Ghost Task Force

Chapter 373 That's One Person

Chapter 373 That's a Person
Liang Ye was teaching Claire how to use supernatural powers, while Xiao Xiao was in charge of grilling and preparing food; at this time, Xiao Xiao was like a good wife at home. When her husband was busy, she had already prepared everything at home.

From time to time, Xiao Xiao raised her head to look in the direction of Liang Ye and Claire, and every time she glanced, she would smile.

The training lasted for more than an hour, until the two of them felt hungry, only to find that Xiao Xiao had already baked a lot of chicken wings and drumsticks.

"Let's rest for a while." Xiao Xiao said to the two of them.

Liang Ye nodded, and led Claire towards Xiao Xiao.

The barbecue is placed on the plate with a skewer, and every time the wind blows, it will bring bursts of fragrance.

Xiao Xiao poured a glass of fruit juice for both Liang Ye and Claire, and then carefully smeared honey on the chicken legs that Liang Ye liked to eat.

Liang Ye doesn't like spicy food, so she didn't add chili to the barbecue.

Although she didn't spend much time with Liang Ye, she has always been paying attention to and understanding what Liang Ye likes and what she doesn't like.

All the gifts she bought for Liang Ye are well preserved, but Liang Ye has no time to collect them.

"I'm starving to death." As soon as Liang Ye sat on the carpet, he went straight to get the roasted chicken legs.

"Crack!" Xiao Xiao slapped his hand and said, "Don't worry, be careful of burning."

As she said that, Xiao Xiao brought a bunch of cooler chicken wings to Claire, and whispered: "Here, this one is not so hot."

Claire reached out to take it, and said with a bright smile, "Thank you sister."

Liang Ye drank the juice, then took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and found that there were several dynamic messages from the Strategic Security Bureau.

However, Liang Ye didn't pay attention to it after a few glances, because it was just some progress update of some tasks, and there was no unexpected situation.

"Are you tired today?" Xiao Xiao asked in a low voice while wiping Claire's hands with a tissue, "How do you feel?"

"The most tiring one is brother Liang Ye. I really learned a lot." Claire said.

Liang Ye smiled, and just when he was about to say something, a black spot suddenly appeared in the sky.

Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye raised his head and looked at the sky above the sea.

Not only Liang Ye, but even Claire and Xiao Xiao noticed it.

I saw a black shadow appearing in the sky, and this black shadow was falling rapidly towards the sea surface, falling tens of meters in less than a few seconds.

Liang Ye stood up quickly, and then turned on the telescope function of the sunglasses.

When he saw the black shadow clearly, his eyes widened.

"That's a person!" After Liang Ye finished speaking, he quickly ran towards the cliff.

When Xiao Xiao and Claire heard Liang Ye's words, they quickly stood up and caught up with Liang Ye's footsteps.

What Liang Ye saw was a woman in a black leather jacket, she was falling towards the sea out of control; according to her current falling speed and height, when she fell on the sea, she would be crushed to pieces.

"What should I do?" Xiao Xiao asked anxiously.

She didn't want to encounter a dead person when she finally went on vacation with Liang Ye, and it happened under her watch.

Liang Ye exhaled, he slowly raised his right hand, and began to control the sea breeze blowing on the sea.

All the winds of nature can become Liang Ye's strength, the wind can speed up or slow down, so Liang Ye intends to use the sea breeze to slow down the woman's falling speed.

Liang Ye used his abilities while calculating how high the woman was from the sea.

When the woman fell to less than 300 meters, Liang Ye took a deep breath, and then released the sea wind that had been swirling on the sea towards the sky.

A gust of sea wind, powerful enough to knock down a big tree, rushed straight towards the sky.

The strong sea breeze collided with the falling woman, and immediately slowed down the woman's falling speed by half; while Liang Ye continued to strengthen the strength of the sea breeze, so that the woman's speed was constantly slowing down while she was falling.

Liang Ye said a word when teaching Claire just now, that is: "The important thing is not what superpower you have, but how you use it and where you use it."

He is now using his superpowers to save people, and his actions are beyond the reach of other supernatural beings.

This is not only the advantage of ability, but also the result of Liang Ye's control and in-depth understanding of his ability over the years; before, he really couldn't use his ability like this.

It was as if there was a shock wave rising continuously from the sea, slowing down the woman's speed to one meter per second.

When the woman touches the sea surface, even if she falls flat on the sea surface, she will not be injured again.

"What should we do?" Claire asked.

As soon as her words fell, the woman fell into the sea water; and Liang Ye observed through the telescope, it could be seen that she passed out.

"Let's save her." Liang Ye said.

Two minutes later, the Wraith fighter left the top of the mountain and flew towards the sea.

As for the barbecues that were ready to eat, they have been taken back to the plane.

When such a sudden situation happened, no one was in the mood to eat. Liang Ye was thinking about what happened, while Xiao Xiao and Claire were worried about the woman who fell into the sea.

After all, she appeared in the sky very suddenly.

If Liang Ye didn't make a move, she would definitely be smashed to pieces when she fell into the sea.

It's not Liang Ye's style to see death and not save him, not to mention that he is still a soldier, a secret agent, whatever his identity, his priority is protection.

The plane quickly flew to the sea, Liang Ye opened the rear hatch, and then lowered the flight altitude.

Xiao Xiao sat on the seat with Claire, she didn't feel any dissatisfaction with the sudden interruption of the journey, she was now worried about whether the woman who fell into the sea was still alive.

She is a kind girl and the last thing she wants to see is death and pain.

Liang Ye controlled the plane to fly above the woman, and lowered the plane to the air less than half a meter away from the sea.

The running of the engine caused waves in the sea, Liang Ye left the driver's seat, turned and walked towards the rear hatch.

"Do you need help?" Xiao Xiao asked him.

Although he was worried, Liang Ye still smiled at Xiao Xiao, and said as he walked, "No, you and Claire just stay there."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye stopped by the rear hatch.

He parked the plane just right, the woman was not far from the rear hatch, Liang Ye only needed to reach out and grab her.

The waves of the sea were constantly surging, wetting the rear hatch of the Wraith Fighter; while the woman was floating on the water at this moment, floating with the waves of the sea, drifting further and further away.

Liang Ye quickly reached out and carried her onto the plane.

Xiao Xiao and Claire walked over at this time, Liang Ye closed the rear hatch, and then fixed his eyes on the woman's face.

When he saw the woman's face clearly, his eyes widened subconsciously, and he subconsciously said, "What's going on?"

Hearing his voice, both Claire and Xiao Xiao turned their heads, their eyes full of surprise.

"She is an agent of the Security Bureau, and her name is Nightingale!"

(End of this chapter)

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