Ghost Task Force

Chapter 368 No need to blame yourself

Chapter 368 No need to blame yourself
In the ghost task force lounge, Zhou Yuying looked at the monitor, turned to look at Liang Ye and said, "Do you think Agent Ding Xue can ask anything?"

Liang Ye took a sip of coffee, shook his head and said, "I don't know, her methods are very sharp, but Kawashima Hideko is not the kind of person who is easy to let go. I can't guess the result now."

Ding Xue is still interrogating Kawashima Eiko, and Ding Xue's emotional offensive has had a very good effect. She has successfully made Kawashima Eiko's emotions out of control.

But until now, Eiko Kawashima has still not revealed any useful information.

Ding Xue has a lot of time to spend, and Liang Ye also believes that she will definitely be able to ask questions, but it will take time.

"Captain, are you worried about what Eiko Kawashima said just now?" Zhou Yuying asked.

Just now Eiko Kawashima mentioned Xiao Xiao, which is also obvious, V already knows who Liang Ye's girlfriend is.

It's no wonder that Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao's love affair has been spread by all major news, from online news to paper news, it is impossible to keep others from knowing.

"It would be a lie to say that I'm not worried." Liang Ye had a sad face. He was interrogating Eiko Kawashima just now, and he couldn't show other emotions in front of the enemy, but now that he left the interrogation room, all his worries came out.

Now he handed over the interrogation work to Ding Xue. Because he was not around, Ding Xue could still complete the interrogation very well, so he could do other things.

"The relationship between you and Xiao Xiao is indeed too high-profile."

The speaker was Liang Anguo, who appeared outside the door in a black suit.

"Dad." Liang Ye quickly stood up.

The task force members also saluted Liang Anguo one after another. Although Liang Anguo was no longer a soldier, he used to be a soldier, and he was still a general.

Although he is not wearing a military uniform, his past honor has always affected Liang Ye and the task force members.

"I can't control these things." Liang Ye spread his hands and said helplessly, "I asked Uncle Jiang to help arrange bodyguards, but I'm still a little worried."

"You're definitely worried." Liang Anguo walked up to Liang Ye, smiled and said, "When I was with your mother, I never worried about her safety."

The task force members all quieted down, watching the father and son's conversation intently.

Liang Anguo stepped forward and patted Liang Ye on the shoulder, and said, "It always takes a lot of effort in our line of work. I will arrange more bodyguards to take care of her safety. You can perform tasks with confidence."

I don't know if it's a coincidence or Xiao Xiao is very smart. She opened the coffee shop opposite the Yeshen Group, which makes it easier for Liang Anguo to arrange bodyguards for her.

The bodyguards trained by the Liang family are all very professional, there is no doubt about it, so Liang Ye's worries are slightly reduced.

"Okay, Ding Xue will be in charge of the interrogation. You have no other arrangements today. Before the result comes out, you can go and accompany Xiao Xiao well."

Liang Anguo also just arrived at the headquarters of the Security Bureau, in order to meet Liang Ye who had just returned from his mission.

Even if Liang Anguo didn't say it, Liang Ye would do it.Moreover, the task force is tired after this trip, and everyone needs to take a rest.

"Yueling, is Claire back?" Liang Ye asked Zhou Yuying.

"It will land in 10 minutes, and Lan Siqi has already been sent to the recovery room." Zhou Yuying replied.

"Is she awake?"

"woke up."

Liang Ye stood up and moved his body, and then said: "Then I will go to see Lan Siqi first, and then I will go to Xiao Xiao with Claire; I promised Claire to teach her to use her super power, and now I will fulfill my promise." It's time."

"Go." Liang Anguo nodded.

Afterwards, Liang Anguo left the task force lounge. He came to the headquarters to see Liang Ye. With his status and status, he was busy with many things every day, and it was difficult to find a time for vacation.

Looking at the scenery, I actually have to pay more than others.

Claire has completed all the psychotherapy and psychological evaluation, and now she only needs Liang Ye to issue an order, and she can return to society.

But Liang Ye decided to take her to train her superpower first, so he had to wait.

The medical technology of the Strategic Security Bureau is very advanced. Lan Siqi is fine at this time, and Zhou Yuying has done a good job in her emergency treatment. Even if she does not need surgery, she will be fine again.

When Liang Ye came to the recovery room, he happened to see Wang Yu coming out of it.

Lan Siqi was fine, and his hanging heart relaxed.

Seeing Liang Ye, Wang Yu subconsciously stood at attention and saluted, and Liang Ye nodded slightly towards him, and walked directly into the recovery room.

Lan Siqi was lying on the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown, and the equipment next to her displayed her body data; while her eyes were fixed on the ceiling, her pale face showed how weak she was at this moment.

Seeing Liang Ye walking in, Lan Siqi subconsciously wanted to sit up.

Liang Ye quickly took two steps forward and advised, "Don't move, just lie down like this."

As he spoke, Liang Ye took a chair and sat beside the bed. His eyes scanned the data displayed on the instrument, and then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lan Siqi's injury was something he hadn't expected. At first, Liang Ye didn't want to take Lan Siqi to join the field because he was worried about it.

However, if Liang Ye didn't bring Lan Siqi with him this time, the plane might be snatched by the enemy.

And Liang Ye can also be sure that those enemies who attacked them were all members of V.

Now they have come to the front from the dark, and even dared to actively attack the agents of the Strategic Security Bureau.

This also means that their strength is expanding step by step.

There was a hint of guilt in Lan Siqi's eyes, obviously feeling that she had let Liang Ye down.

"Don't blame yourself, you did a good job this time and protected the plane; if it wasn't for you, V's people would have taken the plane away."

Liang Ye is not consoling, but really appreciates Lan Siqi's ability to work.

"I still haven't done well," Lan Siqi said.

"No one can guarantee that you will be 100% fine when you perform the task. It's nothing. You can take a good rest."

With that said, Liang Ye stood up and planned to leave.

"Major." Lan Siqi suddenly stopped Liang Ye, and she asked worriedly, "Do I still have a chance to go out?"

Hearing her question, Liang Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. If you have a chance, I won't stop you from going out because of your injury."

Lan Siqi has already demonstrated her ability to carry out missions. Her command successfully protected the Hercules transport plane, which is a very good performance.

Injury is an accident, which no one can avoid.Liang Ye would not say that he would not take her out of the field because she was injured once.

Liang Ye himself would also be injured when performing tasks. For example, the last time Claire awakened his ability, he had a broken left hand.

After receiving Liang Ye's affirmative answer, Lan Siqi finally showed a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Major."

Liang Ye nodded slightly, then turned and left.

But when he reached the door, Liang Ye stopped, turned his head and added, "That Wang Yu was very nervous about your injury, and he saved you."

After speaking, Liang Ye left quickly, leaving behind Lan Siqi who hadn't reacted yet.

(End of this chapter)

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