Liang Ye pressed the intercom and said, "Not here, give me another location."

"The corridor on the right, the third door, there is a person there." Zhou Yuying said.

"Alone?" Liang Ye frowned slightly, then walked towards the place Zhou Yuying said.

Although he felt that the chances were not high, Liang Ye decided to go up and have a look.

The alarm kept ringing, Zhou Yuying focused on cracking the monitor, she said while cracking: "Captain, I'm cracking the monitor."

With monitoring, it will be much faster to find someone.

Liang Ye didn't reply, he walked quickly to the door where Zhou Yuying said.

The door was closed tightly, Liang Ye didn't rush to break through, because he wasn't sure if there was any danger inside.

He scanned his surroundings to make sure there were no threats around.

Liang Ye turned on the contact lens in his left eye, scanned through the door and the wall, and displayed the situation inside on the watch in Liang Ye's left hand.

There was indeed only one person inside, and the scan showed that no one was in ambush, only one person was typing on the keyboard in front of the computer.


Liang Ye exhaled, then took out his pistol, and shot the doorknob.

He didn't want to spend his time cracking the lock, so he had a quicker time.

After breaking the door lock, Liang Ye kicked the door and rushed in with a gun in his hand.

The next moment, Liang Ye fixed his eyes on the woman standing in front of the computer.

The woman had long black hair and was wearing standard researcher attire, including a white coat.

After seeing this woman's back, Liang Ye was sure that this person was the one he had been looking for all along.

Eiko Kawashima!


Gladys stood in front of a glass wall, looking at Annabelle who was being treated by several doctors, frowning tightly.

After a while, a man in a black coat walked up to Gladys.

There was an obvious scar on the man's face, but his body exuded a strong breath of death, giving people an indescribable horror.

Gladys sighed and asked, "How is she?"

"Not dead." The man replied.

This person is the first person who dares to talk to Gladys like this.

"The consequences of underestimating the Ghost Task Force...hehe..." Gladys sneered, expressing her disdain for what happened to Annabelle.

"Annabelle, the elders gave her a very high evaluation, but her ability is still immature." The man folded his arms and said calmly: "As for the ghost task force, they are just children, but let them continue It’s not a good thing to grow up.”

This man was the one who rescued Annabelle.The first time was the night when Annabelle killed Chen Kai, this time it was the second time.

"The plan to instigate a rebellion failed, what do you think?" Gladys asked.

"You plan to instigate a general's son, a star in the army?" The man glanced at Gladys and asked, "You are wasting your efforts."

The man's questioning didn't make Gladys angry, she just smiled and said casually: "I don't lack time and strength, you have fought against Liang Ye before, you know his strength."

"He did surprise me a lot, but like Annabelle, he is still immature." The man kept his eyes on the emergency room, and said indifferently: "Everyone has weaknesses, and Liang Ye's weaknesses must be better than yours. I know better."

Hearing the man's words, Gladys smiled coldly and said, "That female writer."

 I haven't said this sentence for a long time, friends, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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