Ghost Task Force

Chapter 370 Travel

Chapter 370 Travel
"I have overstepped the authorization, and the director will kill me if he knows that I let you come here." Liang Ye smiled, put his arm around Xiao Xiao's shoulder, looked at another fighter jet that was about to take off, and said, "Here, is the center of everything."

The role of the headquarters of the Strategic Defense Bureau is not only to control everything, but also to be responsible for the defense of the entire East China coast, including sea and air.

The fighter jets here belong not only to the Air Force, but also to the Security Bureau.

Every day, air force training is organized here. It is very common for fighter jets to take off and land here, and everyone is no stranger to it.

Xiao Xiao didn't understand Liang Ye's words, but when she saw another fighter jet take off, she understood something in her heart.

Liang Ye brought her to a base, a well-organized base.

The building of the headquarters of the Security Bureau and various equipment opened Xiao Xiao's eyes.

Her books have always praised the soldiers of China, and now, she finally has close contact with the military facilities of China.

"You want to take me to see these?" Xiao Xiao asked.

Liang Ye shook his head hastily, and he waved to Claire. After Claire came to his side, he said, "I'm taking you two to a place."


"Go on a trip."

Ten minutes later, a Wraith fighter plane slowly took off from the tarmac and flew towards the sea.

This fighter plane was piloted by Liang Ye himself, and the plane did not carry any weapons such as missiles except for the standard cannon.

In the cabin, slow down the grill and some food.

Liang Ye is now taking Xiao Xiao and Claire to a picnic, and is also training Claire.

He could have Claire train in the Ability Training Center, but Liang Ye wanted to kill two birds with one stone, so he brought Xiao Xiao along.

Xiao Xiao didn't know that Claire had superpowers yet, but she was looking forward to the next picnic because Liang Ye gave her a surprise.

She never expected that Liang Ye would take her out as soon as he came back, and he was still on the plane of the Strategic Security Bureau.

This is the first time she has seen this kind of plane full of futuristic sci-fi feeling, and she has only seen similar ones in movies before.

"This is Ghost No. [-]. It has entered the state of level flight, and everything is normal." Liang Ye turned on the autopilot while talking.

After setting, Liang Ye left the driver's seat, then walked into the cabin and said to Xiao Xiao and Claire: "We are now going to an uninhabited island in the sea, where there is no one to govern. And the mountain is very high and the scenery is beautiful , suitable for traveling and also suitable for Claire to train there."

Claire nodded vigorously. She has been looking forward to this training, because when she finishes training, she will be able to receive Liang Ye's order and return to society.

"Training?" Xiao Xiao looked curious.

Liang Ye and Claire looked at each other, then sat next to Xiao Xiao, held her hand and said, "It's time for me to confess to you."

Xiao Xiao blinked her eyes, she was full of curiosity about what Liang Ye was going to say next.

"Claire, like me, has superpowers, but her superpowers have just awakened and are out of control. I brought her here today, not only for travel, but also to strengthen her control over superpowers. Only her Only when I have complete control can I let her return to society."

After Liang Ye finished speaking, he stared into Xiao Xiao's eyes and watched the change of her expression.

He guessed right, Xiao Xiao's eyes were full of surprise.

After all, such a petite child as Claire is actually a supernatural person, which made Xiao Xiao unable to react for a while.

Liang Ye held her hand tightly, waiting for her to adjust her emotions.

As long as the supernatural beings don't do anything harmful, Xiao Xiao will not discriminate against the supernatural beings.

"This..." Xiao Xiao glanced at Claire, then at Liang Ye, and said in surprise, "How is this possible?"

She really couldn't believe it, she always thought Claire was a weak child.

"I possessed supernatural powers when I was five years old. Nothing is impossible in this world." Liang Ye laughed.

Claire was a little nervous, she had always been grateful to Xiao Xiao in her heart, and now she was very afraid that Xiao Xiao would think badly of her.

After a while, Xiao Xiao recovered from her surprise, she turned her gaze to Claire, but Claire quickly lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Xiao Xiao's gaze.

"I think she is afraid, afraid that you will look at her strangely." Liang Ye whispered in Xiao Xiao's ear.

Xiao Xiao glanced at Liang Ye, and finally suppressed all the surprise in her heart, then left her seat and walked towards Claire.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's back, Liang Ye couldn't help letting out a sigh.

Like Claire, he attaches great importance to Xiao Xiao's opinion; because Xiao Xiao is the most important person in his heart, and this will never change.

Xiao Xiao walked in front of Claire, she squatted down, and then held Claire's palm.

"It's okay, I won't discriminate against people like you, what's more, Claire, you are so cute, so what if you are a supernatural being?" Xiao Xiao stretched out her hand and pinched Claire's small face.

No one would have thought that it was such a small little girl who broke Liang Ye's arm on the night when her ability was awakened.

Every time he thinks of this incident, Liang Ye can't help but smile wryly, after all, this is the first time he was hurt by a child.

But he will not take the initiative to bring up this matter, because Claire has always been in the shadow of this matter.

Liang Ye had been helping her all the time, but she had caused Liang Ye to be hurt; so Claire couldn't let go of this matter, but she didn't show it.

Seeing Xiao Xiao whispering to Claire, Liang Ye couldn't help smiling. He didn't stay in the cabin any longer, and quickly returned to the driver's seat.

The island is only [-] kilometers away from the headquarters of the Strategic Defense Bureau, and at the speed of a ghost fighter, it can be reached very quickly.

"Land in 2 minutes." After Liang Ye finished speaking, he focused on piloting the plane.

His driving skills are not as good as Deng Xuan's, and he is not professional; but he is also a pilot and has a flight license.

Both Xiao Xiao and Claire sat in their seats and fastened their seat belts.

It was the first time for Xiao Xiao to take a Phantom fighter plane, and the Phantom fighter plane gave her the feeling that the flight was very stable, no different from taking an ordinary civilian airliner.

But what she didn't know was that the speed of the Wraith fighter was several times faster than that of a civilian airliner, which was unmatched by ordinary aircraft.

Moreover, when necessary, the Wraith can be used as a fighter.In other words, this is a fighter jet.

"Ghost No. [-] called the headquarters and prepared to land on Island No. [-]." As he spoke, Liang Ye started the landing procedure.

At this time, the fighter plane has already flown above the island, which is composed of three peaks over 300 meters high; the whole island is full of dense forests, exuding a strong atmosphere of nature.

The only difference is that there is a lighthouse on the edge of the island.This lighthouse has been in existence for more than 100 years and is a historical building.

(End of this chapter)

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