Ghost Task Force

Chapter 377 Unless It's Super Power

Chapter 377 Unless It's Super Power
Zhao Long's support to the task force in Brazil made Liang Ye temporarily dispel his doubts about him.

When supporting the task force, Zhao Long was conscientious, carrying a machine gun by himself to outflank the attackers from behind.

The combat agents expressed their gratitude to Zhao Long for his support, and Liang Ye couldn't find any reason to continue to doubt him, so he didn't continue to target this eighth-level agent.

Lei Yu had no objection to Liang Ye's decision, he nodded and left the lounge.

Zhao Long is still at the headquarters, so it's easy to find him.

Liang Ye took the tablet and sat beside Xiao Xiao. He looked at the information displayed on the screen, frowning slightly, as if he was worried about something.

His appearance made Xiao Xiao a little nervous. Xiao Xiao wanted to say something, but she was afraid of disturbing his thinking.

"Are we just staying on the sidelines now, waiting for other agents to report back on the situation?" Deng Xuan asked.

Liang Ye didn't look up, and said while staring at the screen: "For the time being, yes, the most important thing is that we need to know the condition of Nightingale first. If she can regain normal consciousness, then we may get something useful from her." If not, then we will talk to the chairman of Weixi Pharmaceutical Group in person."

Because Nightingale's actions today were not recorded, Liang Ye didn't know whether the chairman of Weixi Group was on that plane.

The premise of the operation is to have sufficient intelligence support, so Liang Ye needs to know where the plane landed, and then send agents to investigate.

This was the first time that Liang Ye took the initiative to intervene in an agent's mission. It didn't mean that he had nothing to do, but that this incident happened to him, and it seemed serious.

An agent fell from a plane without a parachute and remains unconscious.

If Liang Ye hadn't happened to be there, Nightingale would have been crushed to pieces.

Of course, this situation will attract the attention of the Strategic Security Bureau, not to mention that Nightingale is a sixth-level agent.

Claire has been looking at Liang Ye and the others eagerly. She is not a soldier yet, let alone participate in missions, so she has no right to speak.

Sensing Claire's gaze, Liang Ye turned to look at her, and said, "You can go back to school now, I will send out a notice later, and you can go back to school and continue studying from tomorrow."

As if she didn't expect this surprise to come so suddenly, Claire didn't react immediately.She still looked at Liang Ye with her big eyes, and the surprised expression on her face made Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao couldn't help but smile.

Just when Liang Ye was about to say something, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and the caller was Zhou Yuying.

Hearing the rapid ringtone of the phone, Liang Ye quickly connected the phone.

"Captain, Nightingale has woken up!"

"What?" Liang Ye stood up from the sofa, frowned and said, "Didn't the anesthesia bomb allow her to sleep for two hours? It's only been 10 minutes, how is this possible!"

Zhou Yuying on the other end of the phone was also very puzzled, she said: "I don't know, but she is in a very stable state now, I think it is necessary to report to you."

"You're doing well, I'll go and have a look now."

Liang Ye put down the tablet in his hand, then winked at Tang Hao and Deng Xuan.

The two also heard the conversation between Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying just now, and after seeing Liang Ye's instructions, they immediately turned and left the lounge.

Liang Ye didn't leave right away, he put his hand on Xiao Xiao's head, hesitant to speak.

Of course Xiao Xiao knew what he wanted to say, grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "Go and do your work, I'm here to accompany Claire."

The actions of the two did not take into account the feelings of this little girl, Claire. She watched the two of them throw dog food helplessly, but her heart was full of joy because she could return to school.

Although the training this afternoon was brief, Liang Ye saw great potential in her; that's why he decided so quickly to let Claire return to society.

Claire has been able to control her own abilities very well, at least in today's training; she has not had any problems, and can release her abilities according to Liang Ye's instructions.

Now it is completely possible for her to lead a normal life, and Liang Ye doesn't have too much to worry about.What's more, for a little supernatural being like Claire, the Bureau of Strategic Security would naturally arrange agents to protect him secretly. Liang Ye didn't need to worry about Claire's safety.

Claire is currently also willing to join the Ghost Task Force. She will conduct special agent training in her spare time, so her strength will gradually improve.

Although she will be very tired doing this, she will get more. In the future, like Liang Ye, she can be both a supernatural person and a professional agent.

These are all her own choices, and she is also very clear that if her own assassin ability is still there, she will be able to protect her mother the night the Apocalypse Knights found her.


The headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau has a special detention floor, and it is not an exaggeration to say that each detention room is isolated from the outside world.The defense capability inside can withstand all kinds of weapon attacks, even if it is Liang Ye or Tang Hao, don't even think about breaking through after being locked in.

At this time, in the medical detention room, Nightingale was lying on the hospital bed like this, her hands and feet were handcuffed, and she couldn't move at all.

Zhou Yuying was discussing something with a doctor, and she didn't stop talking until Liang Ye walked in with other task force members.

Liang Ye glanced at Nightingale, then asked, "How's the situation?"

"It can be seen that she has opened her eyes now, but there is no reaction." Zhou Yuying walked to the side of Nightingale, pointed to the monitor next to her and said, "Although Nightingale looks awake on the surface, looking at these It can be seen from the data that her brain is in a sleep state."

Everyone: "..."

"This is too weird!" Lei Yu was the first to say.

Zhou Yuying shrugged her shoulders and said, "I also think it's weird, the current situation is like this."

"Can you find out what's the reason?" Liang Ye crossed his arms and said with a frown, "I have to wake her up, only she knows what happened."

"We are working hard." Zhou Yuying replied.

She can only give such an answer at present, although she has many degrees; but this is the first time she has encountered such a thing, so it will take some time to solve the mystery.

"She looks like a living dead. What can cause a normal person to become like this?" Deng Xuan looked at Nightingale lying on the hospital bed, and said with a strange face: "In my impression, there is no medicine or drug. Weapons can do that, unless..."

Speaking of the latter, Deng Xuan didn't continue talking.

"Unless it's super powers." Liang Ye helped him complete the words.

(End of this chapter)

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